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TRIBBLE Maintenance and Release Notes - October 20, 2011



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Fixed the bug that was not giving dead players on the Mirror Universe events their loot.
    I hope the same will be done with STFs. I really hate it when I finish the mission and get nothing just because I died a second before the boss was killed.

    Also, the team is disbanded right away after finishing last objective which creates some issues with getting the loot for the optional objective.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Are those new +1 ships going to hit Redshirt for testing? It's a bit weird to test them by spending essential C-Points....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Heezdedjim wrote:
    What possible reason could you have for making this change? Sorry, but this was just a stupid waste of time for whoever had to do it. Why, exactly, would you remove three sectors from the transwarp catalog of this ability, which are no more or less useful to be able to go to than any other? Even Sirius was nice, despite that we have an innate ESD warp, because it warps to a location that might be closer to where I'm going, and avoids one zone change out of the SOL system.

    Seriously, this was just dumb. Change it back please. There was no need to nerf the transwarp in order to compensate for the power bonus, since TW is not a combat power. If you wanted to add the power bonus to offset the fact that you lose a slot in order to gain the TW ability, fine, but why do you need to TRIBBLE with the ability that is the whole point of using the console in the first place?

    Even better would be just get rid of this console and put the ship back the way it was. Since this is the one non-combat special ability, there is a logical basis for not attempting to console-ify this one. The ship wasn't broken in any sense before this, and every "fix" you make is just making it slightly worse in some way.

    Exactly! Testify!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    So to craft a mark 11 beam weapon it will take just over 15000 in dilithium + the other stuff to make it. So ya you might as well just drop crafting all togather there is no real reason to do it now! i my sell will no longer be craft untill they fix this!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    decker999 wrote: »
    Only because 1 game does something doesn't mean every other game has to, too. Honestly i could live with something else being required to craft, even Dilithium if necessary. Three points that IMHO are important then:

    - Dilithium has to be tradable
    - Dilithium fleet storage
    - increased refinement cap

    Yes it would be grindy and harder to get then now, that's ok. But it would not kill the cooperation aspect. At the moment there is little ingame reason for a fleet so crafting and being able to share resources are two of the few. For this very reason it is not important if the crafting system is comparable to other games or not, it's functionality is important for STO.

    Its not "one" game, its pretty much every MMO that has some sort of tinkered out crafting system. Every major MMO has some sort of time sink for crafting, it might be arare item or gold or whatever but its there.

    But i agree that there need to be some sort of cooperative features, so dedicated crafters can be supplied by the fleet. A poolable dilithium storage for fleets is a must for this.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    ouch crafting just became expansive whit the Dilithium addition :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    What is the forum tag for strikethrough?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    There is now a new interact effect.

    I don't care for this at all. We were making great strides in improving interact effects until this most recent addition. On smaller consoles it looks superfluous, and on larger objects, such as doors, it looks ridiculous. (Visit the turbolift to the shipyard on Earth Spacedock, for instance.) I'd recommend this be done away with entirely.

    And, while we're at it, I don't care for the new animation which makes it appear as if my bridge officers are silently mouthing the words in their dialogue.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    [*]T5 Intrepid Retrofit
    • Ablative Generator is now a Console item.
    • Added Engineering Console Slot.

    I'm a bit confused here. I thought the point in make all these specials consoles was so that we could swap them out & put them on other ships. But the Ablative armor only works on the Intrepid-like ships. Is there plans to make it work on all ships or are the people who buy the Intrepid Refit just getting the short end of the stick?


    PS: I should mention that I have a Refit Intrepid and pulled the Armor Generator off from it & tried to put it on my Nova it wouldn't go.

    Also there is a bug where you cannot equip the generator onto any ship including an Intrepid from the ship selection window.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    dixonium wrote: »
    I don't care for this at all. We were making great strides in improving interact effects until this most recent addition. On smaller consoles it looks superfluous, and on larger objects, such as doors, it looks ridiculous. (Visit the turbolift to the shipyard on Earth Spacedock, for instance.) I'd recommend this be done away with entirely.

    And, while we're at it, I don't care for the new animation which makes it appear as if my bridge officers are silently mouthing the words in their dialogue.

    Yeah. My new BOFF: Marcel Marceou

    No thanks.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    most of the consoles are class limited then what is the use of having them?
    Don't get me wrong it's ok that not every ship has saucer separation because they aren't build to do so in the first place...

    ... but the tachyon detection field (from the Nebula), the transparent drive coil (From the Excelsior) & the cloaking device (Galaxy X & defiant) why are those gimped to one ship class?

    Especially + keeping in mind that I don't want to open a can of worms here....... but....., almost every future Federation ship has cloak don't see the reason of the console not being universal like they say they are.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The EEPH has stated they would rather be silent than misunderstood. While I can understand they don't want to show their hand to soon, an explanation of why they made the changes in this patch is in order. If you don't want to consult with us prior to a major change, that is your perogative, but I believe it would be in Cryptic's best interest to have the playerbase understand and support your decisions from a point of knowledge than have these rage wars happen every week.

    If you won't tell us before, at least tell us in the patch notes why this is being changed. You know that the rage just gets worse as the day(s) go on without information. Name any organization that you provide money to that you yourself would not be outraged if they made such fundamental and drastic changes without any explanation.

    Let us be your test bed and sounding board, not the roller coaster of emotional responses to cryptic changes we get every week.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    BDS wrote:
    The EEPH has stated they would rather be silent than misunderstood. While I can understand they don't want to show their hand to soon, an explanation of why they made the changes in this patch is in order. If you don't want to consult with us prior to a major change, that is your perogative, but I believe it would be in Cryptic's best interest to have the playerbase understand and support your decisions from a point of knowledge than have these rage wars happen every week.

    If you won't tell us before, at least tell us in the patch notes why this is being changed. You know that the rage just gets worse as the day(s) go on without information. Name any organization that you provide money to that you yourself would not be outraged if they made such fundamental and drastic changes without any explanation.

    Let us be your test bed and sounding board, not the roller coaster of emotional responses to cryptic changes we get every week.

    Well, that's the funny thing. Gozer has been somewhat forthcoming about the STF changes, and Heretic has been extremely attentive to the DOff system. So there's been quite a lot of activity in the Dev Tracker. Just no reasons 'why.' I doubt we'll ever get those reasons, to be honest, though it would be nice.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Why is a ship I've aready paid for and had for age losing functionality? I want ALL the TWs I paid for. I'm fine with making it a console even though I'm effectivly losing a slot, but I want every sector I have now on it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I was wondering if it would be possible for the Fleet Actions to be startable with only 1 person. I understand they aren't designed to be done by 1 person. But especially when we have dailies for high end there are times I don't have time to run the FA, and unless that FA is the FA of the day, nobody really has any incentive to run it at all so I could sit there in QUE until the next full moon. So if at all possible allow us to run them solo, not nerf them, just gives us a solo option.

    **And why for the love of Pete, did the GAL-R get a science console instead of a tactical one? Why?**
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    what is apparent is that Cryptic wants everyone, gold and silver alike, to have to spend money to get anything. They don't want people buying them in the exchange for energy credits, so they will make everyone have to craft their own stuff and either grind (prohibitive with the cap) or pay cash to get the dilithium to make their own stuff. This is for every tier for every piece of equipment. Of course the easiest way to get anything by far will be to pay cash for it. Even for people who pay to play already and farm anomalies and worked their crafting skills to the top. It's taking away something from the loyal players and attempting to force them to spend cash to do what they already can do without cash on Holodeck now.

    Every aspect of the game is being turned into "pay or grind for weeks". You bought the Excelsior, now you have to buy it again in T3 version to keep the transwarps you already have and paid cash for. You craft, well now you wont, because you can't trade dilithium and and selling the item only nets you energy credits, the currency the game is already awash with. It destroys the crafting for others or for selling on the exchange mechanic we have had for a year. It's pretty close to destroying the crafting system entirely.

    The furor over taking away our free ship tokens got them to restore them (except the VA ship, a big takeaway from every player that is the "compromise" over the issue) and apparently the devs are gluttons for punishment, since the only way we have to effect any change to this latest destruction of an entire game system is to again go on the warpath.

    December is coming. Please give me a reason to keep playing after then. Right now you're telling me that you aren't interested in keeping us as players.

    You're also telling me that I can't afford to test on tribble anymore. I have to go craft and grind and do everything I can now until f2p launches and my game is set back about 10 steps from what we already have.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    economy still needs serious tweaking the crafting prices are way overpriced whit the Dilithium addition, their is only a +/- 6700 Dilithium difference whit the Dilithium item store (formally know as Emblem store)

    Example Phaser Dual Heavy cannons "Store VS Crafting">>>> (yes they don't have the same stats, that's beside the point I'm' making)
    Store >>> 22620 (grind missions & ore Doff Misions)
    Crafting >>>15834 (For this you have to grind mission farm & get lucky to find the rare samples you need)
    >>>you just killed high level crafting if this gets pushed to holodeck.<<<
    Half the Dilithium for what it costs on the Dilithium item store (formally know as Emblem store) would be a start. & 1/3 would be acceptable numbers.

    P.S. Why is the Dilithium item store (formally know as Emblem store) Bind on Pick up "again"!!!.... that's really is disappointing, if I want to blow all my Dilithium to outfit a secondary Character/Toon or a friend of mine isn't that my choice? ...either way the house always wins.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Exactly. My Engineer has been crafting things for fleetmates without any compensation (I just ask that they provide the anomalies; most recent item I crafted for someone else was the Aegis shield). I can't imagine spending my own dilithium to outfit someone else without a way to be compensated for that same dilithium. This helps to kill the community aspect that Cryptic claims is important to the game.

    Why don't they just turn this into a FPS and do away with teams, fleets or anything that would bring people together. I also crafted for friends as long as they supplied the items but no way to do that now. So much for the needs of the many... now it's just the needs of the ONE (Cryptic/Perfect World). Perfect way to kill an MMO or at least get rid of veteran players.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    some of these changes are good and i cannot wait for them to come out, but the dilithium economy really needs to be re-evaluated for it would be just a massive grind for fleet crafters atm.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    the interact icon is fine if its a toggle. its actually fairly helpful at times, but i dont think i want it on all the time. make it a toggle and its fine. if not id just remove it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The new interact flash is good, and a welcome improvement over the one it replaced on Tribble. The flash itself is a reasonable intensity, and it's visible from across a room, as it should be. The little grinding gears callout is . . . ok, well that's a little bit loltastic, but whatever. The main thing is that we can see the things, and we can see them in all the different environments that we will have in missions, and this iteration does that, either with or without the gears.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    [*]T3 Excelsior
    • Transwarp is now a Transwarp Drive Coil Console.
    • Console grants Transwarp plus a passive bonus to Weapon, Shield, Engine, and Aux Efficiency Stat.
    • Added Tactical Console Slot.
    • Upgraded Ensign Engineering Boff slot to a Lt Engineering Boff Slot.

    [*]T5 Excelsior Retrofit
    • Now comes with an Advanced Transwarp Drive Coil console mod.
    • Console grants Transwarp (but no longer to Sirius, Regulus, or Pi Canis), but also grants a passive bonus to Weapon, Shield, Engine, and Aux Performance Stat.
    • No console slots added.

    I'd still reather see this be a universal device in the vain of the Red Matter Converter, and able to be used on any standard ship ( read: Non-Shuttle Caft ) Please make it so.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I know this has been mentioned already but it's just such a horrible thing I have to say something about it. I'm sorry but I think it's a joke that besides not gaining a slot for the transwarp console the T5 Excelsior is losing the transwarp to Sirius, Regilus and Pi Canis. Every other ship gets the extra slot for their new console except the T5 Excelsior. That is just down right unfair. We paid for this ship to do what it does and have the console slots that it first came with. To change it now is just a slap in the face to the many paying customers who used their hard earned money to get it.

    Also now the added Dilithium to crafting? To make one Phaser Beam Array Mk XI [ACC] [DMG]x2 for example you now added on a 15,834 Refined Dilithium surcharge????

    That's just not right Cryptic. Salami, the Cryptic team should be ashamed of themselves for what they just did to us players.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Amen to that.

    Amazing how quiet it is in here, isn't it? Guess we don't want to take a chance on misinforming us?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Dreadnought Cruiser:
    Cloak is a Cloaking Device Console item.
    Added Tactical Console Slot.

    Thank you Devs! :eek: Changes like these make it so I can't wait for F2P to launch. Keep'm coming!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I'd still reather see this be a universal device in the vain of the Red Matter Converter, and able to be used on any standard ship ( read: Non-Shuttle Caft ) Please make it so.
    Brother, you just earned yourself the Single Most Obnoxious Use of a QUOTE Tag in All History award.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    If they want to add an additional costs to crafting those costs must be trade-able via trade windows, so replace the terrible dilithium costs with Energy Credits since otherwise your are irrevocably destroying the crafting system, especially for fleet crafters.

    Your double gating crafting with the particles/anomalies and dilithium and since we can't trade dilithium we can't craft for someone else without grinding the dilithium ourselves which is a move that will destroy crafting. If you drop the anomalies, then this is just vendering, and right now the 'discount' is trivial compared to the cost of the components your wanting. it should eitehr be schematic + anomalies and possible particles like on holodeck and if you must add something add Energy credits but not dilithium as crafting should be the 'dilithium free' method to get viable (non-common/white) gear.

    Next you know they will start adding a dilithium cost to do missions so that the gear we get from missions isn't dilithium free either.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Heezdedjim wrote:
    Brother, you just earned yourself the Single Most Obnoxious Use of a QUOTE Tag in All History award.

    Accolade Unlocked: Subdued Quote

    fix it, I agree the subdued text was a bad idea.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Next you know they will start adding a dilithium cost to do missions so that the gear we get from missions isn't dilithium free either.
    It should also cost 100 DL just to log in, and 500 DL to log out. And it should be 50 DL for every zone change.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Heezdedjim wrote:
    It should also cost 100 DL just to log in, and 500 DL to log out. And it should be 50 DL for every zone change.

    LOL I love it. Make it so Number One :D
This discussion has been closed.