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  • raydanaytskiraydanaytski Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    "Subspace Oddity" - text-heavy technobabble absurdism.

    Basically, I tried to make this mission a bit character driven, give both the NPCs and your bridge officers a bit of a story and lots of dialogue, with a bit of complex plot thrown in. Star Trek, to me, has always also been about those funny personalities the characters have, so now your bridge officers have those. Thank me later.

    It's very text-heavy. I tried to make it as text-adventurish as possible; if you think funny dialogues will entertain you, this might be your thing. Not a lot of stuff shooting going on here, though, kind of saved those ideas for the next one.
    This one's more about the science part I personally love about Star Trek, and the oddities and absurdities usually related to that. If you play Scifi trope drinking games, this might also be your thing.

    My goal was to introduce memorable characters and give you a story that both entertains you and makes you go "Wait. What? Huh." as often as possible. It gets weird pretty soon and stays that way.

    So, if that sounds promising to you, try it, and tell me what you think.
  • drogyn1701drogyn1701 Member Posts: 3,606 Media Corps
    edited August 2012
    Published three missions this morning:

    [HoloHistory] Klach D'Kel Brakt
    [HoloHistory] Caleb IV
    [HoloHistory] Korma Pass

    Three historical holoprograms focusing on the three TOS Klingons: Kang, Kor and Koloth!
    The Foundry Roundtable live Saturdays at 7:30PM EST/4:30PM PST on twitch.tv/thefoundryroundtable
  • logitech007logitech007 Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I have a few missions that i need to promote for, so i will listed them below, they are all series missions. Also, i have them listed on stowiki

    1)Mission name: The Klingon Push Part one
    Author Name: Logitech007
    Project ID: ST-HHNXGWV9K
    Fraction: Starfleet
    Starting Location: Risa system in the Sirius sector block.
    Level: Any Level
    Story: You return from your vacation to find the Klingons starting to make a push into Federation space. Starfleet and the fleet must hold the lines long enough to sign a peace treaty to end this. But some Klingons will go to great length to prevent the peace treaty from being signed. Could this cause a Klingon civil war?

    2)Mission name: The Klingon Push Part Two
    Author Name: Logitech007
    Project ID: ST-HLMF26LGE
    Fraction: Starfleet
    Starting Location: Andorian system in the Sirius sector block.
    Level: Any Level
    Story: Starfleet must race to Protect its Key worlds from the Klingon invasion force. Can they be able to stop them or will the Federation finally fall? Can the Federation and the Klingon Empire come to some short of a treaty to stop the war or will it continue until it tears the Alpha and Beat quadrants apart? Some unseen forces are working against both powers to stop the treaty from being signed.

    3) Mission name: The Klingon Push Part Three
    Author Name: Logitech007
    Project ID: ST-HQ23A2YFW
    Fraction: Starfleet
    Starting Location: Deep Space K-7 System in the Aldebaren Sector in the Eta Eridani sector block.
    Level: 16+
    Story: Can the Federation and the Klingon Empire stop the Klingon Civil war before the Federation and Klingon empire sign the treaty or will they fail sending the Alpha and Beta quadrants into a bloody war that could never end costing Billions of lives.

    4) Mission name: The Hirogen Power Part One
    Author Name: Logitech007
    Project ID: ST-HP24QBHLP
    Fraction: Starfleet
    Starting Location: Starbase 39 in the Sierra system in the Alpha Centauri sector block.
    Level: 16+
    Story: While at Starbase 39 picking up your new first officer, Starfleet Command requests that your vessel investagates a missing Luna Class, U.S.S. Triton, which has gone missing in the Vendor system in Romulan space. What has happened to the U.S.S Triton? What happens here will change the Balance for two Species.

    5) Mission name: The end of an alliance Part Two
    Author Name: Logitech007
    Project ID: ST-HHGU8MLRW
    Fraction: Starfleet
    Starting Location: K'Shan System in the Tarod Sector in the Iota Pavonis Sector Block.
    Level: 16+
    Story: The Romulan contact finally shed some light on what is happening between the Romulans and the Hirogen, but will you escape the K'Shan system with the Romulan contact or will be you be destroyed? And will it cause the end of the alliance? Whatever happens will make waves throughout the Alpha and Beta quadrants.

    Thank you for taking your time.

    Thanks. Logitech007
  • logitech007logitech007 Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Hey, here is my new mission that just came out. It is also, listed on stowiki.

    Mission name: The end of an alliance Part Two
    Author Name: Logitech007
    Project ID: ST-HHGU8MLRW
    Fraction: Starfleet
    Starting Location: K'Shan System in the Tarod Sector in the Iota Pavonis Sector Block.
    Level: 16+
    Story: The Romulan contact finally shed some light on what is happening between the Romulans and the Hirogen, but will you escape the K'Shan system with the Romulan contact or will be you be destroyed? And will it cause the end of the alliance? Whatever happens will make waves throughout the Alpha and Beta quadrants.

  • designationxr377designationxr377 Member Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Two Different Missions for each Faction. Same event, different perspectives, in what I am calling "The Computer's Children" episode.

    For the Federation:
    "The Computer's Daughter"

    For Klingon:
    "The Computer's Son"

    Both 16+, Authored by XR-377
  • tallakatallaka Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Hi. I've reworked and republished the series "The Ice Cube". Parts 1,2 and 3 are up, but part 4 is trapped in "Review Content" limbo. Sadly, part 4 requires the other parts to be understood, or else it might just seem a little weird.

    Part 4 is the Series 1 finale and ties the other three parts up. I hope you enjoy them.

    PS, Foundry authors might just like a look at part 4 for the "almost impossible" nature of one of the levels designs. Never EVER again will I build a custom three story internal borg cube from the little parts we have to work with. It took three weeks to tame the foundry, but seems to work just fine.

    Enjoy. I most certainly did :)
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I'd like you to try out my latest effort:

    The Inner Darkness
    ID: ST-HLP235DKL
    Faction: Starfleet
    Level: 48+
    When a retired ambassador undergoes treatments for his rare, degenerative neurological condition in the Briar Patch, your presence is requested to provide a security detail against the combined threat of the Na'kuhl and the Ekosians. However, the greatest threat may prove to be within.

    Caution: This mission may be on the long side and a touch controversial for reasons that may become apparent. No foul language or anything.
  • cloudinfinitycloudinfinity Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Title: [PhV] Chief Prescott's Playground

    Author: cloudinfinity

    Category: Space with some combat.

    Faction: Federation
  • bazagbazag Member Posts: 375 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Ghosts of the Polmar Ree by Bazag

    Fed mission - Non-combat mainly ground investigation.
  • tallakatallaka Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Foundry Art: Part One
    by @TechieTrekie

    This is a short mission that takes a step by step guided approach to making a custom level. It is about visuals and cinematics. It's not a foundry usage tutorial.

    The idea is to show new map builders, how to take the sunny and glorious Risa map, and turn it into a mysterious, dark and spooky swamp.

    Each group of objects is placed by dialogue prompts that explain the reasoning behind the object placements.

    Please enjoy "Foundry Art: Part One" by TechieTrekie
  • aezrinaezrin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Hi all, I wanted to take a moment to list my first Foundry Mission: Connections.

    Mission Name: Connections
    Author: Aezrin
    Minimum Level: Any
    Allegiance: Federation
    Estimated Mission Length: 10-20 minutes

    Type of mission: Mixed medium space + light ground combat. Storytelling elements include action, twists, and surprise events.

    Initial Narrative hook: Respond to a distress call coming from Andoria. That's how things get started off at least.
  • tallakatallaka Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    Starts at Drozana System in the Eta Eridani Sector Block.

    This is a very unusual mission indeed. You are being ordered to review a mission by a first time Foundry author.

    Will you team up and help this kid turn a piece of TRIBBLE into a good mission?

    But be warned ... there is danger here. You are not alone in the Foundry.

    This is a COMEDY mission, with no possible chance of role play. It is 100% Out Of Character, so be warned.

    There is a lot of OPTIONAL dialog detailing Foundry tips, so if you are not interested in Foundry editing, don't click the buttons marked "OPTIONAL DESCRIPTION: blah". This will reduce the play time substantially.

    Please enjoy "Escape from the Foundry of Death" alternatively known as "teH WoreSt mIShun EvARRrR!!1!!"
  • ryandebraalryandebraal Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    The Pillar of Worlds
    Level 31+ Federation

    Investigate an ancient alien construct and uncover the mystery behind the Pillar of Worlds.

    Inspired by the works of:
    ∞ Final Fantasy Legends II
    ∞ Stargate
    ∞ Myst
    ∞ Gulliver's Travels
    ∞ The Odyssey
    ∞ The Dark Tower
    ∞ Norse and Christian Mythology

    The Pillar of Worlds contains a metagame that you can optionally participate in.
    (Details provided in-game)


    This project has been a harrowing labor of love for me.

    I have been working on this mission for several hours a day for almost a month.

    It features a thoughtful narrative and varied characters and settings surrounding a mysterious obelisk which pierces the very sky and transcends our dimension.

    This mission pushes almost all of the Foundry's built-in parameters to the breaking point.


    ∞ Uses all 15 possible map transitions
    ∞ Each map contains hundreds of individually placed buildings and objects
    ∞ Each map contains dozens of unique NPCs
    ∞ Uses all 50 possible "costumes"
    ∞ Uses all 128 possible mission objectives

    I hope you give it a try and provide feedback so that I can continue to improve upon this experience in the future.

  • raydanaytskiraydanaytski Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    "Ground Control" - text-heavy technobabble absurdism, now with 100% more action.

    Starfleet Command asks you to help Lt. Commander Haman and his crew in their task to establish diplomatic relations with the Romulans, in order to help them with subspace anomalies that are showing up all over Romulan space. But what sounds like a matter of diplomatic sensibility and scientific arguments soon escalades into combat, as old enemies show up to interrupt the talks... And then things start to get weird.

    This mission continues the story arc I started with "Subspace Oddity", but can also be played as a standalone mission, as anything you need to know is mentioned within the first few dialogues. I'd even say this one is a better point to start, as I personally like this mission even more than the previous one... But see for yourself ;)

    So, whats this mission like? It is trying to capture what I like most about Star Trek: mind-bending space adventures, fun, somewhat self-conscious dialogues, a look into those characters that travel through space and still are somewhat like we are. And all of this spiced up with space and ground battles, as this still is a game, so there you go.

    Mission name: [Reliant2] Ground Control
    Author Name: raydanaytski
    Project ID: ST-HEALX5M49
    Fraction: Starfleet
    Starting Location: Agrama system in the Alpha Centauri Sector Block
    Level: 31+
  • sirboulevardsirboulevard Member Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    The Fighter Test
    By: sirboulevard

    While your starship is in ESD for a minor refit, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers ask you to take a shuttle or fighter over to the U.S.S. Endeavor to be used as a test bed for the new Hiromi-class M.A.C.O. Fighters. But you rub the wrong against an angry starfleet engineer and an group of even angrier surprise guests.

    Small Craft Combat
    A testbed atmospheric combat (jury rigged, but ultimately cool map)
    Some Math & Logic Puzzles.
    Lots of Combat.
    Reasonable level of difficulty, no 1 v. 1s on a Capital Ship.

    TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
  • krelldorkrelldor Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The Elthon Incident
    Level 16+ Federation
    Author: cmcewan1974
    Duration: 1 hr approx.

    This mission is a mix of space and ground combat, with a little bit of ground exploration thrown in too. There is also quite a bit of dialogue. The story centres around the disappearance of 7 Federation diplomats on Elthon V. The diplomats must attend intergalactic peace talks on Starbase 24. What became of them? It's your task to uncover the truth.

    This story begins with a visit to Cmdr. Futagami on Earth Space Dock.
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'll add mine into the list:

    Clean Sweep
    Fed any level

    Behrens Station, one of the largest starship maintenance facilities servicing Starfleet vessels heading to and from the Klingon front, requires your aid providing cover for a task force that will soon be receiving passes by the station's Baryon sweep arrays.

    Report to the station and ensure that all ships complete their Baryon particle purging without any interference from the Klingons or other hostile forces.
  • ajstonerajstoner Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The Far Wanderer
    A.J. Stoner

    An ancient and massive ship has arrived in the Vorn system. Heavily damaged, it has begun to repair itself using material scavenged from a nearby asteroid field. All attempts at communication have failed and the Borg are dangerously near. Starfleet Command is looking for a brave captain to examine the ship up close.


    LEVEL: 41+
    PLAY TIME: Aprox. 40 minutes
    GAME PLAY: Investigation, Exploration, some Space Combat, Dialogue Heavy.
  • ajstonerajstoner Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Avenging Resolution
    A.J. Stoner

    NOTE: This mission is a sequel to Finding Resolution. You should play that first.

    A month has passed since the tragic events at Ker'rat IX. Your protests to Fleet Command were met with stonewalling and your request to be heard by the council has been flatly denied. It seems that Quint and section 31 will be having their way for now.

    In your ready room, preparing for your watch, you hear the sound of a transporter. You turn just in time to catch a datapad materializing on your desk.

    LEVEL: 46+
    PLAY TIME: 90 minutes
    GAMEPLAY: Heavy space and ground combat; Investigation; Exploration; RP
    * * *
  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    Ambria's Pride: The Eagle's Claw *Published*
    Part 1

    Author: XerosArmera

    The crew is asked to come to Ambria by Captain Dallas to say goodbye before the Deianeira sets off towards the edge of Federation space, but there is more waiting at Ambria than an old friend.

    Mission begins in the Chiron System, in the Vendor Sector of the Alpha Centauri Sector Block.

    - Heavy combat
    - Heavy dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HPGKNOMFQ
    Level: 16+

    (This mission is set after the Blood and Nanoprobes series, it is suggested that you complete that series before playing this mission)

    This is a brand new mission that I have finally been able to finish and publish now that the Foundry is back up. Check it out and enjoy! And for more of my missions check out my mission thread, a link can be found in my signature.

  • harrisonchandraharrisonchandra Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Mission name - Anticohesion.

    A Federation weapons research station has gone quiet, you have been tasked to find out what has happened.

    Space and Ground mission.

    Author name srwafu - mission name anticohesion
  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    Thicker Than Water*Published*
    Deianeira: Part I
    Part 1 of 4

    Author: XerosArmera

    The crew are ordered to assist another ship in responding to a distress call, but it quickly becomes apparent that the situation is far more serious than just a ship in distress and the crew find themselves caught between duty and ethics.

    - Moderate Combat
    - Heavy Dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HRNQ56R4T
    Level: 31+

    This mission begins in the Myrax System, located in the Vanden Sector of the Zeta Andromedae Sector Block.

    (NOTE: This mission takes place after the Blood and Nanoprobes series, it is suggested you play through that series before beginning this one. This storyline also runs parallel to Ambria's Pride: The Eagle's Claw.)

  • zorbanezorbane Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Two missions!

    Mission Name: Duritanium Man - click for more info
    Minimum Level: 41+
    Allegiance: Federation
    Project ID: ST-HSMJTB692
    Estimated Mission Length: 45minutes - 1 hour

    Short Description:

    A genius scientist. An ambitious business partner.

    Sometimes it's a match made in heaven, but when you add a group of desperate Remans, you've got a recipe for trouble. Throw in an invention that could change the fate of the galaxy?

    That spells disaster.

    Mission Name: The Galaxy's Fair - click for more info
    Minimum Level: Any Level
    Allegiance: Federation
    Project ID: ST-HIL8TIJ29
    Estimated Mission Length: 20-30 minutes

    Short Description:

    The Galaxy's Fair is being hosted by the Federation Diplomatic Corps on behalf of Grand Nagus Rom. Factions from all parts of the known galaxy have joined in a cultural exchange and to get a glimpse of state of the art technology that will be available right around the corner.
    StarbaseUGC Discord Chat
    Foundry Mission Database
    Check out my Foundry missions:
    Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
    Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
  • djf021djf021 Member Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Please enjoy my new mission for KDF side entitled "A Warrior's Academy: Mission 1. A new twist on one of my favorite Star Trek games, "Klingon Academy", attend a special academy under General Molek and his assistant, Commander Slaas. The first of a planned series. Hope you enjoy.

    Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
    -Captain James T. Kirk
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I just made a new Mission it is called Protect The Trade Route tell me what you think and let me know if there are any issues that need fixed.Must be at lest level 41 to play.

    PS i can not seem to figure out how to make it any longer for it to be a qualify able for the Daily office report.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • torsten1009torsten1009 Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Mission Name: Battlegroup Chaos Rumble
    Project-ID: ST-HK434Q2YN
    Allegiance: Federation
    Minimum Level: 46+
    Estimated Mission Length: 20 to 30 minutes

    This is a non-storyline space-group-combat mission. It's meant to be challenging, so please don't try it, if you suck at space-combat.

    Mission Name: KDF-Battlegroup Chaos Rumble
    Project-ID: ST-HGDFJ87V5
    (Reviewing at the moment)
    If Star Trek Online was an Open-Source (GPL) Game, we would have a low-grind fork.
  • gammadelta2gammadelta2 Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    My first mission with the updated Foundry. Really banging my head against the wall with it too.

    Mission Name: An Engineering Assortment
    Minimum Level: 46+
    Allegiance: Federation
    Project ID: ST-HHVMWTJOT
    User: gammadelta1
    Estimated Mission Length: Well that truly depends on your choices.

    A trip to a meeting is interrupted with an unexplained emergency in engineering. Your crew requires your attention. But what could have caused such a strange readings that set off the alarms?

    This mission's combat truly revolves around your choices and ability. It is a ground mission, but I hope you won't hold that against it. As I mention in the description, I'd not recommend soloing on elite though.
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I finally published my first mission today, and I would like to showcase it on here. It's my first attempt at a mission, but it's one that I feel particularly proud of.

    Name: Mirror Invasion: Friend or Foe?
    Author: @gamerboy100
    ID: ST-HJIY47V0Z
    Language: English
    Level: 31+
    Faction: Starfleet

    Mission: In the wake of what looks like a new invasion by the terrans, a mysterious new player in the known mirror universe arrives. Are they an ally, or do they pose a threat like the Terrans do for the federation?

    Note that I designed it as a 1-player mission for immersion. It's got some combat, but the majority of the of the mission is meant to be dialogue. I might go and make it better for teams later on, but I feel it's good just to have it as a one player mission.

    Edit: I pulled it back for now to add a little more combat to it.
    Edit 2: Mission is up and running, ready for people to come and test it.

  • unknownmccloudunknownmccloud Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I just made my first every foundry mission, so helpful feedback (and Dilithium tips) are appreciated.

    Name: battlestar
    Faction: Starfleet
    Level 46+

    The "story" is that due to the effectiveness of the Omega and MACO missions the Borg threat has been lessened significantly, the queen has had to spend so many resources just performing maintenance and on moving and coordinating the fleet they have not had much time to build up and strengthen themselves. You are out to prove that resistance is not so futile after all

    There are a few different waves in there, one has just spheres, another couple have a cube or two and some spheres and then the last wave is a mixture of some Undine weak ships and some Borg freighters (aka probes) then at the end I have a Tact cube with Armek in in that you hail/interact with he issues a warning and shows his anger at your success and then the mission is over....as soon as you speak to a special mission contact, I havent figured out how to work her into the beginning I couldt use her as the accept mission person, but her name is Hottie, and she tells you that all the stories about you are true and that you should swing by and next time you are in the system the two of you can take a weekend on Risa lol

    Im learning more and more about how the foundry works each time I use it, but I will continue to tweak this one based on the feedback I get, my other thing is I really want to make this count towards the "investigate officer reports" but Im not sure how I did that, is it a certain time limit that the mission has to take? or is it the # of enemies you engage? sure would like to know so I can have a specific goal to aim for

  • wan5wan5 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Name: Cubeageddon
    Faction: Starfleet
    Level 41+

    A Borg Cube was picked up on sensors by scientists at the Federation shipyard Utopia Planitia. The cube is emitting an unknown exotic particle into space for as of yet unknown reasons. Starfleet have requested you and your fleet being the closest vessels in range to engage and destroy the borg threat.
    Find out what those crazy fed scientists have been working on since the cutting beam when you beam down to Utopia Planitia for an exciting ground section!
    And finally Engage the Borg invasion fleet to save a civilization!







    Constantly updated from feedback so please help me make this as enjoyable as it can be!
    Cubeageddon - You are the last hope. Find it in the Foundry!
    The Space Race - An alternate to PVP - In Foundry Now!
This discussion has been closed.