ladyrain Arc User


  • Hi Falon. Wow, you guys made the guild already. Lol, same old name :D Hope to meet you guys online. I have an EA, LadyRain.
  • I'll be going to East PK server, as my guild mates are all going there. I initially planned to use the West non-PK server. Hmmm... like my friends in the guild, but only tend to be online with them during weekends. :(
  • Um...mage very late levels, yes. Mage rich? Not if you want to be powerful. You will be spending loads of money on good equipment. Venomancer would be the best choice to get rich if you play solo a lot, especially at higher levels when you can solo a dungeon that gives you materials to make special weapons…
  • Mages/wizards have the lowest hp among all classes, therefore be prepared to die often for the first 40 or so levels, especially since you will have low physical defense and almost all low-level mobs deal physical damage. Once you obtain your pushback skill, things become much better. Leveling is not a problem if you find…
  • The point I made is that currently elves do not have any speed advantage in the air when most players use cash shop flying devices. Compare this with humans have a skill to give them a speed advantage on land and the beastkind having a skill to give them faster swimming. So, it can very well be said that you can pk and…
  • That skill is useless for solo play, but if you party with a physical damage player (blademaster, barbarian, archer) , the buff adds a respectable amount of water damage for them once you level it. Good for general additional damage, fantastic against fire mobs. Flying skill is not useless, either. In the long run, it is…
  • You are probably referring to the warrior/blademaster skill that increases speed for a limited amount of time (with blue streaks behind them). Also, mage/wizard has a semi-teleport skill.
    in Gameplay Comment by ladyrain August 2008
  • aoe=area of effect, damages all within an area
  • Personally, I played a pure INT wizard with all my equipment geared towards more damage in the PW-MY server. The trick is to know how to kite, i.e. run/jump away after nuking the mob, then nuke again, run/jump again, repeat till mob is dead. It is a pain to play, but by the time you hit level 20+, you should be able to…
  • Hieros have a certain amount of health/mana pool that are drained to replenish your health/mana bar. This will cause the pool available in the hiero to drop by however many points was replenished. You can use the hiero until the pool is used up. Note that once you equip the hiero, it cannot be taken off. I agree that cash…
  • Server: Oracle IGN: LadyRain Class: 7x Mage Looking forward to meeting you guys in the game.:D