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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Mission Title: "Ultopia: 3 Questions"

    My @Handle: Drazur_Southclaw
    Faction: Federation
    Level Requirement: Captain (31+)

    Mission Summary: You have been ordered to investigate a bizarre message which Starfleet HQ has received. While the message itself was untraceable, it included a set of coordinates that point towards the Kei system. The message reads as follows:

    You are cordially invited to experience Ultopia - the perfect society - a place where crime is considered an academic curiousity. A place where evil does not exist. A place where death itself is unheard of.

    "Welcome to Ultopia - the very essence of Perfection Itself."
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hunter/Killer: Part 1/5

    Evil70ths review Five Stars

    Klingon Mission - Hunter/Killer: Part 1/5
    Author: Q400
    Allegiance: Klingon
    Project ID: ST-HMXO6LJ7U

    Report Start

    Summary: This is a good, short mission with some nicely balanced, glorious battles and well written dialogue. The way you put together the story was just enough to drive the combat portion forward without being intrusive. On your Federation mission I reviewed earlier this is what I meant by finding the balance between too short and too long for a combat oriented mission. I would recommend this mission to all players who like short, battle oriented missions. You will definitely enjoy this mission.

    A quick note about the “Authors Note” you have in the grant dialogue. First of all the mission is as good if not better than some other Klingon missions I’ve played. Second, the note itself tells the player they shouldn’t bother to play because you do not know how to create a Klingon mission which is entirely not true. Sure some of the dialogue might need a little tweaking here and there to make it a little more Klingon oriented but it is still good. In short, don’t discount your skills as an author; you just need a little more confidence in your skills. Read the dialogue out loud and see if it sounds like something Worf would say.
    Authors Note: Removed

    Below are a couple of things I noted while playing the mission that I wanted to let you know about. Everything in this write up should be seen as suggestions on ways I felt you could improve certain elements of the mission. They are yours to do with as you see fit.

    Mission Description: This description needs a little more to draw the player in and make them want to click that "Hail" button.
    Added More
    Grant Mission Dialogue: The "Incoming hail" is a nice way to get the player to click the "Accept" button; however most players will not without a little more story indicating what they are about to get into. I noted one item to consider changing:
    -Consider removing the "Authors Note" as it is self defeating. With a note like that you are basically telling the player not to play your mission.
    -The follow on dialogue needs a little more story to it and the response button should be something other than "Continue", perhaps "For the Empire" or something along those lines.
    Mission Task: Mission Task: This is a good initial task but consider adding the sector block to the task to help the player find your start location.
    Mission Entry Prompt: This is a good use of the prompt. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this prompt.

    Alhena System: This is a good map design with balanced battles and nice short dialogue. I noted one item to consider changing:
    -Post “defeat True Way Reinforcements” dialogue; consider changing "The have cloaked" to read "They have cloaked".
    End Report

    Thanks again for authoring and for giving me the chance to review your work. You did a great job with this mission. I look forward to playing/reviewing more of your work in the future.

    This critique report also filed 06/09/2012 on forum posting for: A list of Q400 Mission.
    Full and fair mission critques available upon request just go to my forum post "In depth mission reports upon request" and give me your mission information.

    I have since changed several things.......
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    United We Stand


    Federation Mission
    Level 41+

    Whilst on a routine scientific mission to survey the Hromi Cluster your day to day running of your ship is interrupted by the delayed return of a Duty Officer Away Team.

    Concerned for your crew you head to the front lines of the Klingon War to try and find them.

    On the way you meet both old enemies and possible new friends.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Greetings! I have just published my first Foundry mission and thought it would be a good idea to post it here to hopefully get the word out. Below is the information related to the mission! Thank again for your support.

    Mission Name: Joshua
    Mission Author: @nicholas.nefarious
    Mission Summary: In this dialogue-heavy mission you've been ordered to a secret Starfleet facility to help bring about the end of the Federation-Klingon War. There is very little ground or space fighting in this first of three missions.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I know i miss last weeks foundry weekly but heres this weeks http://starbaseugc.com/index.php/news/foundry-weekly-46/ :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hi All,

    I just want to remind you that "Reflections - Part One" is up and running.
    Federation Only
    Captains 31+

    Your mission is to seek out any possible Terran Empire ships in the region.
    This is a prelude to possible further installments.

    This was also designed to be challenging. Solo play is doable (more so with Cruisers) with ships that are flown well.

    Please leave feedback, let me know if there are bugs, and other comments. I'd like to make this mission as enjoyable as possible. Depending on success, I will continue the storyline onward.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Q400 Dailies: Cure - Series 1
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    For Every Action-Part II has been published, As the title suggests, it is the continuation of a story from the original For Every Action. It will be a 3 parter, with Part III coming soon.

    This mission is on the Fed side and will not make a whole lot of sense if played without having done the 1st. These are both short missions, roughly 30 minutes each. Part 2 contains a lot of Space Combat. For a description of the original mission, see earlier in this thread.

    It was my goal to make a short multi-episode mission series that can be played to satisfy the daily, yet still be interesting. Thanks:D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Just published my first mission (Fed, 31+). It's called "Regenesis" and it kind of riffs on some of the themes in the second and third films (as well as a couple of the cornier moments.) There's also some sly references to other genres in there you might catch if you have an eye for it.

    I also failed to notice another user previously published a mission of the same name until just the other day. So play that one too!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    If anyone wants to throw me some feedback on my newest addition to my series, it's always welcomed ^.^

    Mission Name: The Wave Empire Ep.2
    Author: Skyline45
    Minimum Level: 16+
    Allegiance: Federation
    Est. Time: 1hr 20min
    Recommended Difficulty: Normal

    After reporting in with Fleet Admiral Vincient Skyline, your orders are to investigate a long forgotten planet that the Waveloids hoped would stay buried. While there the mysteries you'll discover will lead to the prospect of all out intergalactic war.

    (This mission is heavily story oriented. A play through of The Wave Empire Ep.1 is recommended.)

    Feedback goes here ----> http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=272420

    Thank you to everyone who gives it a shot xD
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Confidentials Miniseries

    Confidentials: U.S.S. Coral
    You are sent a confidential file to review about an incident involving the U.S.S. Coral's discovery of a borg sphere.
    Levels: 41+
    (Last Edit 6/15/20120

    Confidentials: R'kol Part 1
    At the end of Confidentials U.S.S. Coral a shady security officer drops a hint leading you to search out R'kol, a Vulcan former officer from the U.S.S. Coral. Your search starts with finding Arbol and learning more about what happened to the borg sphere.
    Levels: 31+
    (Last Edit 6/15/2012)

    Confidentials R'kol Part 2
    In Part 1 you speak to R'kol's friends and colleagues from the U.S.S. Coral. Xyril directs you to Vulcan during Tal-Shanar, a religious holiday. There you confront R'kol and an old, "shady" character.
    Levels: 31+
    (Last Edit 6/15/2012)

    (These are short, role playing missions for either groups or solo. They are in the Review section currently. Any feed back is appreciated and I tend to make changes promptly.)

    Thread for review comments: http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?p=4263240#post4263240
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Kai Hard is a new mission.

    It's lvl +31 plus!

    by me!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Finding Resolution
    A.J. Stoner

    On the outskirts of the Ker'rat system, a moon has drifted too close to its parent world and is being slowly torn apart. A research outpost, established to observe the forming ring system, went quiet over a week ago. The U.S.S. Resolution was sent to investigate but there has been no word and she is now three days overdue.


    LEVEL: 46+

    PLAY TIME: 90 minutes

    GAMEPLAY: Heavy space and ground combat; Investigation; Exploration; RP
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Mission name: Young Devils and Dark Secrets
    Author: james1jesushippy
    Minimum level: 5 (Normal)
    Allegiance: Federation
    Estimated time: 35-40 mins
    Synopsis: There's a dark secret the cadets of Starfleet Academy have been keeping. It's hurting everyone, but no one will say a word; until now. One young cadet is reaching out to you for help, can she trust you to uncover the dark secret?
    • Over fifty uniquely designed (not randomized) NPC's
    • Space and ground combat
    • Compelling storying-telling
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Q Games
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Title: Thy Own Enemy
    Author: nrobbiec
    Faction: Fed
    Summary: Alien scientists have reached a major breakthrough with a new method of interstellar propulsion. However such an event is likely to attract unwanted attention.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    this weeks of foundry weekly is up, http://starbaseugc.com/index.php/news/foundry-weekly-47/ enjoy :D
  • cormacthebluecormactheblue Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    This is actually a two part mission. The first part is Opening the can. This mission introduces the story line and starts you off for the second mission, Closing the can.

    Both missions are by: cormactheblue

    Thanks for reviewing them, and please comment back in your review any issues, likes, dislikes, or just to kick me. :eek:

    p.s. These missions are an off shoot of S'harien's Swords.
  • nrobbiecnrobbiec Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Jus In Bello
    Level 31+
    Prologue to a new arc I'm planning.
  • backyardserenadebackyardserenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    Title: Shadows of the Past
    Author: backyardserenade
    Faction: Federation
    Level Requirement: 31+
    Author Notes: Solo-play. Dialog-heavy. Light combat.

    An Orb of the Prophets was stolen during a recent True Way raid on the Bajoran capital. Starfleet Command wants you to investigate the whereabouts of a Bajoran ship that apparently engaged the True Way raiders responsible for the theft.

    Head to the Toron System in the Beta Ursae Sector Block to search for the S.S. Ratosha.

    Further comments:
    My first foundry mission. I would love some feedback on map design, story progression, characters and dialogs. Everyone who points me in the direction of spelling errors gets a free cookie. :)

    Forum thread: here
    STOWiki site: here

    Thanks for your feedback!
    "Sometimes you have to do things that you hate, so you can survive to fight another day."
  • afalconerafalconer Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Mission Name: Rescue the USS Odelia. (Federation Faction)

    Summary: Admiral Winters is leading a new fleet to deal with the Klingon Empire; however, one of his recon ships has gone missing. He tasks you with finding it.

    Note: This is intended as the first episode in a series of missions.
  • ballz0rballz0r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Title: A Gem for a Mirror
    Author: Valanossi
    Faction: Federation
    Level Requirement: 31+
    Notes: Dialogue-heavy. Space and Ground combat.


    Admiral Bera has from Section 22 reports the following:

    A new classified prototype starship, The U.S.S. Yargon of the Federation has been stolen. We need yo to investigate this case. This ship must be returned at once. It contains a new kind of technology and Classified Data of the Federation.

    * Mission can be found in Review Content.
    * Starts at DS9, Shuttle Bay Door #1.
    * Space and Ground combat = Team is more fun :)
    * Heavy Dialogue story.
  • digitaldaryldigitaldaryl Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Author: DeltaGemini

    Mission 1 Name: Threads of Eden: Orphaned
    Mission 2 Name: Threads of Eden: Premonitions

    Orphaned is the first released episode from a new 5-episode story arc titled Threads of Eden. In this episode, the player is sent to investigate a lone transwarp signature above Risa.

    In Premonitions, you are asked to guest lecture a class on advanced boarding tactics at the academy, but instead of entering the holodeck, someone shows you a future you have to prevent.

    These two are non-combat missions. Combat is coming in the following missions, if I feel it is justified.
  • gingerbritgingerbrit Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    A new foundry weekly for the new forums of fun. http://starbaseugc.com/index.php/news/foundry-weekly-48/ :biggrin:
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Missions name : You won't be Borg, (1/2) and (2/2)
    Alliegeance : Fed
    Required level : 46+

    Summary : Starfleet recieved a distress call from a ship graveyard. They're worried about the engineering team there, but the issue might be greater than that. Can't old Federation ships become a threat if they are in the wrong hands ?
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • nrobbiecnrobbiec Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Name: SixSickSlickSlimSycamoreSaplings
    Author: nrobbiec
    Faction: Fed
    Level: 46+

    Sequel to Jus In Bello
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Name: B'Vat's Legacy
    Author: Marhawkman
    faction: fed
    level: 16+

    A renegade Klingon has gone back in time to destroy the Federation in the past. Go back in time to stop him or the future is doomed!
    My character Tsin'xing
  • admiralmurphy1admiralmurphy1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Just finished my latest series which will be one of my final for a while, Tomak'Tolan, a five part sequel series to my first series, the Jem'hadar Alliance.
  • sollafsollaf Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hello STO, a new mini-series has launched under the title Darkness Falls.

    What mysteries await you on the pre-warp world of Laicom?

    Part 1: In Hope and Desperation: You are contacted by Adm Korenta on a secure, yet unknown subspace channel. (Due to foundry limitations you need to start this mission from the com panel outside of Admiral Quins' office.)

    (This will be offline for a little while tonight, while I fix some naming issues with a few maps, and mission progression texts.)

    Federation Lvl 16+ (20 is recommend if relatively new to the game.)
    Sollaf: Join date Sep 2009, Lifer. Disgruntled with the JHSS, my Bug feels less shiny now.
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Name: Mirror Wars (Lysian War 1/5)
    Faction: (Terran) Federation
    Author: P_Sutherland
    Required Level: 31+


    After the loss of the I.S.S. Stadi you find yourself trapped in the Federation universe. After weeks alone in Cardassian space your long range sensors pick up a Terran distress beacon, deciding to investigate you make haste to the beacon.
    Typhoon Class please!
This discussion has been closed.