shammahbenjudah Arc User


  • Its possible the defenders utterly destroyed their opponents, its a bit hard to compete with people making over $1500 a week free money...imbalances things pretty dramatically IMO. But its also likey, and this is another concern about the system's integrity, the opponent is in bed with the dominant faction and just bought…
  • b:laugh No...really no flaw in the logic...its the same thing, just addressed from a different perspective. Just because the problem isn't completely pervasive, that doesn't mean it is no problem at all. Hunger exists in varying degrees...some face it once or twice a day while others live with it constantly and there are…
  • I have to agree with you about the limitations. I think a faction should be free to hold as many lands as they can. But even with the limitations, the "ultra power' thing gets spread around a bit more and can't be monopolized by one faction, so I'm sure TW's would still be far more active than they currently least…
  • Interesting since everyone doesn't starve to death...there isn't a problem with hunger at all...?
  • Here's another interesting figure that may help bring this into perspective. Looking at all of the current maps on our servers, I counted 182 territories that will simply not be available for bids in the next TW. Since the maximum number of players who can participate in a single TW is 80, this means that potentially…
  • What a crock. The only true inability we're addressing is the inability of dominant factions to prove themselves to be truly dominant. It isn't ganking them to ask them to earn the money they it? And if they "cannot possibly defend all their lands at once", then what right do they have to hold all those lands?…
  • An interesting skill Clerics had in another game I played was similar to self-res. The Cleric cast the skill on himself before going into combat at the cost of a small amount of Exp. The way it worked in combat was when the Cleric ran out of HP, this skill prevented them from dieing and maxxed their HP again. It only…
  • So I guess you're saying its OK to keep on giving Cala a rough equivalent of $1500 every week for doing ... nothing? That really sucks when you count the number of really nice people who have left the game because they can't even afford to pay for the regens they use and have better things to do with their time than to…
  • Funny thing is, the "dominant factions" seem to be the only ones really opposed to this. If it were "just a game" and if they were truly "dominant", you might expect them to say something like "Bring it on!" I'm not sure if my math is right, but the way the current map is configured on the Dreamweaver server, Calamity will…
  • The issue with this logic is simple...PWI had many players in the early days who came from other versions of the game and knew how to play the game. When they get together in the beginning and inevitably get stronger faster than everyone else, it lends them a great advantage. Typically that's cool, thing is in this system,…
  • Yeah guys...I got it...I don't afk WQ (muchb:chuckle) and I use every in-game advantage to speed things up. TP is good once in an hour...and I don't have an issue with that, at least they've made a free TP available. I guess you're among those who only have WQ and your own BH to do and have trouble fathoming the incredible…
  • Bumping this one up. After the new BH system was implemented, this would be a god-send. I can't believe nobody wants a teleport item you can use over and over again b:surprisedb:mischievousb:worried
  • Kinda hard to work a job and have a life and run BH 39 through 89 for faction mates in one day with the new system...sooo much downtime waiting for ports out and back. Yes the experience potential is greater, but I don't have the time to be bothered with keeping them up to date.
  • That's exactly the point. Since the modification to the Bounty Hunter quests, the demand for these mats to make wines has increased exponentially. But the already minimal supply remains unchanged. Well, not completely unchanged...coincidentally, these mats just happen to be featured 'on sale' this week. b:cold Since there…
  • Hey now there's an idea...except that grinding for coins to buy charms will probably burn 2-3 charms before you earn enough to buy're a GENIUS!!b:chuckle
  • Well...prepare to be SEVERELY pissed...cuz it aint even worth having in the game now. Its a pathetic waste of affinity points and it does nothing like what you're used to. Its more like a **** in the wind now than a functional skill.
  • I guess we can't have anything affecting those charm sales now, can we?
  • You forgot to mention that we got 4 tokens of Frostcovered city. Now we only need 996 more and we can make a FF growth weapon! Hey guys listen up...whatever they did to FF is complete BS!! Take some advice from people who just got screwed over doing it. DON'T DO FF...NOTHING DROPS!! The only thing we MIGHT get is a few…
  • I tend to agree with you on this one. And it isn't just the TT drop rates that are so low. Normal gameplay does not financially support normal gameplay in this game. It does in the beginning...but once you need the hammer to open your first supply stash, it all goes to ****. With current gold prices in excess of 400k on…
  • Well of course...and its important to remember that there's no such thing as perfection either (no matter what name you call it) and you can't please everyone, lol. Some companies have no intention of keeping a game up long-term. They expect to hit the market hard, drain as much cash as they can fast and then move on to…
  • Well, yeah I see your point. Thing is that as a Dev, I'm going to target the high end of the gaming field, like the ones who get awards and make lots of money and have huge player bases. Once the tech is developed for the games, it exists and it will be used again by someone else. With a few tweaks and customizations to…
  • Point is, its very likely that this games competitors are listening to us and will be happy to make, or are currently in the process of making an extremely competitive product. If they're the only ones really listening, then this game's capacity to compete takes a pretty hard hit. Soon the number of true new players will…
  • Aside from what I perceive to be over-nerfing to generate $$$$, I agree this is a well developed and very playable game. With regards to customer service, it has been non-existant in my experience. On every occaision that I've submitted a ticket, the issues have remained completely unresolved. I haven't even gotten so much…
  • Yes and the economy hasn't recovered since the first of the last, I think two or maybe 3 charm pack sales...I've lost track now. I mean yes they have offered gameplay items for sale, but for the most part, it has been the fashions and expensive new or rare mounts that have blown everything out of whack. The price of gold…
  • So true...and when you think about it, all the recent cash shop sales have been mostly fluff, catering to players' vanity. The vanity thing is only good in very small doses, but we're feeling a bit gorged on it at the moment. PWI needs to get smart and add some solid bread and butter items to their cash shop and quit…
  • I don't think the issue is to take something away from people, but rather to balance it so that more than just one or two factions can hold some territory. When one or two mega factions hold the map, they have a pretty healthy income...and that's great for them. But what about everyone else...they're just screwed? I still…
  • I like the reset idea too, but maybe quarterly instead of monthly. And I agree that it needs to be more realistic. One reason a large faction can hold the whole map is because they will never have to defend the whole map. If you want to "own the world" you need to be able to defend your holdings. All territories should be…
  • I can see both sides of the binding/unbinding issue and I think the best solution is to leave the choice to the players. Make the unbinding charm available and if they want to use it they can, if not they don't have to...simple as that. most people bind equipment because they've worked hard to get it and it has a high…
  • I have sort of browsed this thread a little and it brings to mind some of my own recent observations with this game. I've done a fair amount of alpha and beta game testing to help developers get their games to work like they want them to. The feedback I would offer to PW about this game is very simple. There are too many…
  • We have finished the game...where's that new expansion?