razere Arc User


  • Okay, thanks a lot for your help.
  • This is only from my browsing around the forums, so keep that in mind, as I have actually not played the game yet. Venomancer appears to be the class that you see the most in-game. Mage or Wizard is the rarest class to see in-game. But there are still plenty of Wizards, and plenty of reasons to still play Veno even if it…
    in Races Comment by razere December 2008
  • Meh. I detest summoner classes. I don't really know why, I just really really don't like them. If I were hell-bent on going wizard, overall, which of those two builds are the best? Or are they pretty equal?
  • I fail to understand how a level 54 is a more reliable source of information about what happens at higher levels, than, say, a level 84 AND a level 88.
  • Clerics are meant to heal. If you want to deal damage, then roll a mage, or an archer.
  • Two reasons why I didn't want to roll a priest. First, I have been the healer class in every MMO I have played, and I have played quite a few. I wanted to try something different. Second, I was told that priests eventually, at the higher levels, become a class that you really need to pay real money for, and I am not…
  • All right, thanks for clarifying.
  • This was a wizard asking how to do it. Of course any of the other classes could have gotten him easier. This was a hard boss for wizards to kill.
  • This guide should be stickied, excellent starting wizard's guide.
  • I believe the genders are as follows, though this is only from glancing around at the forums: Venomancer- Female Only Barbarian- Male Only Blademaster- Male Only Wizard- Female Only Archer- Male/Female Cleric- Male/Female I'm 90% sure on the Archer/Cleric/Veno/Barbarian, the other two, I am not so sure on.
  • Did you not read the post above you? No one is forcing you to get married IN A GAME!
  • Veno is easiest to play, got that, but I really want to see others' skills, so I wanted to play a different class than her. What is the second easiest?