how is this considered exploiting? weird... if they can't fix the 'bug', they shouldn't ban people for playing this way.
you can't craft your ride, even as a veno. you only have the ability to tame pets, but those can't be used as rides. the only way to get a ride is to purchase them from the cash shop, or if u r getting a horse, from the pet manager in arch.
oh, this explains it, thanks for the update~
well, this sounds like a bug to me. a clarification from one of the admins would be nice.
how come there're lvl 30 players riding lvl 60 mounts?
you get a variety of ppl on both servers, wouldn't say pve is a better place, if one of the 'bad guys' on pve wanted to mess with you, ks your mobs and stuff, and they have their safety mode turned on, you'd be out of luck, so it just depends on what you like.
quests are class specific before lvl 20, technically your elf friend can fly to your town and quest with you, but he can't share your quest rewards and wouldn't level up as quickly as you would, so best practice would be to meet up later @ around lvl 19 or 20.
i'm sure those 'missing items/features' are just hidden and will be released in increments, they have to keep the game interesting, can't release everything all at once.
why not go for it, you sure will be one of a kind~
yes, get rid of the background image, whatever it is that's taking up valuable space~ and get rid of the black bgcolor too, it's so dark and depressing :-(
The GMs are banning bots, slowly but surely, maybe later they'll have their anti-bot programs do the banning, would be a lot more efficient that way.
party up with some1 will ease up the pain.
This forum definitely needs a revamp. Get rid of the top banner image would be the 1st step.
so what is the final answer to this?
this is done to prevent massive botting. although bots can still sell mats at higher lvls instead of taming for gold. eggs will probably stay at 1 per piece.
would be happy if ob comes sooner...
me too~i'd like that too.
using a hacking program is never accidental, there shouldn't even be a warning, just perm ban the first time they're caught. harsh punishment will result in fewer hackers. a warning is totally unnecessary. hope the admins will take this into consideration. thx.
still playing, but also losing motivation.
very good post, very valid points.
you can save your char model yourself, someone already explained on how to do that. everything else on your list - not gonna happen.
adblock just took out the background image, now i have a huge tall empty black space sitting on top of the actual forum. seriously, this 'Baytech Web Design' company must've never designed or used a forum before. keep the huge graphics to index, give us the real estate for everything else.
don't understand why some people are so forgiving toward botters, i guess they'd rather live with filth. geez, a cleaner place is good for EVERYONE. yea, it's no biggie during cb, but in ob botting will ruin the game. and then, you'd really have to play single player games. thanks orinj for the response!
they should bring back the tab function, punish the botters some other way, don't punish us legit players.
this sums it up. so admin, plz choose wisely on the $.
live with it? wow. so if you see a thief stealing, you wouldn't call the police, right? some conscience you have there. or maybe you're just defending yourself, cuz you're the thief.
hmm, just hope this won't be the case when OB comes =)