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Ask Cryptic: August 2011 Questions, please!



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Path to 2410 update?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    With the upcoming featured series at DS9, since the Deferi have the Snow Tubers and Drozana has the Comet Cocktail, any chance we can see the Warp Core Breach beverage make its way into Hadron's drink selection at Quark's Bar?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    With the upcoming featured series at DS9, since the Deferi have the Snow Tubers and Drozana has the Comet Cocktail, any chance we can see the Warp Core Breach beverage make its way into Hadron's drink selection at Quark's Bar?

    I would expect this to be a new food item for the featured episode 4, the one that is supposed to come out and be based around the DS9 sector. If it comes out at all. IMHO
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Would you consider adding an Enemy Database to the game, accessed from a computer on your bridge, and for additional missions.

    The idea is that as you kill enemies you gain knowledge of the enemies you fight and kill on STO. The more you kill the more data you get at the accolade levels.

    Example when you kill say 100 Klingon you would get a pop up detailing the various classes you get to fight as well as their general hit points at your level.

    at 250
    you would get their basic combat data, What types of weapons they use.

    at 500
    you would get like their general attacks and such.

    at 1000
    you would gain a damage to bonus as per standard reward. But you would also get their general attack style, ranged, melee, grenades. As well as perhaps gaining access to their weaknesses, if they are weak against a certain type of Energy Damage, Kinetic, physical, ect.

    All of this would be viewable on your ship's bridge library computer. Like a combination of entering the tailor, and having a database with information.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Content - I know that you have wanted to add more content more quickly, and that you have been pushing for new content. I'm sure the content teams have been working on something since March when the last FE came out.

    -Can you give us a general description of the amazing projects your crew has been working on and when to expect them? And have there been any problems to push these features back?

    Crafting/Pets - I love my pets in space, and I always have a pet with me on the ground.
    -On the topic of crafting pets, is there any update on the crafting update that will include craftable Horta and fighters and other new and amazing items? Can you tease any of these items?

    -And are future pets planned for release? Any sentient Exocomps or other species you can tease?

    -I wanted a pet Targ like so many got from the 1-Year bash. Any chance I may find one some other way?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I would expect this to be a new food item for the featured episode 4, the one that is supposed to come out and be based around the DS9 sector. If it comes out at all. IMHO

    Precisely what I'm saying/asking about.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Will we every see starships scalable like the shuttles and fighters we have in game, so we can stay with the same ship class threw the game, the name of the ship and class be become lendgens in the game . Like the Enterprise is like on the TV show
    thanks for reading
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    when the ground pvp maps were created at launch were they balanced for 2 foot tall alien toon? it seem that they have become the minmax toon. There height gives them a advantage in a match often able to exploit cover that was never meant to be used in such a way. These child like toons are often no bigger then a shield generator and difficult to pick out whit the shooter mode interface. Will there ever be any sort of balance pass on these types of exploits?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    when can we have the option of turning off the impulse/engine trails?!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Will the fate of the Enterprise-E and Captain Data be revealed in the upcoming episode where the Enterprise-F is launched? (I hope Data isn't killed off... again...) I actually rather hope he continues to be Captain of the Enterprise.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Yo, Stahl...

    I appreciate that you may not be able to discuss the fate of NCC-1701-E due to agreements with CBS, but is there any snowball's chance in heck of a possible context to why it can't be discussed? I'm alright with it remaining a mystery, but It would appease a lot of people around here if the constraints of the business were better understood. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Now that there is an option at Starfleet Academy to return directly to sector space, are there plans to add this option to other areas such as ESD, DS9, Qo'nos, etc.? Also, for these same systems, is it possible to have an option from sector space to "Enter X system and Beam to planetary/starbase location Y?" I'm all for fewer loading screens! :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Q1: Is there anything you can tell us about the upcoming PvP Stuff mentioned in the Engineering Reports? Does it also include Space PvP stuff?

    Q2: Any new features coming for the Foundry (soon)?

    Q3: Any guesses on when we get the ability to create Foundry PvP maps?

    Q4: What changes can we expect to see for Exploration in Season 5 and beyond?

    Q5: Any chances we'll see a revamp of Advance and Elite difficulty in space combat, to make it less about inflated hit points and damage values and more about the NPC using more powers that make them more challenging (and interesting) to fight?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Party and raid frames.

    Q: Can you add an option to the UI that always display the health and shield bars of friendly players for both space and ground?

    Example: I press a hot key and I can always see the health and shield bars of all friendly targets above their avatars.

    Right now it's a guessing game if I want to heal anyone out side of my part in a fleet action.

    Character uniform customization

    Q: Could you add the same level of features available to alien character creation system to the tailor?

    Question expanded: Can you add a feature to create a layered uniform that uses body armor as a basic model?

    Then add options to place an overlaying jacket or coat with adjustable the length, an option to add a split at the back and to set the angle of the split.

    And to top it all off customization options to each part of the armor. Boots, pants, waist and wrists.

    Example: I take my energy dampening body armor, add a utility belt, gun and equipment holster around my waist.

    Then I add the Environmental suit boots, edit some options on the boots so I have metallic plating on the toe and heal (steel cap space boots).

    Lastly I add a coat as an additional layer on top of my body armor. I extend the length of the cloak, add a split at the back and make the coat look a bit like a swashbuckler's coat and add some metal plating on the shoulders.

    Boffs and Doffs.

    Q: Will you be adding more ways to train unique and bound bridge officers?

    It's hard to train unique and bound bridge officers because you can't trade them.

    Fleet Action Scoring System

    Q: Can you add a Scoreboard display option to Fleet Actions and can you make changes to the way points are earned to include Active, Reactive and Proactive play styles?

    Question expanded: Active points awarded based on damage dealt with relevant targets providing more points.

    Reactive points awarded based on healing done to hull, shields and health with more points awarded for healing others.

    Proactive points awarded based on the amount of a damage increase dealt to hostile targets or a damage decrease deal to friendly targets.

    Again with the possibility of more points being awarded for increasing or decreasing the damage done or received by friendly targets.

    Lastly can you add a ranking system that scores based on ship or role class as well as performance. And awards the accolade to the highest of each class. The very rare reward is still provided to true first.

    Ships and licenses

    Have you made any progress acquiring a license for the DS9 Dominion Wars', Achilles class?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Luriea wrote:
    Hello just want to ask a few questions...

    1. Any chances of adding more to the reman shields? you know like a whole set, like Engines and Deflectors?

    2. I was wondering but any chances of adding more hair styles and etc. For character creation?

    3. Will you be adding the Enterprise from the new Star Trek movie?!

    4. What missions are you going to remaster next?

    Thanks for listening those are what I've been meaning to ask.

    hey guys I thought I would add to my questions but I was thinking, with the new Enterprise F coming out soon. Will there be any contests to create the next Excalibur Class or Voyger class ships?

    and Again I would like to know if they're be any chances of adding stuff to the Reman Shields, like Reman Engines and Reman Deflector?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    When is STO be able to go into new areas and able to visit every planet ?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I love visiting my bridge....Will we ever to be able to sit in the captain chair and fly our ships in TRUE Star Trek style viewing out main screen and having our Boff at actual stations

    would be EPIC
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Why do you have the Tribble Play Test Server?

    When it is painfully obvious that the bugs reported there are still present when you launch the new features on to the Holodeck Servers.

    What use does Tribble have when it can't even prevent major errors like the fail of the Foundry?

    Looking at the C-Store for Champions Online it is obvious that is uses the same business model as the one in Star Trek Online. With the huge difference that CO is Free To Play and that justifies their C-Store, but not ours.

    So when will STO go Free To Play to justify the business model for the STO C-Store or are you going to change the business model for the STO C-Store?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    1. Any plans on offering a retrait / re-race token for EC / merrits?

    2. With more and more people leaving STO due to to bugs, imbalances in and negligance of space PvP please be so kind to give us a summary of what is planned in the near future to improve PvP. Here are some issues to address:
    - Imbalance of healing and damage (cruiser > escort; Eng, Sci > Tac)
    - AFK emblem farmers in PvP matches
    - Leaderboards
    - new game modes (we don't need new maps, we need content)
    - simple improvements that would make the game more enjoyable (i.e. for C&H a progress-bar when capturing a point, small bug fixes like Tyken's Rifts that can be shot down, overpowered dreadnaught NPC spawns, 30 minutes timer for arena matches)

    Just to name a few. You know them all from the various bug reports and threads in the PvP and Tribble forums.

    Even the smallest detail is appreciated. Or - if PvP has no priority at all (let's fix the textures of item x on uniform y first before we add a new C-Store T2 variant of the Galaxy F^2) - just give us the simple statement that STO is a PvE game and will stay so in the future.

    3. The moon of Qo'noS has vanished with S4. This action leaves a hole in the heart of all Klingon players. Please bring it back.

    4. We need wheelchairs like the one Captain Pike used in TOS. Please add them as a future costume option.

    5. When will we be able to purchase the promised C-Store items with marks / items / merrits ingame (Oberth... Rhode Island)?

    6. When will be able to get those wonderful OP items like Pengs, Oberth and Rhode Island on the Klingon side? Efficient BO officers are another issue. Balance between Fed and Klingons is way off.

    And finally
    7. Is it really necessary to implement complicated game mechanics like the new officer system or ground combat 2.0 (which will cause new bugs, exploits and even more work for the programmers) before existing issues are fixed? Does it make sense to revamp missions instead of adding new ones?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Will the ship customization system ever be expanded upon in a way that allows for mixing-and-matching parts from similarly-designed ships at different rank? For example, will the parts of the Vesper be available to the Excelsior, and so on and so forth?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I am sure I will be ignored as usual, but I need to keep on asking:

    Any chance to add the possibility to un-bind an item?
    It would be great to help my fleet out doing STF missions with my tactical officer if I knew I could transfer it to my engineer afterwards.

    The un-bind token could be a mission reward or something like that, but at least I (and many more I've talked to) would appreciate to do so at all.

    PLEASE don't ignore me again :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Party and raid frames.

    Q: Can you add an option to the UI that always display the health and shield bars of friendly players for both space and ground?

    Example: I press a hot key and I can always see the health and shield bars of all friendly targets above their avatars.
    There is no option for making this triggerable by hotkeys, but I remember that you can set to show health bars and the like in the option menu. (I for example usually prefer to not display NPC names and health bars, unless they are taking damage, an always want to see player ships and team member damage values when they are taking damage. This way, I can see quickly who of my enemies are under fire, and "pet spam" is less annoyin.)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    With the possibility of all the Sector Blocks being merged into a whole map, what will happen to the Exploration missions? Will we just have to leave known space (i.e. any faction controlled space) and enter "Unexplored" systems? Could this be used to allow the players' actions to influence the STO Universe?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I am not much of a PVPer but would you consider adding maps, like inside of Asteriods, star bases, and such that can only be accessed by fighters and shuttles? So those of us who want can have a map to have dog fights on, with out someone breaking the rules and coming in in a big starship?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Bridges!! Bridges!! When are we going to get our canon bridges!!!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Are we going to get level cap raise anytime soon? I feel that its a bit @#$% that we can't level up past 51. Also I would like to know if we are going to get bigger ships. and deep space travel? The current area in the game is starting to get small after a while.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    when we will get the option to select "Red Alert" or raise or drop shields (that would be helpful in diplomatic missions to not appear hostile)


    the ability to reconfigure our warp cores, shields and weapon system from engineering (dont recall in the show going to a starbase everytime to change weapons and other mods to fight every enemy etc)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Would it be possible to give every species at least one active ability? Like Vulcans have Nerve Pinch and Mind Meld, Caitians with Pounce and Rigelians with Spirit Walk. I've only chosen those species BECAUSE of those. For people like me, I figure it'd make other species more enticing.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    In earlier Ask Cryptics and Engineering Reports, there was reference to the possibility of a refit Akira class, but not necessarily T5. Any way you could shed some light on this? I, for one, as well as many of my fellow players would love to see an Akira that could stand up to the "Big Boys."

    In addition, with the treaty of Algeron (sp?) pretty much null and void, any chance we'll see most if not all Starfleet ships having access to cloak, perhaps as a device or console slot? This would create a tradeoff, basically making the player ask him/herself "Do I really NEED that cloak instead of [device or console]?"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    Here are some of mine:

    1. Can we please get the ability to turn off the pop-up help/hint windows? I've been here since closed beta.. I don't need them, and I'd imagine I'm not alone in the desire to turn these off.

    2. Can we please get access to the C-Store on Tribble? I have many claimed items for each new character I make, and it's sort of a pain to create a character on live just to copy it over for testing purposes. It doesn't have to be tied to real money transfers so players won't be losing money for C-Store items, kind of like it is set up on Champions?

    3. Can something be done to accounts for character creation to fix not being able to claim items granted to your account? Lifetime rewards, certain C-Store items, etc? I hate creating my captain and not being able to access costuming that I do have access to, but doesn't unlock until I actually log in with that character.

    4. In addition to number three, can we please get the option of choosing our starting ship? I have access to the TOS Connie, the NX and the Oberth and it's inconvenient to have to switch out ships when completing the tutorial. Again, this would also benefit character creation on Tribble... because I cannot claim my Delta Flyer because I run out of ship slots after claiming the Oberth, Connie and NX.

    5. When will we be able to skip the tutorial?

    6. Can we get walk as a toggle?

    7. I am anxiously awaiting the announcement on when the Romulan Faction is underway. That being said, I am in full agreement that the KDF needs to be more on par with the Feds before this happens. What will be the Dev determination on when/where we get to that point? Will it be number of missions? Number of ships?

    8. Can we please get some new facial textures for character creation? To me it seems like all humans look very similar despite facial structures because the textures are so limited.

    9. When will more "alien parts" be added to the character creator? This to include more textures, not just parts? I've made a new alien alt, that would look much better without a nose, and while there is a "smooth nose" option category, the only textures that don't have painted on nostrils is one of the Tellarite textures, and the Saowin texture. I'd really like a humanoid texture that is nose-less.

    10. What happened to animating Andorian/Aenar antennae? Is that still in the works, or has it been scrapped?

    11. When will we see the updated hair tech that's been discussed... and can we get more information on what those updates will actually include? I tend to only use the buzz-cut, shaved or bald heads on my characters due to most of the hairs looking like plastic. This includes facial hair... facial hair is terrible.

    That's it for now.

This discussion has been closed.