keihan007#7641 Arc User


  • To avoid mistakes of others by not wasting time/money yourself? Not everybody is a kid with lots of free time. Reviews can be a great tool as long as you remember they are somebody elses opinion. But even if you disagree with the person on most things, you can find information on population of the game, how time/money…
  • BBB have no actual power, they are more of a mediator but from what I`ve heard they have been relatively effective. As for agreeing to ToS - There are examples on internet, where ToS has not held in court. Sure, there are plenty of cases where it has held but each case is unique and most companies rather resolve these…
  • You are absolutely correct in short term, as long as ppl keep throwing money at them, they have no reason to fix anything. But by not fixing, more and more ppl are quitting and I cant think ppl actually throwing money at them when it nets them nothing. If you dont have anything to kill with the gear you bought, whats the…
  • Could we get a staff member to acknowledge xTW was broken and thus give us hope it might work this weekend? Cause this **** is getting ludicrous.
  • Raise your hand if you are slightly surprised.
  • - Did not expect to find this stupid posts even on forums like these. Lets take an example from real life. You go to McDonalds, get absolutely terrible service, the food is ****. On the other hand you get great service and delicious food in Burger King. Question is, which company will you give your money the next time? I…
  • Dont really understand what you are trying to say. General CS has gone down across the board in gaming industry but there are still companies, which offer pretty good service. And there are different levels of CS, I haven heard from anybody, who actually got decent support in this game in the past few years. All CS does is…
  • If you are interested in playing a game, which costs more than a car to get to semi endgame nowdays. Game which literally has no support. Game, where all the main events seem to be broken in some manner. Game, which had one of its servers crash 3 times today alone. Then yes, welcome. If not, take your money and time to…
  • I`m not gonna dive deeply into "only support sucks" but thats not remotely true, there are so many other issues its not even funny. As for support, let me ask you, when was the last time you got actual support in this game? From the staff I should clarify. No amount of CM activity will fix understaffed CS section of this…
  • But PWI is the best, most balanced game out there, kappa.
  • Considering 1100 spirit hitting 1000 spirit is (1100+1000)/(1000+1000) = 1.05 aka 5% increase according to spirit formula, I`d be surprised if you got higher results for spirit. This is the highest % increase in range you gave. If somebody claimed 8% increase they must of combined both attack and defense gain into same…
  • I have done pretty extensive testing on those formulas and they are accurate enough not to matter if they are actually completely correct or not. As for spirit convo, I really cant remember details of the conversation nor do I care enough to dig the thread. You did however argue against spirit shards, which were still the…
  • Considering the fact you dont even agree with the formulas ppl consider set in stone nor do you seem to understand the basic math behind this game, I seriously doubt it. The math behind this game isnt hard but it takes experience to gauge proper power levels of toons and sheer work aka time to balance it. I dont know…
  • Or more likely the NP BM in question is just trash? Sins are absolutely broken but BMs, due their very high defenses and insane amounts of CC with high chi regen can match pretty well against sins. Sin doesnt just snipe endgame BM instantly like so many other classes and BMs can keep throwing CC and some will go trough…
  • Le sigh. There is literally handful of players on this game, who might have the in-depth knowledge of this game and could balance 1vs1s completely fairly trough stats. Even fewer who could do it for different classes. Just because you could technically do it doesnt mean you can actually do it. And you my dear Joe arent one…
  • Why would you endure idiots when you can just kick them/not party up with them in the future? The casual content is casual, short of ppl intentionally messing up the run you`re gonna get trough it pretty fast. Raids are another thing but again, why would you tolerate ppl who dont show signs of improvement? FF14 has a meta…
  • Its DQ system all over again. I am doubtful PWE had any intentions of fixing it in the first place but chances are if they did, it costs more than they are willing to spend on it and thus its never getting fixed. I do hope I am wrong for the sake of ppl who still care bout this game. But no news in 5 months almost…
  • Anybody who accepts such a position should actually try to fulfill it well. Like Sylen or not, he could be quite rude and whatnot but least when he commented on topics for advice he knew wtf he was talking bout and usually kept his mouth shut when he didnt. Maybe I just been browsing forums with some standards lately but…
  • I dont know why we are even talking bout F2P MMORPGs as an option for good games. I believe its adequately been proven no company anywhere manages F2P titles well - They get too greedy and build their market strategies for whales, which pretty much sucks for balancing purposes. So the real games I`d ask for Joe to look at…
  • You`re moderator, people take you more seriously than your average poster as they imagine you know what you are talking bout. There is no reason why it would work and if it does its sheer coincidence. Your suggestion is ultimately just wasting ppls time as it does not work, there is no reason why it would work. Closing Arc…
  • Tfw moderator has no clue how internet works and gives stupid suggestions. Fyi, if and when you DC, no amount of shutting your router, logging in and out of arc, etc. will help. The problem is when you DC, you dont happen to send DC package to PWI side and PWI doesnt know you DCd. I am guessing the long DC timers are…
  • This instance is so stupid, it might sound fun on paper for some but it creates a lot of problems. After couple of months 99% of the playerbase will be sick and tired of this instance. Why? Because its just spark kill everything from what I understand - I havent actually been there as the rewards and concept of the…
  • Blacklist had other fight but you can thank PWEs decision to not reward anybody but top3 meaning we had no reason to show them when all we can get out of xTW currently is PvP. We wont get rewards for this season, what else do we have to play for but to see if we can get some PvP action?
  • I am curious what you would consider top MMORPGs even. WoW is doing fine, the biggest cry ppl had was because alliance didnt get a specific race recently. There are also some gameplay changes coming in the next expansion ppl arent excited over but will have to see how they are. And WoW dwarfs any other MMORPG out there in…
  • So there has been 1(?) season in which Euros didnt get spoonfed? From what I heard they didnt even TW against each other for more than couple of weeks, obviously with how inactive I am I wouldnt know everything regarding what happens on another server. But if the fact they got 1h to settle their TWs before xTW starts,…
  • I did use quotation marks. Its Racist esque, not quite racist but I dont have better word for it. Calling general group of certain origin typically lazy is in fact negatively describing them, replace Europeans with blacks and ask yourself if you are going to get called racist or not. You dont work but plenty of ppl work on…
  • Only Joe would talk how Euro server is at an disadvantage when the event is at prime time for Euros and in not so great time for Muricans. Then goes on a racist(for lack of a better word) tangent to justify this asinine idea. Oh boy, this thread is ticking all the right boxes for my entertainment.
  • This is probably one of the dumbest things you have ever written on these forums, which is saying a lot. Why? Because higher defense levels/lower attack levels would actually make genies shine a lot more. So in reality that wave of def level weps will actually make attack level shards likely better than spirit shards, even…
  • When did you last play PWI? PWI used to be a fine game but that hasnt been the case for a long long while now. Every update introduces either more grind(specially boundary levels) or another unimaginative stat stick with the exception of glyphs, them enhancing skills was admittedly interesting take on the game. As for…