melanderi Arc User


  • Hello, I see that there was a reply to your inquiry a few days ago- check your email as Support is waiting on a reply from you!
  • Hey guys- you can't log in because the servers are down for maintenance! Please check the forum thread here. You can also check server status here. b:victory
  • Closed for Necro- Don't bring back dead threads! Zombie threads will eat your braaaaaaaains...
  • /trololololol....
  • Aww... You beat up poor SunGhost? So mean! b:shedtear
  • No, usernames cannot be changed.
    in Quiting Comment by melanderi April 2012
  • That was him. Glad we were able to help you! b:victory Hope this means you'll stay!
    in Quiting Comment by melanderi April 2012
  • It doesn't matter if you're her boyfriend, best friend, brother or pet- Sharing your account info with ANYONE is a fast way to have your account compromised. If you share your account info, you're basically saying that whatever this person does on your account is A-OK. So let's say Adjena decides to share her account info…
  • Lewu- please check your email or send a ticket to support. b:victory Minstor- There aren't any bans on the account, so make sure you're using the correct login information. Make sure you log in with your account name, not your forum name!
  • 1. If you're already sure your computer is clean, change your password- make it something strong, and don't tell anyone what it is ("anyone" includes friends, neighbors, family, faction mates, pets (and pet rocks), girl/boyfriends, GMs, People pretending to be GMs... etc). 2.There are a few different email addresses.…
  • From what I hear, Adjena like to troll players. It's possible that everything they said was a complete fabrication. b:chuckle
  • Rumor is that GhostGhost is exceptionally fond of espresso, however I am not sure if GhostGhost needs bosom hair! b:chuckle
  • *inspects screenshot with oversized magnifying glass* Ah ha! I see. It seems that you were asking GhostGhost for help, and instead of providing the requested information, referred to poor GhostGhost as a "newb." GhostGhost does get many questions, and cannot always help players if they insist on calling names. Be nice to…
  • *Lifts veil off magic GM Crystal Ball* I see.... I see........ I see you! Yes! You're sending an email to support:! OH- and it is from the account's registered email address! Yes... there's more! You're sending a friendly message to support asking about your account! Truly this is an…
  • Let's all take a trip on down to the depths!
    in Wow Comment by melanderi March 2012
  • Banned? Send a ticket!b:victory
  • Aaaaaaand closed. Discussing private communications with support is not allowed. Per the ToS, Account selling is not allowed and further, determination as to whether a violation has occurred is at the descretion of PWI. AND Support will never discuss with you the status of an account you don't own. b:bye
  • Aaaaaaaand we're done. Come on, now! If your account is compromised, what's the name of the game? Say it with me: Send! In! A! Ticket! Woooooo! * imitates roar of crowd* If you've already sent in a ticket, you'll need to wait for a reply from Support. Forums=domain of mods+admins, and a good place for game play discussion…
  • Please have your boyfriend contact support from his accounts registered email address. While I understand your desire to help, we cannot discuss his account in a ticket sent by you.b:surrender Additionally: Please, PLEASE, do not go to third party websites. Even if they're offering you millions of coins, a new flyer, and…
  • Alright, let's close this one up. Final notes: It may be difficult initially to determine if a site is legitimate or not. Some things to look for when determining if the site is safe: - Does it have any extra letters in the url beyond ""? Examples would be something like…
    in wtf Comment by melanderi March 2012
  • Short answer? No. Long answer? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..... Don't go to third party sites promising free stuff! The only "free stuff" will be your stuff, free to them! b:shocked Stay away from phishing sites, and keep your account info safe! b:victory
    in wtf Comment by melanderi March 2012
  • I will neither confirm nor deny these allegations.b:avoid ... However I will admit that fisticuffs is a pretty sweet word, and the song "Rumble in Brighton" has been a favorite for some time. b:mischievous b:cool
  • You need to submit a ticket, with a screenshot showing this event happening. If you see this happening, please take a screenshot of this event and send a ticket to support. The best screenshots show the PK'ing in action. As there are already discussions on the pros/cons of PK in the Secret Passage, naming+shaming is not…
  • While that email is also a valid option (provided it comes from the registered email address!), the issue here described has been specific to logging in to the game, not the website leaving the option to use our ticketing system open! It is good though to note that you can send emails directly to the aforementioned if you…
  • If you are still having this issue, please try resetting your password one more time. If you are still unable to log into the game, please send a ticket to support.
  • Heavens Tear is a West Coast server, so the event should be starting here in about 10 minutes. Ready yourselves, Heroes!b:victory
  • You will still need to answer all the questions. If you need to change your email address, you can put in a request for that too.b:victory Please note that you should not ever post replies from support on the forums. It's against the rules. It's bad, yo!b:shocked Keep that communication private between you and…
  • Alright, rather than posting it here on the forums, please send a ticket to support with as much information as you have. If you believe your account has been compromised change your password and contact support immediately (again, with as much information as possible). I'm closing this up since this is something that…
  • First- never go to third party websites that are offering free gold, leveling, items... etc. This is especially true of any site that is pretending to be an official site. If you happen to end up in one of these dark corners of the internet, do not- I repeat DO NOT- type in any of your login information. That would be as…
  • Any players who believe they have been **** should change their password and contact support as soon as they realize their account has been compromised. The sooner the better!