Posts: 6 Arc User
Immpossible to go from G16 to R9, unless u have a credit card. It was a great game before.
Books are sold for nothing, FC is rarely bought and TT Market is dead.
Gl fixin this thing. I hope the game ends up diying (which might be already dead) if it keeps going this disgusting way -> ALL CASH
A great way to kill such a beautiful game.


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  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    Then again there are people who don't need to use a credit card or scam other people by selling FC or unneeded items. I like this game because of this :) but if you think this game will 'die' because you don't have fun anymore there is also a possibility to move on to another game.
  • Posts: 520 Arc User
    vamos11 wrote: »
    Immpossible to go from G16 to R9, unless u have a credit card. It was a great game before.
    Books are sold for nothing, FC is rarely bought and TT Market is dead.
    Gl fixin this thing. I hope the game ends up diying (which might be already dead) if it keeps going this disgusting way -> ALL CASH
    A great way to kill such a beautiful game.

    I know a lot of people, including myself who achieved R9RRR without a credit card. We called it Cat shop merchants.

    There's all kinds of stuff that people still buy and sell. Other players have seemed to advance their shops with the game. If you are still stuck on the old school **** then that's your problems. Not ours.


    I cashed shopped after I got my R9
  • Posts: 92 Arc User
    jadasia wrote: »

    I know a lot of people, including myself who achieved R9RRR without a credit card. We called it Cat shop merchants.

    There's all kinds of stuff that people still buy and sell. Other players have seemed to advance their shops with the game. If you are still stuck on the old school **** then that's your problems. Not ours.


    I cashed shopped after I got my R9

    Lol the real thing begins after you have your R9 :'(
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    you can get g17 using r83 which can all be farmed. even the helm can be made from r8 helm. mats can be bought from players. will it take time of course.
  • Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    lol u better quit ahead lol.. catshop merchanting my booger can prolly be more expensive than the items we sell.
    when skulls and profane wood got lower.. that's when i know.. i need to quit this game for now...
    tell me when r8 is gonna be effective on new dungeon...
    r8s3.... ... use r8 armor and r8 wep on new tt... all in squad use r8 and see if you can finish it..
    sadly this new dungeon is another case of IU gone wrong.. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH DD.. LOL SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR TIME COZ ITS GONNA TAKE A WHILE..
  • Posts: 132 Arc User
    jadasia wrote: »

    I know a lot of people, including myself who achieved R9RRR without a credit card. We called it Cat shop merchants.

    I cashed shopped after I got my R9

    The joke is most people will use more $$$ on electricity than their cash shop makes in profit. So you slave away on your cat shop, while u spend time, internet and electricity. Lets say for instance 1 dollar = 10 mil coins, you will be much better off getting money from somewhere else and cash shopping.

    Thats not even considering your wasteful use of electricity! Thanks for global warming you dirty cat shop!
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  • Posts: 114 Arc User
    True, True and True, drheal and boo4u!
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    Wow, somebody got triggered with global warming comments. It'll be nice when that earth-based religion finally dies and it won't pollute my eyes with idiocy anymore. Don't get me wrong, I like clean energy/air as well, but there are many other variables causing a shift in climate than just carbon, which I might add, has plants growing twice as fast as normal in some species. So plant some more trees if you must, and profit from the state of the atmosphere.

    As for the topic at hand, catshopping overnight was certainly a waste of my electric resources ten years ago. It's far more efficient working hard and eliminating bad spending habits and just dropping a little cash from time to time. Less stressful too. I don't drink or smoke, so that's a lot more cash per week that can go to other things... although lately, Pokemon Go gets more cash because it doubles as a gym!
  • Posts: 255 Arc User
    please stop this negative wave , it lead to nowhere only a black hole , if your want to complain do it to the developer in china , . if you have any good idea it will be better, its so easy to complain , but we winn nothing in that case , positive minds is always better and ideas , lean back in chair and rethink , before post a mind , its easy sit behind a screen and complain about everything , waste of energy, use your energy on positive minds instead , i guess any possitive idea is welcome , allways look on the bright side of life , stuff , things

    thats all
  • Posts: 182 Arc User
    Bring back communism to China, make PWI great again :p
  • Posts: 520 Arc User
    lol u better quit ahead lol.. catshop merchanting my booger can prolly be more expensive than the items we sell.
    when skulls and profane wood got lower.. that's when i know.. i need to quit this game for now...
    tell me when r8 is gonna be effective on new dungeon...
    r8s3.... ... use r8 armor and r8 wep on new tt... all in squad use r8 and see if you can finish it..
    sadly this new dungeon is another case of IU gone wrong.. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH DD.. LOL SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR TIME COZ ITS GONNA TAKE A WHILE..

    That new instance can be done easily with R8 and G16 3rd cast. It can be done with NV gears. It's that easy.

    But yeah, you better quit now while you can. Save the planet.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    I hope when arc will be closing Pwi they will announce it atleast in a week before, not after...
  • Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    lol its easy... getting the drop u want is easy...lol. hahahah tried 5 times on x2 drop... lol...its better to cs the mats than to farm it... no cs... lol.... that's the best understatement of 2019...gl to everyone still playing this.
  • Posts: 631 Arc User
    lol its easy... getting the drop u want is easy...lol. hahahah tried 5 times on x2 drop... lol...its better to cs the mats than to farm it... no cs... lol.... that's the best understatement of 2019...gl to everyone still playing this.

    That's so negative. See it like this: we don't need to play PWI since there are more important things in RL but if we do we need to have some fun. It's a game, right? Why farm everything asap when we can spend more time and lol, more money? Why use the Arc forum if you don't play the game? Well, hope you will find some fun in your spare time.
  • Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    Few things are very clear about PWI as per current day to day scenario for a completely new player:-
    1.You join PWI as a newbie you should be ready to play only PVE(best way to keep yourselves healthy lol)/PVP as f2p casual(don't feel enraged if you get 1 shot/can land only damage in 2 digit nos.)/common guy(f2p who grinds and makes enough penny to atleast survive high end dungeons/survive few hits in PVP events typical G16)<- this takes atleast 1-2 years if you play on regular basis/smartypants(if you are that mysterious merch guy who knows how to roll the markets perhaps you may someday land yourselves decent gear R9 and all the adds)<-most likely never lol since everyone knows the price and are barely willing to make a good deal(most do it via packs and keys)/average CSer(mostly old players)/ultra CSer(I don't need to explain this one).
    2.It's a very huge and grindy game things don't come easy initially for anyone(even more now as compared to few years ago).Playerbase has severly gone down and you will have to be patient if you help with dungeons especially solo low level and very high level ones(tetrais cavern for example).
    3.If you opt for the farming route not willing to invest a single penny as a totally new player(and expecting highly in return)it will make your life miserable lol since PWI likes butchering farm tactics like cube cogs.
    4.For most of the stuff it's better to just google and look it up on the pw-wiki/Youtube or the PWdatabase than asking people(it will be faster).

    So in short unless you are willing to put a few years into this game don't try it.(save your money since it's almost 10+ years old..)
  • Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    I don't think anyone is blaming Chinese Devs for anything. Maybe making certain classes too OP for too long.

    The people here in NA have been running the game poorly, we blame them. And people here have been still paying money and sucking up this bad way its ran. So i think we can blame 3 people fairly.

    1. NA game runners, 2. Playerbase 3. Chinese overlords / administrators.

    Chinse Devs we can blame for letting assassins triple spark in stealth. The issues with towers, dragon, crystal nuke in TW is more of a powercreep / cash shop problem. Ofc the seeker exploit they use to terrain lock people is an issue, but China bans for it.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    Two weeks into the year and no new blessing codes. This might be the year that they never return! *tries to start a panic*

    Had I known, I would have stocked up in my bank like I did several years ago. At least I have enough to get through another month. Then it's up to that +8 attack buff from roll call!
  • Posts: 236 Arc User
    Or try having some pvp type instances with capped gear, power ratings so different level players can interact with there own kind.... too easy
  • Posts: 631 Arc User
    Two weeks into the year and no new blessing codes. This might be the year that they never return! *tries to start a panic*

    No need to panic since 2018 supposed to be the last year both Jones and O'Malley's blessing codes where available. B)

  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    sjampie wrote: »

    No need to panic since 2018 supposed to be the last year both Jones and O'Malley's blessing codes where available. B)

    Ah, well, if I'd known that I would have filled my bank after all! :smiley:
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    Making money without real money is possible but take note that your sense of time of enjoyment will be much slower example you could merch thngs like herbs and mining materials and you could create an alt that one go over a certain level like 35-37 and farm rough fur and stuff(feed genie excess xp hell even sell the genies). Your sense of gaming will be much slower but more rewarding than everyone else. Like if your in the game for the long haul have quarterly and yearly goals for new heights in the game. When you get xtra money you know you going to spend on out to eat food slide that into the game and sell gold for coin and stack it. Do all that plus whatever else and repeat. Other than that you will become stale if you dont get to doing something and all players who become stagnant like that will quit. Thus dead appearing game. Of course other reasons as well like people getting jobs etc. but yall know what I mean.
  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    Can echo these sentiments as an ex-player who ground his way to R9.3 in times before autocultivation. I went nuts on the farming end. Finally figured out that the game became a second job. The moment I realized that, I killed the farming toons, said my goodbyes and left. Haven't really looked back, 'though I may return for casual PVE with friends. But PVP? Even then, at R9.3 with at the time full boundaries and a half decent star, you get one or two shot.
    There's no fun to be had. Thus you go elsewhere. STO or offline games in my case.
    ... forget your fears. And want no more...

    Dawnglory player:
    Ulsyr - Khelvan - Evryn - Gromth
    And StoneSnake - CatSnakeshop for everyone's Common Stones and more!
  • Posts: 55 Arc User
    Can echo these sentiments as an ex-player who ground his way to R9.3 in times before autocultivation. I went nuts on the farming end. Finally figured out that the game became a second job. The moment I realized that, I killed the farming toons, said my goodbyes and left. Haven't really looked back, 'though I may return for casual PVE with friends. But PVP? Even then, at R9.3 with at the time full boundaries and a half decent star, you get one or two shot.
    There's no fun to be had. Thus you go elsewhere. STO or offline games in my case.

    You are absolutely right.
    I figure they made it cheaper to use money than to farm in-game so that people be inclined to use cash.
    You can get $13.00/hr in any lowest paying job in real (104m in coins per hour, so 10hr is over 1billion coins.
    Nothing in game is certain of paying you this much. Besides farming in-game not only it ages your PC but also cost in electricity and takes time that you could be using to have fun.
    You need alts to help farm stuff and those alts need dailies to be strong enough to be useful and that adds extra time doing dailies etc.
    So if you manage 4 toons. You can get on daily basis
    Homestead Basic Quest = 2m selling Sigils. - 15min
    BH = 4% chance of 2m to 10m - 15min when u can take all alts like BH Snake or 2 Hrs when u run 4xMBH.
    JFSP = 8 coins x4 worth about 2m - 15min x2 doing 2 toons at a time
    DDH = 2 lv2 Glyphs worth about 1m with 10% to 20% chance of a 10m lv4 glyph - 2hrs if u run 1by1.
    DUP = 7m x4 on Split Squad runs - 25min x4 at best with SK squads.
    Vitae Quests = 20 Neverfall Badges worth about 4m making Acoustic Media - 45 Min if u include Nameless List + War'o Mine.
    And maybe sell little mats and seeds for an extra 3m ish 4 toons.
    So 40~83m for 5~7hrs of work not counting time forming squads.
    Its a full time job doing the same thing without vacation for $5~10 a day worth of game items.
    (Not Counting weekly/faction events).

  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    perfect world is really dying in any city of perfect world you can not find anyone,
    there are no new players there are only cat shop of old players and people buying and selling gold in the global chat,
    before the new arc system enter still had some people playing
    nowadays some privates servers have more players online than in pwi
    pwi is really dying unfortunately, but in the head of some people this is just crying
  • Posts: 109 Arc User
    On Dawnglory I am actually shocked how many new players we have...don't know about other server tho...then again, EU was always the biggest.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    man I log in daw glory and see 10 people on main city, the other players it was cat shop
    last time I saw some ''new'' players in dawglory was when pwi give code of Optimistic Pill
    I think you never see an server really full.
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