1 month CB?

ganja Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2008 in General Discussion

Now that we're getting so close to the CB I wanna clear this doubt i've been having.
The CB will really last 1 month (thats what a friend told me).

I just wanna clear that up, because I really didnt believe him, 1 month is to much for a game that is basicly out there, just some traslation needed.
Post edited by ganja on


  • mazterl
    mazterl Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    1 month isn't that bad for Closed Beta, released in other parts of the world or not.

    If this size of a game was built from scratch, it would be more like 6 month closed testing.
    "Normality is the Death of Personality,
    Less Idelogy, More Fantasy."

  • lockhart
    lockhart Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    The whole point behind CB is to let players test various aspects of the game and see how they work (from devs point of view). Imo 1month seems pretty good timeframe for this, seeing the hc grinders will get to rather high levels and thus test and provide info of those higher levels to the team. While the more casual players will be testing the lower level content.

    Oh and when Im referring to 1month of CB, its totally a hearsay material. Not sure if it has been mentioned in an official source or anything :)
    Mihimaru ~ 4x Venomancer ~ Starlight ~ Heaven's Tear
    CB tester :D
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I must agree that 1 month is entirely appropriate and reasonable considering the size and amount of content to be tested for this version. That period of time should be sufficient for players to reach in the range of 50-60 which while lacking the chance of testing out some of the higher range which may still have some issues with bugs/problems noticed from the existing versions, it does provide a good amount of testing to be done. This is of course provided the xp rate/levelling speed remained consistent with the MY version. If it is for example amped up for the purpose of this testing period then even some of the higher end content might possibly be tested to a fair degree as well.
  • ganja
    ganja Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Yup ok, thanks for the answers, case closed.
This discussion has been closed.