rainbowyoshii Arc User



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  • cant tell if trolling. 4aps rank 9 sins out DPS most if not all 5aps rank 8 sins. mystics nor any other class do not compare
  • this x9001. kritty you defend them everychance you get as if the GMs are gods that do not make mistakes. no matter how bad the situation is you ALWAYS defend them with an arm and a leg for no real reason. yes u are a mod, but you are a VOLUNTEER. you defend the GMs as if you were paid by them personaly to talk only 100%…
  • ice, light, dark, wind. just saying. if they really want to make a new class then they can. for me personally i hope there is a light and darkness class. *crosses fingers*
  • its not gonna be introduced till next expansion. were sryb:surrender
  • some ppl in this thread are so insanely uneducated to the point where every time they post a kitten dies. srsly ppl get a ****ing clue.
  • you are so fail. veve is not the first person to get it, you are just the first person to post on the forums about it in order to stroke epenises like a true looser.b:bye
  • nope. EGs are underpowered. R9=balanced race.
  • the way u and omnix describe mystic is as a back up support class which makes mystics so boring. as long as u have a cleric in the squad u dont need to support. from my experience all u need is to throw up vital herb and u can go to just pure DDing. if the cleric rage quits or DCs then THAT is when the "support" side of…
  • http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1197791 why does OP fail so hard? i know ur bored after u spent 4k on rank 9 and goon glitched to 105, but please post somewhere else other then these forums. no one cares about u and neither does ur grand parents/parents.
  • hilarious **** bro, but you really dont have a clue on what your talking about. i can write up a 2 page essay on why you are 100% on most of what you said, but its just not worth the time since everything u said is typical garbage from a vista fanboy. btw, the only problems had with win 7 was during the beta. currently it…
  • this happened in another game called flyff. there was a coin (penya in that game) dupe **** back in 2006 and the economy for the server it happened in NEVER recovered. but everyone learned to deal with it over the years. if a coin dupe happens in PWI then the game will never be the same. expect 1bill to be the new 1mill if…
  • sometimes rollbacks are unavoidable. there not gonna do it tho cuz they havent rollbacked any of the 105s that glitched goons -.-
  • the entire crafting system is a huge waste of time/joke.
  • ive stoped answering/opening all emails from PWI even if it is legit because of the hacking situation. this company makes me facepalm. at one point i praised it as being a very good MMO. but the way this company handles bugs/hackers/glitches is just ****ing pathetic.
  • well thats what happens when u spend close to a a mansions worth of money on this game then goon glitch to 105. u beat 101 BMs. good job! /sarcasm the OP honestly has **** to brag about. when u buy ur way to 105 and then sell ur cars + house to get rank 9 +12 gear obviously ur going to be a 101 BM in average gear. gtfo
  • i know i wont be in 7x long NORMALLY. i could have always FFed to 80 if i wanted. but the thing is i am not gonna be lvling much at all cuz i rly need to one farm some coin and 2 i dont really have time for this game cuz im falling to far behind in hw. and i can always resell these items once im 8x (with the exception of…
  • ya i just bought the dark hades leggings and the snow dance robe. im just really worried about equiping that necklace right now. edit: thx for the vipers seal suggestion. a guildie sold it to me for 500k just now when i asked about it. hmm i might just wear the necklace tho and say **** it. it was only 900k anyway.
  • its because generaly carebears are hated more then smurfs.
  • its a stupid solution tbh cuz it affects the ppl that do FF legitly aswell. they should just freakin fix the glitch altogether instead of being lazy and nerfing the exp it gives.
  • frankie is a bad source of information. he has been wrong multiple times in the past and never gives full details to a situation.
  • why are ppl saying goons give less exp? from everything i heard goons still give the same ammount of exp.
  • if u play the game how it was "supposed" to be played then all you are doing is taking the longer way out. that method simply TAKES LONGER. there is nothing hard about doing the same exact daily quests and BHs every single day. btw im extremly lazy. but just because im lazy doesnt mean i think the game is hard. this game…
  • u can PK without loosing gear. its called binding/guardian charms. ppl were making use of it just fine before this. and guess what? the ability to grief ppl that did not want to be harassed wasnt possible. however in SP u have no other choice but to get harassed rather u like it or not. educate urself.b:bye
  • u do know that even if they do make a pvp arena then it will be filled to the rim with rank 9+12 players because of competition right? anyone less then that (except for rank 8 sins) wont stand a chance.
  • lol ya, there needs to be a warsoul sale. if there isnt then those weapons will never get used period. if i can get a warsoul for a REASONABLE price then id skip rank 9 altogether assuming i was getting rank 9 to begin with
  • you see thats where you are also wrong. theres factions that compete and pvp with each other including enrage all the time. and guess what? these factions also dont give a ****. did u really thing it was only enraged doing the camping? no. it goes far beyond that and its something u seem to not understand. they dont pvp…
  • i guess your book doesnt account for the bored "hardcore" pvper in full +12 rank 9 that doesnt give a **** what ur book says and will continously kill a lvl 2x player just because he can. and guess what? no one will care. u know why? cuz enrage is a top faction with 100% of its members in +10-+12 rank 9. all u do is click…
  • like i said it does not matter if ur a noob griefer or not. what does matter is that in areas like these there will bee someone that kills every single thing that moves 99% of the time because of boredom. and these are NOT just scrub ppl either, these are ppl in full r+12 rank 9 doing this.
  • are you serious? define "hardcore pvper". because now i honestly beleive u are truly full of bull ****. because last i checked, most of these ppl are redname, TW all the time, Pvp all the time, and PK all of the time yet they still camp the nubs. are u saying enrage isnt a big faction with hardcore +12 rank 9ers in it? so…
  • oh ya? tell that to the ppl in enrage with +12 rank 9 that kills anyone that crosses that door including lvl 2x players. ur full of bull**** if u think higher lvls dont camp. they do it out of pure bordom cuz they have nothing better to do except sit in SP all day and kill anything that moves low lvl or not.
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