Perfect Respect
PWE takes any form of Bullying and or inappropriate behavior very seriously.
However this needs to be sent in using the correct channels, Via Support. It will then be checked out by the support team. Any info you can provide to support should also be sent in via the same ticket.
Ill be fair sometimes what people think is a joke can get out of hand very quickly. Sometimes telling them will work. You yes also have access to the BL function in game.
Stay safe and respect each other.
Im not going to close this but please do not let it get outa hand or I will have little choice.
Pwi can't even fix promo codes let alone handle bullying or inter-player issues. Telling them to stop paints a giant target on you like this thread with op.
If you are being bullied, or even just tired of the attitudes, honestly, the only answer is to deal with it or find a game with a nicer culture and better customer support. As you can see by the posts here 90% of players left are here to pay obscene amounts of money to get epeen stroked. If that doesn't spell mental health issues I don't know what will.
I think it's great there's still caring people left in the world. Don't let these people demean you into becoming an **** like them.0 -
Lmfao you were on the right track until that last phrase you said. It’s bad of them to excuse their behavior but totally fine for you to say they are sexually frustrated lol.....
Wrong game ppl here take so many things to heart no point asking them not to.
Honestly, not sure why ppl want so many “bullies” to be banned. This game is so starved on players censoring ppl and banning ppl for being themselves is a sure fire way to 1) driving ppl away 2) killing off your player base. Should you be harassed of course not. But banned ppl in a hope of “fixing the issue” will not work you just kill a dying community even harder then ppl will complain Pwi banned too many and isn’t a welcoming game. There’s just no winning with Pwi’s community tbh. I don’t think the gms really messed up Pwi, the playerbase does a great job themselves with abuse of glitches, complaining about P2W (most F2P mmo like this btw) and the ban wars of course help.
If you research bullying (in adults) sexual frustration and even confusion over sexuality has been attributed as one of the known causes... so i'm not sure why its somehow unacceptable to you that i have mentioned the fact, i haven't personally attacked an individual or bullied anyone but i am sorry if you felt that way... i was actually trying to help the OP realise its not personal, it's not their fault and they are not to blame, it is an issue with the bully themselves!
You are right, we lose bullies if bullies are banned, but we lose their victims who are driven away by bullies if they don't, we lose players either way. I don't think bullies should be permanently banned but if support is provided with SS of players personally attacking each other there should be a short ban as a deterrent... Years ago when i played cleric a one shot got himself killed and started going ballistic at me that it was "my fault" for "not healing him enough" it really wasn't no amount of spamming IH on him would have saved him, but still that rage was immense, the faction leader kicked him for being abusive and then i received a blue wall of abuse, even saying "i hope you die of cancer" and "i will find you and **** kill your family"... i knew full well he would never find me and that he couldn't curse me with cancer, but it still makes playing really unpleasant sometimes when people getting particularly nasty.
Who gets to decide what bad abusive behavior is? You?
If only the world revolved around you.
The moment I reached level 30 on old Lost City server I couldn't do a quest without getting PKd and laughed at. Was that bad and abusive behavior? Or was that just PK? Was I a victim or was I just PK practice for someone? Was it some kind of injustice because I was a low level trying to quest or was the ability to be PK'd like that built into the game?
It depends on perspective. If you think the world should work according to you then you are one who lacks perspective and respect.
No one "decided" what abusive behaviour is... it just is, in the same way that having sex with someone against their will is ****, or ending someone’s life is murder.... insulting, threatening and intimidating someone is bullying!
No one mentioned PK, but since you brought it up, no it is not "bullying" for someone in PK mode to be PK'd... using an example of something that is not bullying to try an minimise and trivialise actual bullying is not helpful! It can however become bullying if this person is deliberately targeting you for personal reason or a vendetta and farming you consistently to prevent you progressing in the game or try and force you to quit.
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If you research bullying (in adults) sexual frustration and even confusion over sexuality has been attributed as one of the known causes... so i'm not sure why its somehow unacceptable to you that i have mentioned the fact, i haven't personally attacked an individual or bullied anyone but i am sorry if you felt that way... i was actually trying to help the OP realise its not personal, it's not their fault and they are not to blame, it is an issue with the bully themselves!
You are right, we lose bullies if bullies are banned, but we lose their victims who are driven away by bullies if they don't, we lose players either way. I don't think bullies should be permanently banned but if support is provided with SS of players personally attacking each other there should be a short ban as a deterrent... Years ago when i played cleric a one shot got himself killed and started going ballistic at me that it was "my fault" for "not healing him enough" it really wasn't no amount of spamming IH on him would have saved him, but still that rage was immense, the faction leader kicked him for being abusive and then i received a blue wall of abuse, even saying "i hope you die of cancer" and "i will find you and **** kill your family"... i knew full well he would never find me and that he couldn't curse me with cancer, but it still makes playing really unpleasant sometimes when people getting particularly nasty.
No one "decided" what abusive behaviour is... it just is, in the same way that having sex with someone against their will is ****, or ending someone’s life is murder.... insulting, threatening and intimidating someone is bullying!
Sexual frustration? Bullying same level of cognitive distortions as rapists, murderers?
Thanks for your illustrative reasoning of professional victim.0 -
Who gets to decide what bad abusive behavior is? You?
If only the world revolved around you.
The moment I reached level 30 on old Lost City server I couldn't do a quest without getting PKd and laughed at. Was that bad and abusive behavior? Or was that just PK? Was I a victim or was I just PK practice for someone? Was it some kind of injustice because I was a low level trying to quest or was the ability to be PK'd like that built into the game?
It depends on perspective. If you think the world should work according to you then you are one who lacks perspective and respect.
No one "decided" what abusive behaviour is... it just is, in the same way that having sex with someone against their will is ****, or ending someone’s life is murder.... insulting, threatening and intimidating someone is bullying!
Sexual frustration? Bullying same level of cognitive distortions as rapists, murderers?
Thanks for your illustrative reasoning of professional victim.[/quote]
Yes, research it... its a known cause. People who emotionally / physically abuse others for their own pleasure are indeed very similar, lacking in empathy or compassion, incapable of understanding the damage they inflict upon others, they all display multiple symptoms of Narcissism and sociopathy.
People commit suicide over bullying, it absolutely is as serious.
Trivialising, gaslighting, blaming victim's, trying to manipulate me with your passive aggressive "thanks" and accusation that i am a "profession victim" are all also symptoms of narcissism and sociopathy.
I’m truly sorry for whatever has happened to you to make you think bullying is ok.
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the reflective brain while move on and cast a view in backmirror , ( did i really say ( type ) that ) what was i say ) did i really think twice before empty my mouth , its so easy to be a zero and hard to be a real hero , but as more we act useless and wrecked , as more leave any game include this , best way is help out if we can and make another somebody day , we dont need emptyhead who only care for him / her self , that is also the true way in real life , its so easy to be rude , evil , etc , it dont require an education .
we all start from scratch in game and in real life , we need to learn of our mistake , by continue the same badly behavior day after day , lead to nowhere , only to lonelyness , and isolated , as more we help out and as better will we succes ( everywhere ) nobody is perfect , but we can strive .
as more we help out as more will be happy , also the PWI staff
i been play for 9 years + , and never had the feel to treat other bad , why should i , do i winn something in that case , no absoluty nothing ,
sorry for my poor english
reflecting lifes around us0 -
Well long time since I don't post in here since Im not playing this too much anymore, still this thread looks interesting so I guess I will put my 2 cents here.
First of all, I have to say that I agree in general with what @fededomino is saying, the idea of trying to be a nice person in game instead of a bully. At least I am not the kind of person who enjoy tormenting others.
There is a Confucius quote that my grandpa used to say: “Don't do unto others what you don't want done unto you.”
I at least try to follow that way of thinking.
No one "decided" what abusive behaviour is... it just is, in the same way that having sex with someone against their will is ****, or ending someone’s life is murder.... insulting, threatening and intimidating someone is bullying!
While I tend to be against any sort of harassment, and I can in a way see the point in your post. I still think that there is a lot of true in what @jadasia said here:Who gets to decide what bad abusive behavior is? You?
And that is the problem, because sure, bullying and harassment is clearly a bad thing, but at what point saying or doing something becomes harassment?
Just look at how the world is nowadays, anyone feels insulted about pretty much everything. Heck, even this conversation we are having here could be take out of context and put as something racist, sexist, etc.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying that people should be allowed to harass others. But by today standards, I could pk someone in some pvp event, get that person triggered and he start insulting me and then I could call that harrasment.
Or I could PK someone several times in TW and that person could say I am bullying him/her 'cause I killed him/her 5 times.
For me at least the true definition of harassing or bullying someone is continuously and repeatedly insulting the person, following the person everywhere. In the case of games, would be someone even using alts after you blocked the bully.
But I don't see as harassment geting a few insults on my pms after I killed someone on XTW or XNW or any sort of pvp event, neither if I made a mistake on a dungeon and my squad get wiped, and someone say a few profanities. Sure that person is rude and agresive but not really a bully for me.
But again, problem is that what is easy to ignore for me could be not easy for someone else, And by today's standards in which anyone is a bully, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, misogynist, etc, etc, etc.... We are going into a world in which saying almost anything could get you in best case socially murdered plus losing your job or in worst case put you in jail or even killed.
If you don't believe me just go and look at certain guy who made a **** joke video with a dog in the UK and how did that ended?
Or go and look at the whole cd Project red controversy about a gender joke that someone did on twitter.
Or how about dead or alive video game self censoring 'cause it ofended some people?
Heck, by today standards, anyone playing this game is a mysogynist, even if you are a female since this game allow you to create female characters with large…. Heck, I am not even sure if I can say the word here, so I would say big proportions, and also you can dress the female toons in a provocative way. Plus the fact that the game does have b... physics. The only reason why you don't see large amount of sjw and twitter Warriors hating on this mmo is 'cause is not popular enough anymore, but go and look at all the hate on Soul Calibur or GTA as example.
Edit: this forum censorship filter just proves everything I just said...
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Who gets to decide what bad abusive behavior is? You?
No, Customer Support does it if they get enough screenshots. It's written in Terms of Service.0 -
The problem is that most of you on here in support of being little incessant **** on society will do it no matter where you are. You weren’t raised properly and you have severe mental in-capacities that leave you devoid of empathy, you try to be hard like “kill or be killed” whether in game or irl, because it’s a defense mechanism for the insecure, trembling little child inside. The thing that most of you need is to actually feel real physical pain irl. Your parents should have smacked you when it counted. Instead, they catered to your “I am special and unique” mentality, adding to an already inflated sense of self, as if you or anyone else matters more or less in this life or any. All you have to do is understand that human beings all have feelings, and in polite society, which is where most of us were raised to reside, there are certain ways to behave to ensure harmony in our everyday lives and keep things copacetic.
That said, there will ALWAYS be trolls. Everywhere. Irl and especially mmo environments where the safety of anonymity just begs those predisposed to behave badly for attention. Unless you want to waste time fighting them with words in a futile match of who can spam the most upsetting **** via blue wall, then just save yourself the trouble and blacklist them. Don’t give bully types the justification of a response, just ignore them. Most of the people who play pwi, I’ve found, are either socially maladjusted, incapacitated in some way, retirees, outcasts seeking a dream world, youths with inferiority issues, adults on disability, or people who otherwise have no real life to occupy their time. That is a breeding ground for salty humans and their antisocial behavioral problems. Of course mental illness is present.
To sum it all up, we’re all crazy, just try not to **** all over your fellow human being who is likely going through just as hard a time irl as you.Post edited by phantomforce#4598 on0 -
... You weren’t raised properly and you have severe mental in-capacities that leave you devoid of empathy, you try to be hard like “kill or be killed” whether in game or irl, because it’s a defense mechanism for the insecure, trembling little child inside. The thing that most of you need is to actually feel real physical pain irl. Your parents should have smacked you when it counted.......
..... Most of the people who play pwi, I’ve found, are either socially maladjusted, incapacitated in some way, retirees, outcasts seeking a dream world, youths with inferiority issues, adults on disability, or people who otherwise have no real life to occupy their time. ...
cos thats not abusive or bullying at all
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This content has been removed.
No, Customer Support does it if they get enough screenshots. It's written in Terms of Service.
Not really. By your logic then almost all servers population would be banned since players are breaking all sort of TOS rules every day at every hour. There are known cases of players who got reported by hundreds of people (no joking) and they never got a ban, they even made fun of the ones who reported them braging about how above the system they are.
Sure, in most cases companies will enforce their term of service for their costumers or their internal regulations for their employees, but this is not always the case.
Someone else post in this same thread that companies take problematic people very seriously, and that is true, in most cases.
There are exceptions however, many times money could be a factor or even political bias in case of some companies.0 -
cos thats not abusive or bullying at all
The funniest part of that is I almost started to address, before posting, that my comment was actually not bullying, as I include myself in the criteria I listed, at least somewhat. But meh, it’s the truth. The truth being hurtful isn’t my fault, but it wasn’t intended to insult anyone EXCEPT for those in the first paragraph, which would be the ones who bully others and have nothing but nasty things to say about everyone and everything.
But meh. It is what it is. *shrug*0 -
No worries, human's are hypocrites by nature, it cannot be avoided... just some are more then others0
No one "decided" what abusive behaviour is... it just is, in the same way that having sex with someone against their will is ****, or ending someone’s life is murder.... insulting, threatening and intimidating someone is bullying!
Sexual frustration? Bullying same level of cognitive distortions as rapists, murderers?
Thanks for your illustrative reasoning of professional victim.[/quote]
Yes, research it... its a known cause. People who emotionally / physically abuse others for their own pleasure are indeed very similar, lacking in empathy or compassion, incapable of understanding the damage they inflict upon others, they all display multiple symptoms of Narcissism and sociopathy.
People commit suicide over bullying, it absolutely is as serious.
Trivialising, gaslighting, blaming victim's, trying to manipulate me with your passive aggressive "thanks" and accusation that i am a "profession victim" are all also symptoms of narcissism and sociopathy.
I’m truly sorry for whatever has happened to you to make you think bullying is ok.
I highly doubt your in-game bully is "lacking in empathy or compassion, incapable of understanding the damage they inflict upon others, they all display multiple symptoms of Narcissism and sociopathy."
I highly doubt a player in PWI who feels like they are being bullied is going to commit suicide.
I am not going to keep this game related and not let you blow it so far out of proportion it demeans the topic.
As I stated if someone is saying stuff in game that offends another they can blacklist and go on their merry way.0 -
No, Customer Support does it if they get enough screenshots. It's written in Terms of Service.
Then why QQ about it in the forums? There's the remedy.
Other than that let people play the game and insult others and PK to their heart's content0 -
Posting huge essays on how text chat insults its the same as RL physical abuse and [CENSORED] is about the dumbest thing ive heard.Post edited by lexxfx on0
heero200 wrote: »
PWE takes any form of Bullying and or inappropriate behavior very seriously.
However this needs to be sent in using the correct channels, Via Support. It will then be checked out by the support team. Any info you can provide to support should also be sent in via the same ticket.
Ill be fair sometimes what people think is a joke can get out of hand very quickly. Sometimes telling them will work. You yes also have access to the BL function in game.
Stay safe and respect each other.
Im not going to close this but please do not let it get outa hand or I will have little choice.
really heero200 then why has pw created a situation that does nothing but create bad situations I would call someone coming into where two people are grinding on mobs and just start aoeing and taking all the mobs on a consistent basis a form of bullying but you you all have done absolutely nothing about. Why should I be subject to losing exp and having to spending millions of coin to protect said exp, You said put in a ticket that's a joke the support page wont even load. I have gotten to the point that after ten years of playing I cant take any more n pulled my main that I was on from the faction he was in and logged off and have no intentions of coming back. Thanks for nothingPost edited by bootlegger69 on0
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