lyrielcrossfield Arc User


  • The guardians really don't interest me that much as a prize. But the chance for a preset based off my design....I think I shall give it a shot. <3
  • Because you're paying by e-check. Like a real check it takes days to verify and approve payment. Unlike a real check if you're trying to scam or just don't know how low your account is it won't bounce and you won't get hit with bounce fees, your check will just be denied.
  • No worries Ravy. :3 I'll probably be on as soon as I get back from my first class (it ends about 12:20 so I'll probably be home around 12:45-ish). As soon as I get online I'll try adding you to my friends list kay? :3
  • On a side note, there are also similar items called: Scroll, Scroll II, ect. These do the same thing, only you just have to talk to a specific NPC instead of fighting a monster. Also, word of warning: I would not use that item until you are at least 2 levels higher than the minimum usage level. I know the 2nd scroll in…
  • I think by the sheer fact that three people got married today on Heavens Tear server indicates prices will not be lowered. People are buying massive amounts of Zen. War's over, commoners who actually have to budget their money have lost sadly. -.-
  • ^^ You're welcome Ravy. XD Tell them crazy old Ari sent you and don't believe anything Mihi says. >> I'm actually about to go to sleep but I should be on no later than 10-11ish tomorrow and will more than likely be on all day sans dinner. :3 Hope to get a chance to talk to you and actually I might not be against working…
  • Heyas Ravy. :3 I'm quite a bit ahead of you so I wouldn't be in your area. XD But if you want a place to chat and maybe find a friend to work with I'd suggest the Starlight chatroom on the PW game. It's pretty much open as long as Mihimaru is online. :3 If you don't know how to access it add me to your friends list…
  • Alrighty. XD Kinda figured as much but it's better to have a source like you at least confirm my suspicion.
  • It's a scam. XD There's no deadline or prize date. Ergo they don't have to reward anyone because they'll just claim the contest hasn't ended yet. ...seriously though. >> They need a deadline at least.
  • Typical MY-En price ran about 55K. With this many people playing there should be Mirages galore when everyone hits about 21~22 (as that's when the stone count catches up). If anyone wants you to pay more than 85K tell them to hit the road.
  • A simple response really summarizes why you should still drop cash prices asap: Where do you plan on getting all that money if no one wants to buy from an overpriced CS? If things really are all that expensive you're shooting yourself in the foot here. Now if you'd opened up the CS with like a 2 for 1 sale on Zen for the…
  • You're welcome. XD I found that out cause in PW-My the lag there pretty much required me to double tap every action. XP So after a while that double % bar got annoying so I figured I'd try Escape, lo and behold it worked. :3
  • Server lag sometimes requires double clicking, However there's a nifty little trick should you start opening the chest again: The Escape Key. Cancels spells and actions too. No harm done if that "re-open" doesn't go past 3%.
  • I guess I'll have to re-post here. Lemme summarize my feelings for you about the cash shop. If I wanted the best clothing (which offers 0 in game advantage like Heiros and so forth), I would have to pay $25 + the cost of random dyes which is roughly another $5-10 depending on luck with dyes. So,... Stuff I want from CS…
  • Short Version: A guild formed with the intention of gathering Role Players in order to make RPing easier. Next stage, what is RPing, Short Version: RPing is basically Stage Acting with no script and no audience. Basically it's the same as writing a book, only with multiple authors and characters no single person has…
  • Count my vote in for the too expensive mark too. These prices are insane compared to more F2P MMOs with a cash shop. Taking into the consideration the stuff I want... Blouse- 7 Gold Skirt- 1 Gold Gloves- N/A Heels- 1 Gold That's $9 right there, not counting the costs of dyes to make the outfit match (at least 2 Gold, more…
  • The billing page is not live. Proof within:
  • I pretty much have to agree with the sentiment that this should've been done at the beginning of CB. It's quite unprofessional to drop something like this now but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you've never even seen how MMO CB contests are run. 1000 Zen really isn't worth the headache an emergency…