xvokcx Arc User


  • Damn, damn , damn, IF I was in Archo Server , had my toon rolled back loosing millions , and had 5 hyper stones as compesation for that , I would be Playing another game already. Seriously you people , have some dignity and leave, dont let them treat you like wortless trash, WOW!!!! Good thing I left when I left, some of…
  • Give DQ Drops Back the Coin Value that they had, JUST LEAVE THE GAME ALONE! and stop **** around with Creating idiotic **** that requires work and maintnence (2 things that you are clearly not good for). - Dont create problems where there arent any. / end of thread.
  • that's RIGHT , when I see a r9r3 caster, just Ignore them and keep on my way, Why would you want to hit an imposible target ? to die and contribute to their points? I dont fking think so! This Proc is plainly Stupid and broken as Freaking Hell /end of thread. Advise for everyone who is not r9r3, just pretend the r9r3…
  • EDITED: Nevermind . Not getting bad vibes again .. ****
  • Such stupid question. b:chuckle
  • **** Nation Wars, worst thing to add to the game ever, Ruined my Nirvana Fortune Maker
  • So sell me the wines for lvl 103 please. Those that you make with tokens. I'll pay you 1mil each.
  • Was Fun playing with you all. GUess it's my final Good bye! and for the last time, **** this game . b:surrender b:bye b:bye b:bye
  • WOW what we needed, NIRVANA IS OFFICIALLY DEAD!!
  • I used to complain also about gooners, then I dedicated all that time in frost covered instead and now im 105 also , took me 2 months.. The game is what now? 6 years old? still seeing the same lvl 101 people complaining about gooners , for like 3 years and still level 101 .. Lazy much?
  • damn i keep doing this, i'll get better
  • Not only you , it's everyone , everywhere DUDE
  • 1- can't do that 2 - cant do that 3 - can't do that 4 - can't do that 5 - can't do that Devs are not players. Players cant be Devs. Devs create from an idea. Players construct from idea creations. 2 different worlds.
  • at this point on this old freaking game who cares what's op anymore. when you think your finally op something new will come that will op the op you had, dont we learn anything from the past or what?
  • Nobody - NOBODY- owns any mob , boss or spot in a game. Been first at a place or fight, doesnt make you the owner either. SO with that clear, it all comes down to been either a Disgusting Jerk or a Civilized human being, towards our peers.
  • Hahaha, and how does a person Wasting Money makes me wanna play the game ? And How does that brings me and everyone else fun?
  • Not so much as this, it's just they are in denial.. but it will be ok soon :) when reality sinks in b:bye Edit: Hell the forums are actually more fun than the game at this point. That's why we are all here, that's why everyone who wrote in this thread , wrote in this thread.. but as i said, it all will be over soon :D!!
  • There you go!! Can't describe this game better. This should be put in the 'About' Section of pw.
  • Well doesnt matter what all these sheep say ,letting go has and will always be so hard for us humans.. SO YES I agree, this game got boring as hell . Nothing to fking do for high levels after bh is done, then what? This is why when it's not 2x i stay away from this game. It's sad, indeed, because the only time this game is…
  • I dont kno but i've been told , after 4+years of the same bs u should EASILY know what to expect.
    in G16 LooK Comment by xvokcx July 2012
  • So when are the Users of the awesome and uber awesome g16 weapons gonna post VIDEOS of the awesome uber awesome damage they do with them? I wanna actually see those huge red numbers. Then i'll be a believer , short of that r9ftw. b:bye
  • Basically nothing, so save your money. I bet we wont have anything good on sales untill the Ani , wich is coming up really fast, Then you will see the Awesome 'Ani Events' they will have for us.. AKA CS-SALES. b:bye . So wait
  • IF your Able to Solo an Instance, I dont see why not let us open it with 1 or 2 people , I mean pw shouldnt care they way we farm it, if we need more people then we bring more, if we can solo it then we solo it.. why should someone care. If they wanted this game to remain Squad and Team oriented in all places and times,…
  • Not at all, to me it sounds like they teached you be a conformist, so if that's beheaving like an adult, then adults are no more than trained dogs, I admire tho, your wish to be an slave.
  • In that specific game you will see if you so want, money back or even profits, In PW you Wont see a half of a peny back never. So to compare that game with this game, it's totally out of place
  • thanks everyone , yes this is for a Sin toon of mine :) Guess P . Deff it is, Great advise!b:bye
  • Well it's neither of that, it's useless , It doesnt convert into nothing, and after the Normal daily run in PV , it just wont let me enter again, the Token i s in my inventory and it's just wont do anything OH NEVER MIND! I needed to right click on the damn thing.. WELL it's says nowhere to right click on it to use so not…
  • Can you get Sacri or GOF on these G16 **** weapons?
  • i killed it like 3 times today for the fun of it, but no good drops so i left it alone, With my Sin, I dont know where people got the idea that aps on it will make it harder hahahaha, on the contrary the harder-faster you hit it , it will Obviously die, with a squad the BM HF'd it and my sin took it down in like 8 seconds…
  • The boss at the end is good exp easy to kill , no magic mobs , no stunning mobs no nothing just run gather and kill , THE boss when it dies it drops some Defense buff kinda thingies and a lot of little frogs spawn you must kill em fast , cuz that's the bigest exp in the instance . Kinda like Heads in FCC but much better…