jadasia Arc User



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  • This will result in gold coin traded for cash shop items and force new toons to quest and farm their own way through the game. Personally I see this as a good thing. It means questing at all levels will be a must do thing again to get skills and gear until they decide to pay to win at end game
  • I'd like to see you prove that because I never spent 2K in one day on anything except a freeze dryer machine. Besides, My catsop works hard for its coin. It made 90 mil today...which is lousy performance. Oh, and TT4 mats aren't sold in the cash shop (Except the helm stone thingy) so why don't you explain how anyone can…
  • Typical F2P with severe entitlement syndrome. Always demanding something for nothing. Here's news for you. You get what you pay for. P.S. Me and My team made a killing farming the new TT. 300K per lucky coin is pocket change. Then farm Haspon for runes. Hell, farm for runes and get some attack levels for free. Gear up.
  • Apparently getting a free blessing every week with a code is far less sustainable than getting the ones which are still available in the game at the moment. Besides I didn't even know we could get them with lucky coins. I got them from transmutation and the towers. Didn't cost me anything. Also one can still farm NW for…
  • You quit because you didn't get a free item? Why not just get peerless or other blessings from transmution or the tower? Entitlement...
  • That new instance can be done easily with R8 and G16 3rd cast. It can be done with NV gears. It's that easy. But yeah, you better quit now while you can. Save the planet.
  • I know a lot of people, including myself who achieved R9RRR without a credit card. We called it Cat shop merchants. There's all kinds of stuff that people still buy and sell. Other players have seemed to advance their shops with the game. If you are still stuck on the old school **** then that's your problems. Not ours. QQ…
  • Did you even read my last post? ROTFL!! I worked hard with a catshop to earn coin to buy R9 mats off others just like so many other players did. Took me 6 to 8 months to accomplish. Apparently you somehow interpreted that as buying it off others who are expected to farm the MoGs and GSTs. And you call me mentally…
  • Then set up a catshop and earn coin to buy it from others. I farmed my herc then I farmed and earned coin with a catshop to buy MoGs and GSTs from others just like so many other people have done. No excuses. Work for it if you do't want to buy it.
  • LOL! Anyone can already get an R9 set for free. Farm badges for reputation. Farm mysterious chips for GSTs. Farm MoGs. Or be a merchant and earn coin to buy the mats like many others have already done. The cash shop is just a shortcut to bypass all the farming. If one wants it for free then farm it. If one wants it fast…
  • Such ignorance is astounding
  • As I already mentioned Frost and Pill babies weren't wanted in non-nuke squads either. I already stated why nobody wants undergeared and unskilled characters in squads. When you ask a BM to HF or an EP to BB and they respond with "what's that" then you'll figure out what I'm talking about. They are completely worthless…
  • I haven't done the mobs in a group. I try to be considerate and kill a mob at a time however when an individual or group is out there hoarding the mobs to themselves in all areas I just start AoE on all their mobs, I get credit for it so good enough for me. If they don't like it then that's too bad.
  • Nobody wants frost babies or pill babies in their nuke squads. Why is that? Let me take a wild guess where you are coming from here....you think frost and pill babies suddenly have access to high level game content but the problem is that it's not fair that they lack skills and gear other high level players worked hard to…
  • But people pay it. Why? Because things are worth what people are willing to pay for them. If you have a problem with the price of things then you don't purchase those things. Problem solved...for you. People still make rainbow squads to kill things in instances every day. That is not the definition of balance the OP is…
  • Nobody is advocating the removal F2P players completely from the game. In fact F2P players have a path to end game gear too. Just takes more time and work to do it. A LOT more as it should be. My point is that F2P players are not entitled to the same benefits as those who pay to play. If they were then there would no…
  • I read what you said but try reading what I said. PWI/PWE is a for profit company. It seems they are purposely thinning out non-paying clients to reduce their overhead costs including but not limited to server bandwidth and employee time dealing with tickets from non paying players. The company wants to cater to and…
  • We currently have an anniversary event with NPC that give out free week long autopots. Why would anyone pay for one right now? PS..I offered to sell gold in WC there for 22 mil but I was trolling another WC troll trying to sell for 17.5 mil
  • Actually having the game run on an obsolete game engine with all its limitations has a lot to do with the issues the game is suffering from. And I will state again, how much and what people spend their own money on in game is nobody's business but their own. Free to play people don't pay the bills to keep company lights…
  • People who pay money to play keep PWI employees employed, Developers developing, servers up, etc. They deserve to be better than those who contribute nothing. Welcome to capitalism. Without them you have no game to play. If you think you can run a better MMO company then by all means go for it. PS..the old saying "You get…
  • That's your problem. Gear up and use pots
  • You must be new to PWI. God forbid a for profit company caters to people who pay real money to play it.
  • Then why QQ about it in the forums? There's the remedy. Other than that let people play the game and insult others and PK to their heart's content
  • Sexual frustration? Bullying same level of cognitive distortions as rapists, murderers? Thanks for your illustrative reasoning of professional victim.[/quote] Yes, research it... its a known cause. People who emotionally / physically abuse others for their own pleasure are indeed very similar, lacking in empathy or…
  • Sexual frustration? Bullying same level of cognitive distortions as rapists, murderers? Thanks for your illustrative reasoning of professional victim.
  • Who gets to decide what bad abusive behavior is? You? If only the world revolved around you. The moment I reached level 30 on old Lost City server I couldn't do a quest without getting PKd and laughed at. Was that bad and abusive behavior? Or was that just PK? Was I a victim or was I just PK practice for someone? Was it…
  • You can't change other people's behavior so if other people offend you then change your own behavior and learn to deal with it or get out
  • It's so easy to not be a bully victim online. Just blacklist or turn off the damned machine. Then they won't be "victims" with special needs and support just to make them FEEL better. I mean, really dude. The internet and even the real world is not the place for extremely sensitive thin skinned people. And when people…
  • You must be new to the internet. Then those 'not everyones' shouldn't be playing MMO games online or be online at all. They can be good all they want or they can be hyper-sensitive and have a meltdown every time they get offended or someone is just better then they are.
  • everything is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Buyers set prices. Sellers do not.


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