none, because it was a accident in he first place and the devs decided to just leave it in out of lazyness. then ppl over from china QQ hardcore to the point they had to remove it. its a feature that should have never existed to begin with. just have them implement a pvp arena and problem solved. the pvp in SP was just one…
i know u want to QQ ur eyes out right now, but lets face it. SP was a HORRIBLE place for them to choose out of all the places they could have picked. infact they should have just introuded a pvp arena. SP was actually a popular spot for lower lvls to do there quests until this instance made all of the lower lvls gtfo of…
hardly. for every person that "quits" 2 more CSers join and take there place and enjoy the game in there shiny gear. this is a business. the ppl that dont want to pay quit and the ppl that do pay shine. because of that the game has a good source of income and isnt anywhere close to dying. the ppl that quit will be…
it was popular before the glitch because of plvls from sins and the high ammount of exp it gave. goon glitching just made a already popular instance more popular. but even without the glitch that instance is the main way to get to 100 for most ppl and an extremly popular method of plvling. its also the main way for sins to…
last i checked theres still litterally hundreds of ppl in arch and ppl constantly shouting in WC so game is still alive. once that number dwindles down to like 20 ppl or less then ya game is dead. if a **** game like ********* is still alive after all these years then PWI wont die anytime soon.
selling old is actually pretty smart IF you do it corretly. if u sell 100 gold for 2mill each u got 200 coin to play with. if u know what ur doing u can double and eve quadruple that money near infintly till ur able to get full rank 9+12 by only spending $100 in game rather then 2k. however if u want to be lazy then ya buy…
some of u ppl make me lol. this is a cash shoped based free to play MMO, how can u have NOT seen this coming? its only gonna get worse in the coming months and years this game is still active. this happens to any F2P game. the CS starts off small and then it ends up being a huge deal. its only a matter of time before they…
why do they need a end date at all? they will just release new packs for halloween, new packs for thanksgiving, and new backs for xmas/new years. its a never ending cycle and u should know that by now.
of course they did. since when did the eastern MMO playerbases EVER care for pvp over pure grinding/questing? the majority of easter MMO players QQs over anything pvp/PK related which is why most eastern MMOs are grind fests. i was actually surprised when this got implemented in china with no protests from chinese players.…
how about trying it? if u hit 12x and click yes then it will tell u that u need 5 stones if u cant do it. if u can do it then it will consume the 5 stones. thats how it should work
thats prob exactly what they did. the tideborn are known to wear the dead carcases of slain sea creatures. the rank 8 armor for female sins is made entirely from a dead shark if im not mistaken. its pretty bad *** imo.
say what u want about the OP, but atleast he had the balls to post on his main account. most ppl will just hide behind a alt and ask in the beginner forums or something. :3333 that prob would have been his best course of action tho considering the large ammount of flames he is getting.
dont use a bow nor devil. use sting + mistress. mistress can AoE like 5 heads if timed right and sting can kill 2 more if heads are out of range of aoe. also sting only needs to be lvl 1 for heads.
its called being a douch bag vs not being a douch bag and right now you are being a douch bag.b:surrender if u got nothing to post other then "use search button" then stop wasting ur time and simply dont post. not everyone in the world has ur mindset.
with current gold prices u can probally sell $100 worth of gold and get 200-300 mill (depending on current sales) in return. use that 200-300 mill to merchant and double and even quadruple it. then use that money to buy rank 9 stuff ingame. u would have only spent 100$ instead of the $2k it costs for rank 9 un refined.…
no he wasnt and that is a blatant lie. he is quite honestly one of the more obvious glitchers around here since he posts on the forums the most so ppl know exactly how fast he got to 105 after this glitch emerged.
do u have a problem with what i said brohan?
i assume u cant dig it? suckas? SUCKAS!
indeed he did. indeed he did. btw. 1st on page 20!
3 105s on HT claimed they got to 105 on oracles. astrelles friend claims he got to 105 on blessings. the POINT isnt rather or not its possible or logical. the POINT is that these are the excuses ppl make in order to sound LEGIT without having to directly admit to goon glitching.b:bye
that would be find and dandy if he did this before the glitch poped up. but the problem is the timing of it all. the same month this bug appeared was the same month he jumped to 105. coicidence? maybe. but all of the 200+ 105s out there right now can all claim they used blessing just as easily. blessings werent at all…
yes you mostly certainly are one of them. thats why ur still lvl 57 even tho u joined in mayb:chuckle
your an idiot. read the OP. those seekers got to 100+ by hyper FCCing and not from the "old method" before hypers existed and it was just pure questing to get lvls.
you expect ppl to beleive that? after he has been the same lvl for so long while posting on these forums, and then (by some SUPER FAT coincidence) he gets to 105 in less then a month RIGHT AFTER this bug emerges u pull some excuse for him like orders of blessing out of ur ****? im sorry, but that story is extremely far…
why are you still posting on the forums when there are so many better options? just makes me LOL.
w/e level she was i know for a fact she got to 105 in a short ammount of time soon as this glitch emerged. i find it to big of a coincident for her lvl to shot up to 105 that fast during the weeks the bug first emerged. cant expect me to beleive a archer went from 103---> 105 in less than a month.
an idiot that has no life except to spend 1 full year grinding to 100+ using that method.
a bug in jeopardy?