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Ask Cryptic: August 2011 Questions, please!



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Other than a social zone what purpose will the Academy serve players who are already far beyond the tutorial stage exactly? Will it be a daily mission hub or a new quest line or what?

    Will the new Odyssey Class be seen in the Shipyards before it's fully in game?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Has there been any consideration of making weapons with maximum ranges greater or less than 10km? It would complicate balance, but only the ways a tactically significant choice should. :)

    How about sci/tac/eng modules to extend the range of certain player abilities?

    Or maybe weapons with minimum ranges (i.e., they can fire at targets between 5 and 10km away)? That might be an interesting combination with tractor beams or gravitic anomaly skills to keep targets at arm's length.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Have you ever considered adding Champions Online's nemesis system to STO? Many, if not all, Starfleet Captains had a nemesis (or more than one). Picard had Q; Sisco had Gul Dukat, Weyoun and Kai Winn; Janeway had the Borg Queen; Archer had Silik, future guy and the Xindi reptillian; Kirk had Khan and, well, the entire Klingon Empire. It would be great to be able to create a nemesis for ourselves and get random encounters (combat or non-combat) with them.

    Also do you have an ETA on the Foundry, myself and the other authors are really dying here.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Whats the tentative release schedule for the new featured series and will there be an overhaul to the look of the antiproton weapon designs as the way they have been they look like placeholder designs for the past year and no not fit with the designs of other weapons?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Two (and a half) quickie questions...

    Number One) While not expressly STO related, do you think we could ever get a video walk-through of Cryptic Studios? Maybe a day in the life of a dev? I would really like to see something like this ^_^ Alternatively, if not do-able, could I have a real tour? lol

    Number Two) Can we get an update on when we can expect Betazed sector block? You know I'm just going to keep asking like I did with the Tholians lol

    P.S. I love you Dan, you're the best executive producer ever ever!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Would it be possible to add STF's to the PvE queue?

    Sorry if that was asked already.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I remember hearing about the team possibly going in to fix the canon bridges when the TOS interior and bridge pack came out. Are there any plans to do this to the other canon bridges? Will we see other canon interiors like the Galaxy or Intrepid?

    As it is now, Diplomacy XP is only awarded on missions that have no combat, but there are plenty of diplomacy-involved missions (like examining the 5 damaged ships) which have baddies come in to ruin your day. Will we ever see Diplomacy XP awarded for missions that have combat but are more focused on conflict resolution, exploration, etc?

    Is there any interest on the team to revisit the scale of the galaxy? Planets, on the whole, seem small while asteroids and the like seem quite big. It makes flying a starship silly at times. It also seems like every planet in the galaxy has rings. Is there any hope of planets being more diverse?

    The way ships handle in Sector Space is smooth and fluid, making it seem like our starships are more immense, but in System Space, they turn hard over with just a nudge of the mouse or keyboard--which makes them feel more like dog fighters. Are there any plans to make starships handle the way they do in Sector Space in all scenarios?

    What happened to the improved hair tech? It's all but disappeared.

    Will the Federation ever get to play at Utopia Planitia?

    What do the plans for the Exploration revamp look like? Can you give us any details on what the team is discussing?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Q: Are there any plans to add more search options to the exhange? For example, the ability to sort bridge officer candidates by faction, species and gender?

    Q: Would it be possible to choose what side to put the command pips on? Would be nice to see them when using the hairstyle Ponytail 05 :)

    Q: Could you please add the ability to track accolades, so that they show up like regular missions?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I have three quick questions:

    Will we ever see Tri-D Chess in-game? If we ever do, would we play against our ship's computer, other players, or both?

    Will we ever be able to choose where our Bridge Officers appear on our bridge?

    Will the Captains Table ever get anything to make it worthwhile going there? Maybe a Dabo table could draw some life to the zone.

    Thank you for your time, MaxSpock
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    when is the expected release date for the enterprise?! release dates for DSE, featured episodes etc etc??

    Also for the enterprise bridge, there is a nice perpetual concept art bridge floating around that everyone seems to like, would you guys consider using that one??
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    How much longer will my Caitian have to go without a mane?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I always miss the ask Cryptic threads, so looks like this'll be the first time I get to ask some questions! :-)
    • Are there any plan to allow players to alter the uniforms on the unique BO's (Breen, Reman, Borg) so that players can keep them in keeping with the rest of thier crews?
    • The topic of removing sector block boarders has been brought up many times since the games launch, how far along are the tests into seeing if this will be posable?
    • Will sector space ever be revamped to be more 'colourful', so that it has maybe more obstciles to navigate 8such as nebulas that slow you down when warping thoguh them) so that sector space travel is a little less tedious?
    • Would it be possable to add a 'Beam Turret' to the game, so that players want to use Dual Beam setups don't have to put skill points into phasers 'and' canon skills.
    • Now that we've seen the awesome SFA map, will other social zones, like Risa get a makeover to be as equally impressive?
    • Many players want to fly the new Enterprise, but since it is a cruiser, it will be more engineering based, are there any plans to allow limited BO seat and console slots to ships in the future to allow players to further customise thier ships (this could be a good credit sink possibility)
    • Are we going to see the Tholians anytime soon?
    • There has been many complaints about the current ingame bug and ticket system, would it be possable to divert a little dev time into refining the current system so that it is more effective (this is crucially important for giving good feedback with bugs on tribble)
    • Any news on the Andorian warship getting added as a playable ship?
    • Would it be possable to add more 'trash' loot to ships when you destroy them, it seems all ships in the future are made solely from batteries!
    • I've always enjoyed farming mobs for items in MMO's, would it be an idea for certain races in the game to drop unique items, for example, a unique poleron damage console could drop off Jem'hadar battleships, specail regenerative shields could drop off Borg tactical cubes, etc
    • Are there any plans to add more ship devices to the game, currently, the choiece is quite limited, which is very obvious when flying a cruiser!
    • Are there any plans to add persistant zones where players can go to simply grind mobs (a little bit similar to how DSE's are now, but a little more interested than an empty map with ships in it), basically like regular zones in other MMO's.
    • Currently you can use C-store items in the Foundry, there has been rumours that players may need to purchase items before using them in the Foundry in the future, is this something that is been considered?
    • Could the UI get tweaked so that if you don't want an item, you could simply drag it out of your inventory into the screen to get a deletion confirmation box, instead of having to right click it to discard it.
    • Would it be possable to add shading to the powers in game, for example give tactical powers a red tinge, engineering a gold tinge, right now its not very user friendly having all of the powers in the same colour!
    • The rare particles for crafting are very difficult to tell apart as they all have the exact same icon, could they maybe get unique icons so they are easier to sort out!
    • Could a 'sort' option be added to the inventory/bank so that you can automatically stack items without having to spend time manually checking all your items.
    • Any chance we'll ever see 'warpcores' for ships, currently we only have the impulse engines, this could be a great way to further customise a ships power settings/recharge (would prolly use teh same stats you currently have on some consoles), as well as maybe effect sector speeds.
    • Could the game be altered so that when you want to switch charactors you don't have to actually log out of the game, but rather go to the character selection screen instead?
    • Can we get the patch notes returned to the launcher again?
    • Is it possable that the bridges of the ships could have an MSD panel that automatically loads the right MSD image depending on what ship type you are currently flying?
    • Are there any plans for accolade points to reward something, or maybe be able to use them to purchase something?
    • Are there any plans to review the current skill tree's, right now many players don't use some weapon types as much, such as polaeron, anti-proton because they simply cost too many skill points, maybe all weapon types should cost the same ammount of points, but have the expensive points used to increase thier crit, accuracy, damage, etc.

    I think thats enough for now :-P
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Will the Klingon Marauding system be solely confined to the DO system, or will it, like Diplomacy, eventually have an external component involving normal gameplay, with occasional special missions?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Will we ever see much more improved interiors, that include more then three decks and more functionality? I'm not asking for 20 decks but even five or six decks with lots of rooms to explore would be incredible!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    When will be able to purchase more uniform slots for our Bridge Officers; (whether in game or cstore)?

    Will the First officer system work as a universal commander slot or just a universal slot as specific per ship where that officer is placed?

    Also any more news on fleet starbases. Keep up the good work cryptic!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    With the possibility of fleet starbases on the horizon, how will these actually work ingame?, will we have pick a location, type of stabase design, customise the interior, have to defend it?

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    1. With Starfleet Academy's zone in game and the Klingon Academy zone being added soon, aside from the new tutorial what other content can we expect in both zones?

    2. When can we start to expect to see the remastered fed episodes from KDF points of view. With the change to the level gating of the Featured Episodes these are needed now more than ever.

    3. With the new KDF Variants having been confirmed, will we be able to expect new tier 1 KDF variants equal to the NX, TOS Connie, and Oberth?

    4. Can we expect a new KDF ship to go along side the Enterprise-F so that Klingons can get a new ship for a reward from the same mission (with a Klingon Perspective)

    5. When can we expect items like the Mercenary Uniforms, and the Visors on the KDF side? And when can trills use the Visors? A Trill is seen using Visor 4 in DS9 so why can't we in game?

    6. While I can understand the implications of race retraiting on some characters, what about limited retraiting, such as trills into join trills and humans/klingons into liberated borgs?

    7. A recent suggestion was made for a cross faction fleet action with a space and ground portion in which what happens on the ground (disabling systems) directly effecting the space portion. Will we ever see anything like that.

    8. What can fleets expect when it comes to fleet starbases? How customizable will they be. Will individual members have individual rooms? How will they be purchased? What functions will they have?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Should The Foundry become it own MMO ??


    So Cryptic can serve 2 different type of gamer/players.

    Those who want to create their own adventures/missions/stories in Star Trek universe and those who just want to play in the Star Trek universe and let the Dev/writers create the adventures/mission/stories to take part in.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    On looking at the Engineering report, something caught my eye.

    It is mention the group is looking at making a seemless Sector space. The team did such a incredible job the last update, it lead me to ask the question...

    In doing this, is their plans to make it more "vast"? if so what is the vision that is being discussed?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Will We eventually get more iconic locations like Paris on Earth...and whats the ETA on ships like the Ambassador class?

    Will klingons get a flagship contest as well?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Just a few questions off the top of my head...

    1.) Any plans for more sleeveless type uniforms? Sure the TOS Mirror Universe ones are nice but a few more sleeveless tops would at least give players the option to go with a more casual attire for those of us in laid back ships. (Yes my chief engineer installed cup holders on my center seat).

    2.) Caitian hair, we've seen it on M'ress in Star Trek The Animated Series, and looking at all the Caitians running around... they seem kinda... bald. I know the fur textures look good, but adding the option for hair would make those of us with Caitian characters be a bit more unique.

    3.) Err... I had a third, but the shuttle craft has left the shuttle bay...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    1 - will the breen ever get there own sector block with there own homeworld
    2 - When will the tholions make an appearance?
    3 - will the feds and klingons get additional sector blocks added?
    4 - when will we get the chance to upgrade our warpcores?
    5 - will we see more craftable ships like the delta flyer?
    6 - when will we see more mini games like poker?
    7 - When will the next FE start?
    8 - will the T4 Galaxy varients get added to the T5 galaxy?
    9 - Will we ever see additional pods for the nebula and the 4 naceled varient?
    10 - will we see more TMP style ships other than the Constitution, Excelsior, Centuar and Miranda?
    11 - As the Akula Class is seen on a 'circlur monitor' as a scymantic and the 'federation class dreadnought' is mentioned in dialog in ST1. what are the chance that these ships will appear in game?
    12 - Will we see more TNG style weapons?
    12 - When will we be able to edit our ship interors?
    13 - ETA on a working shuttle bay
    14 - When will we see additional shuttle missions?
    15 - will we get the ability to capture NPC ships (armada, SFC, Dominion Wars style)
    16 - what tier will the, Akira, connie, intrepid, defiant and galaxy veriants be?
    17 - will we see the federation / klingon neutral zone introduced?
    18 - if cryptic / CBS is able to sort out who owns the rights for the 'vesta class' would this open the door to see ships added from other 'soft cannon' sauces like books and games?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    whats the plain for carriers down the road? when we get teir 6 ships will their be a new carrier?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    When the Enterprise-F is released as an FE will there be an explanation as to how the Enterprise-E was decommissioned/destroyed? (And please do not kill Data, too much effort was used to bring him back)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    !. When are Utopia Planetia and Jupiter Station going to be add to STO and the foundry ??

    2. When can we pull into Earth Spacedock and see our batter and broken starship get repaired as a cutscene. Also when are we going to see long last damage to our starships. That can only be repaired at a Shipyard (IE Utopia Planetia) or a Space Station (IE Earth Spacedock) and in the foundry

    3. When are we going to see more of the Terran Federation/Empire ???

    4. Are we going to see the Space Amoeba, Tin Man, The Probe from ST 4 The voyage home or a MUGATO on planet ???

    5. What starships and their variants are comming out this September ???

    6. What is STO going to do for the 45th ANN of Star Trek TOS (9/8/1966) ???

    7. What well know major Star Trek actor/actress from (TOS,VOY,DS9,STNG or Enterprise). Would you like to VO work for STO next. If money was a problem ???

    8. What is your favorite Star Trek Series ????

    9. When will we be able to construct our own starship ??

    10. When will more Starship designs be added to Fed, Escort & Science Section.

    11. When will the KDF have their own Starship pages on the Startrekonline website ???

    12. Is the new Enterprise-F the only starship designed and built during the 25th century ???

    13. Where are the other (KDF/Starfleet/Romulan) Starship designed and built during the 25th Century ???
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    When the Enterprise-F is released as an FE will there be an explanation as to how the Enterprise-E was decommissioned/destroyed? (And please do not kill Data, too much effort was used to bring him back)

    Kill him off. The less that this game is tainted with anything related to Brent Spiner's ego, the better.

    Anyway, two questions:

    1. When will the Feature Episodes be resuming? We've had one this year, when we were promised a lot more.

    2. With the new Starfleet Academy in the game,will we be looking at other cities in the game at some point in the distant future? Couple on Qo'nos, maybe adding in Paris and Geneva, plus a few others?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    1. Has there been any thought about adding more missions to gain rare or very rare BOffs? Under the current system, it's a total TRIBBLE shoot on what you get from leveling. Perhaps this could be incorporated with the new SFA area.

    2. Would it be possible to add ribbons/medals to our uniforms based on the accolades that we gain? Maybe limit it to a certain amount based on a character's rank?

    3. Would it be possible to get some "vacation" clothing in the near future for places like RIsa?

    4. Are there any plans on adding android BOffs?

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    My interest in STO is cycling out (this is normal, I'm a cyclic gamer; I'll find my way back eventually). I figure I'll be back in three months.

    My question is simple. Might be a great way to cap off the August Ask Cryptic, too. You'll see why in a sec.

    In three months, where do you want the game to be, and where do you think it will be?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Is there any plans to make the LCARS in game more colourful ???
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    also is there any way just to have space as one big open zone and do away with the instances?
This discussion has been closed.