Replace "An entire aspect" with "The most important aspect".
OP is QQing about QQers which is WORSE, and is also in denial that the game is broken and imbalanced. Fail.
By work for it you obviously mean get 20 jobs and works 400 hours a day 365 days a year and obviously you'll need a time machine and potion of immortality! Then give your money to your guild and hope they don't run off to the landowning guild with your money. The implementation can't possibly be any worse or more…
The only way to fix this game is remove the aps **** and reduce upgrade/slot effectiveness by 75% in PVP. 25% is still a pretty large margin, and your gear's pve effectiveness would remain the same. Like how FL works in AO in an attempt to balance low levels vs high levels fights, to make it more skill/strategy based.
This is the best troll thread ever.
I've used 3 AMD cards and 3 or 4 NVIDIA cards, and am currently using an AMD card. AMD/ATI's AA is horribly broken and it seems they use a lot of cheap tricks to compete with nvidia, which may be why I have so many issues now and with every previous card. Every single time I've purchased an AMD product I have regretted it;…
What nvidia card, what ati card? It looks to me like you have antialiasing off. AMD/ATI cards have the worst drivers of any hardware on the planet, and the AA is always dysfunctional with them(assuming you actually have it on).
Does sound like a video card driver issue since VLC also does it, VLC uses its own filters. If you're using ATI card, well, serves you right. They have the worst drivers ever, and always have. WMP sucks, real men use pretty much anything but it. edit: tried opening it on monitor 1 then dragging to monitor 2? I recall…
You drag the flight/land hotkeys to your skill bar. Make sure your wings are equipped (they are by default.)
I did that about a year before I made this thread, I **** you not. And about 2 days before I made this thread :) Ticket system is failtastic trying to do it via email. We need a phone number I think.
TW should be based on herb farming and skill, rather than herb farming and $5000 per head spent in the cash shop. Reduce effectiveness of upgrades by 75% during TW, and completely ignore stones. Base gear unchanged stats. It's one thing for one person to Pay To Win, but the way it is now a full guild will have to Pay To…
The devs, aka wanmei, probably have. PWE only have to do translations.
You're a fish, fishman. Now go wash off your smelly scales.
PWE changed the encoding, you could have names guilds etc in nearly any language before (in betas). I'd wager they prefer you not to use special characters at all, after all that's why they changed it in the first place. They did the same thing with FW, I can no longer use japanese in the current CB..
True. The game is far too level and gear based, and grinding to make money is much harder in this game than any P2P game. Level and gear bonuses should be marginal so that skill is the larger factor. + some classes aren't really balanced. Especially the melee weapons that give a chance of double damage, I don't recall…
If the ticket system was implemented properly I wouldn't have to rage about how it's impossible to log into it.
A ion made me feel claustrophobic ._.
Too bad I'm too busy arguing over years tickets and can't log in and experience somewhat more fair TW 2 years later. I really wish MMOs would lessen the effect of levels and upgrades, skill isn't even a factor anymore :< ps, why haven't they capped the territory a guild can hold after all these years? You'd think 7 max is…
Sarcasm much? They just don't feel like putting up the effort certain other well staffed companies would... no names mentioned Wanmei seems to have a knack for creating poorly thought out mechanics in their games -_-
Now I understand why maps are one color (well, they always were, rofl, but its worse). Nice to see that PWE is still doing things the lazy way, clearly they are understaffed. The only legitimate way to control fake bidding is active GMs checking up on the bids and permanently banning people who attempt it, and the guild…
Wow they really carebear'd the game up since the time they banned me. what a shame :(
I was going to tell you that doesn't tell us **** about the PSU, but it's irrelevant since you use an 8400GS. It's basically every bit as slow as onboard video, generates little heat, and uses hardly any power. I think your PC is just old. REALLY old, like 6 years old, it's still using regular SDRAM rofl. Something's…
What card? What PSU (manufacturer, wattage, how many +12v rails at what amps each)? Did you try CMOS reset (yes, it can fix that sometimes)? Made sure you plugged in the PCI-e power connector(s) to the card?
they'll probably ban you for posting this, lol
Utter nonsense. I haven't problems running anything on Windows 7, including several games from 1999. XP is ****, it's dropped soon, and it misses a lot of features the biggest one being per-program volume control, and some less important things like task bar preview, and far better alt tabbing. XP is a nightmare if you are…