mazterl Arc User


  • I think this is the best suggestion to a build I've seen on this forum. This leaves you free with a few points to make the build as you see fit and still focus hevily in Int.
  • Doesn't it also depend on the way you play? If you play solo PvE most of the time, then a Lightly Armored build isn't all that crappy. But if you do party more than anything, then a pure build would be the way to go. By having a tank in front you will be able to stand back and the need for higher HP and armor is limited.
  • Well, there may be decent guides on other forums and even really good ones. But does that really matter when someone is asking on this forum? Now, I have never played any version of PW before. But as with any castertype character, the most important attribute will be Intellence (Or something similar). Just use your head…
  • Well, if it is truly as great as you say it is, then I may be able to attract more than a few players. After CB, I will decide if the game and the provider is worthy of my attention :P
  • Beta phases is about testing the game AND the servers. It's not a headstart for theose who choose to participate in Beta. If you think Beta is a waste of time, because of the wipes, the go BUY a game instead. Those are tested and deemed market worthy. Why is it that some people simply can't fathom this? A Closed Beta TEST…
  • 7/10 Only because the wings seem out of place. The text is moderate and the wolf and colorscheme is very well balanced. But those wings.......
  • Hahaha... Laugh of the day! Even GMs are people you know. Ownage! Trolls RULE!!!
  • In a perfect, there would be no hypocracy and no censorship ;)
    in Censoring Comment by mazterl August 2008
  • One advice. How about starting at the BEGINNING!!!. Just talk to the NPC's, how hard can it be?
  • Awwww... And just as we attracted loads of (un)readers :P Off-topics perhaps, but still great fun. *Passing the rant-torch to the next in line*
  • Ahhh... Thanks for the info. Just read that some say they are a waste of money and time. Just wanted to clarify what it was excatly.
  • That solely depends on how much you are willing to do, to hide from the scrying eyes of conspiracy theoretics ;) Sig, I usually don't do rants either. But I love a good challenge.
  • Well, in a party the Archer is at it's best. With a Blademaster or Barbarian bashing the beast, the Archer stands well back and does his full damage. Som Archer isn't suited for solo, same goes for Wizards, but once the powerful skills come into play.... That's when the fun REALLY begins. But the goes for all classes.
  • Ranting is an Artform so rarely seen done right. It seems that the OP and Junk thinks a rant is just letting out a mass of words in rapid suggesion, with no time to breathe or even rest the weary eyes. How sad. No, a true rant would be a work of art, something that would catch the readers eyes and keep them enthraled for…
  • 1 month isn't that bad for Closed Beta, released in other parts of the world or not. If this size of a game was built from scratch, it would be more like 6 month closed testing.
  • I have experienced MANY that give nothing of the sort to Beta testers. Which had me wondering for a long time if I even wanted to bother doing Beta. But when it comes to it, I love doing Beta. Mostly because I've played ALOT of F2P games that where bug riddle and nothing was done to change it *COUGH gunz COUGH*
  • You can upload an image in the Edit Signature or link to an offsite one. Once you have either link or the upload, then there is a button to Add Signature and in the sigwindow some like [sigpic][/sigpic] should pop up. Of course, you can just put in some random text if you want to :)
  • 12 years... Gotta have some battlescars by now... Been doing gaming in various styles and types for 20 years now. I remember a time when you had to manually connect 2 or more machines to get multiplayer action. I was even playing Doom2 back then and did ALOT of Baldurs Gate and Diablo 1.
  • Came across this by "accident", that means I was looking for games in Beta to test out. So that makes me a PW newbie, but a game since the times of Commodore ;)
  • The game client is available now. This is the core of the game and will contain pretty much all the tech needed to run the game. After CB and afer OB, there will most likely be a sizeable patch to the game, but the basic game engine is the one you can already download now.
  • The character wipe is not only good. As I see it, it has to be done. The purpose of BETA is to test for bugs, testing server stability and such. Then when the Open Beta starts, it will be open to everyone but is STILL in test phase. So or course all characters should be wiped, to make sure that all the bugs have been dealt…
  • Being from off-shores to the East, I will be playing on the East. Are you from the West of the US, then pick West :) Or you can always check wich one offers best ping.
  • Another European right here. Redhaired Viking from the glorious island of Burgundia (Bornholm)
  • Name will be MazterL. Not sure about class yet, still browsing aroun to figure that out. But hey, I still got a few days until the CB comes out. I see alot naming the Archer as the powerclass, but also hear that Venomancers are a good deal. I have always favored casters over melee fighters, but not to hype about the neko…