wikkid86 Arc User


  • No, I've never done that and never plan to. I've had trouble with the registration thing so I sent an email to this location customerservice@perfectworldinc.com.
  • I just woke up 10-15min ago, it's 6AM here right now. I was disconnected from the server then found out there could be possible maintenance going on. Is it still maintenance hour? b:sleep
  • Ninjas! b:shockedb:avoid
  • I would slightly agree with you on this, about the fact that it would be pointless and misleading even to stick around on our skill sheets. Though it's Spirit and Coin cost isn't anywhere near hazardous, it wouldn't be more of a loss as compared to leveling it. We as Venomancers get our Speed in Water, on Land, and in Air…
  • Nice, I'll look forward to it. I'm above level 60 so there's no doubt that I don't qualify. Thanks for the heads up.
  • Thanks for the info, I'm sure it will be extended onto this thread.
  • We have Bramble Guard that at level 10 is supposed to be able to reflect 60% of the incoming DMG, but it doesn't reflect that much at all and it only works upon "chance" which it shouldn't be doing. In PVP we buy Charms just as any other class does. Bramble Hood requires 2 sparks and is supposed to reflect 200% DMG and…
  • I could agree with most of this except for hitting the cap level with only a weapon and pet. I'm a Magical DD build and can have 4 level 75 mobs on my Crystalline but as for me, I die within 4-5 hits from them at level 68.
  • You're completely wrong, and I'm on a whole other level where I don't participate with ignorant arrogance disguised as a "constructive argument", please refrain from responding.
  • Thanks for the info, I highlighted the response for others. On the second response I will have to say that we make a decent amount of money, but that's dependent on the fact of how long we grind regular mobs for Dragon Quest Items. We make it, then end up spending it quickly on equips Legendary Pet Feathers and Force that…
  • It looks to me like you thought about going Arcane, than switched your decision to Light Armor. If this is true than I would suggest to just recreate your character, add only enough Str and Dex to wear Light Armor, then put the rest of your remaining points into Mag. Once you've obtained and raised enough points into Str…
  • Uhm.. xD Arcane is for PvP DDer. I wouldn't suggest this build at first since you probably won't be used to it and might become frustrated with its early delicateness. So, I suggest you either go Light or Heavy, most of the people in this game with a Veno use Light so you could ask mostly anybody for tips and hints about…
  • I've been PVPing in many different games for 11 years, I started when I was 12 and am still PVPing at 23. It's the only real challenge as I see it, with different mods, modes, objectives, campaigns, your challenges would be to kill stuff computer operated/scheduled even though you know what the next move will be. It got…
  • I was hoping the "Schrunchken" mobs near Town of Arrivals could be tamed. lol
  • A technique you could try(if this is the problem) is to upgrade gear but keep your good gear in your bank and when going out to quest or random pk, kos, pvp which ever just use a default set of gear.. It's not much trouble if you get killed by somebody once or twice unexpectedly, you would have to expect it the 3rd time…
  • You would be just a little wrong by assuming Arcane(Pure Mage) Veno would just stand back and cast but there's many functions and roles one can do and play as almost any Build and Set. As Pure Mage you will be amplified in Magic Attacks, Techniques, and a few Supportive moments by healing others pets etc. As a Pure Mage…
  • Well a "Yao Jing" in this game, is basically a double threat in most cases.. You get the Veno as a DD and the Pet as a DD creating a dinamic diabolic duo. Guess it's why we level so fast. b:laugh
  • I don't care who reads this, just don't try to flame and cause problems on a positive subject when you're not 100% sure what you're talking about. I'm 23 and am too old to be taking part of your childish rants on a forum so please stop abusing before either of us get muted or all this info in opinions becomes removed for…
  • If I suggested it would go Foxform as a Light Armor than it would probably be better to, correct? You would get the extra P.Def of Foxform plus the P.Def of the Light armor and that might keep you alive long enough. Adding Vit into your build is not only about P.Def don't get me wrong, it adds Maximum HP and P.Def…
  • I believe you should research and read more. : ) I never said Light Armor couldn't go caster, if it did though it wouldn't survive as long with having less HP. Vit(A.K.A. Con, adds Maximum HP and Physical Defense) you can find that out by pressing ALT+L in game at the beginners menu when you get back into game. : P The…
  • Sexy on point post MOD! b:cool
  • I love Max DMG Output a little more than Max DMG Intake so I'll have to say, Phoenix. b:cool
  • Because they're not here to Spam or use the forums like the users of the game, sure they could but it's not what they're here for. They're here to help inform, guide, and solve problems that people go through and to moderate these forums to it's required standards of its policy. b:pleased They are the enforcers, the…
  • If you're depending on your armor, you will be depending on what acts your character will be acting out. : P IT REALLY depends on stats, light armor doesn't have too much of an advantage as a Veno, sure you can put what ever points you have left at lvl 60 after raising 180 points in magic, for another stat like Strength,…
  • Can you feel that? b:scorn Oh **** b:avoid Ooh ah ah ah ah! b:sin b:sin Ooh ah ah ah ah!
  • True, if your pet has a higher skill lvl but lower stats its not going to out perform the other and will die more often if not faster.
  • The best pets to have are either Cash Pets, or Pets with a very low original level.
  • Melee Venos can be just as good as Caster Venos. Melee Venos have the Foxform basis, Caster Venos don't usually have the Foxform basis. It all depends on a players Stat Distributed Build. I'm a Caster and I've lost to one Melee I've ever fought. Each build can adopt certain skills of another to greater it's lesser side,…
  • Yes, Natures Grace, Soul Transfusion and Metabolic Boost do help a lot as a defensive. Soul Transfusion can be used with either a Physical or Magical build, for Natures Grace and Metabolic Boost it would be best to decipher what you want more with these 2 skills because one's based on Maximum HP, and the other Maximum MP.…