Arc Codes - PWI Only -



  • Posts: 43 Arc User
    less arguing more codes...seems this is the end?
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    whoever need to get us new blessing code...just fire it .25 jan and theyre still cant make one code?!?realy shameless
  • Posts: 520 Arc User

    typical cser.... hahaha 300k is cheap... hahahaha when i get 1m by just loggin in i will reply in here and say u correct. one thing to notice in fsj's is that too many sq fails ... before if you take +5 to+6 refined weapon people you can prolly get away with that +30% additional damage that that one gives.. now you need about +8 and up if not r9 sq.. or else sq fail. too many smart as saying they take many alts. lol if you have 3 people with 200 atk levels gof g17 wep u can take many noobs but for normal faction... with prolly just 2 r9's not even sin is r9.. its really problematic...the sq damage goes down by approximately 300% so idk..

    Typical F2P with severe entitlement syndrome. Always demanding something for nothing. Here's news for you. You get what you pay for.

    P.S. Me and My team made a killing farming the new TT. 300K per lucky coin is pocket change.
    It's not about the blessing being cheap or expensive, personally 1m per blessing is peanuts, who cares but the 1h timer makes it nearly unusuable in PvE and thats a massive nerf for anyone not PvPing and puts cheap-ppl in a position in which they rather quit PvP than to bother spending more constant money on this.

    And no, no matter what anyone says. The 100 Spirit and 300 Penetration to not make up for 14 Att lvl at all, not even in the slightest..even tho it depends a little on the exact scenario. At least in PvE the effectiveness is nearly halfed by not having jones anymore (pure blessing damage) since spirit ist 1/4 its effectiveness and penetratione effectively useless if you have all debuffs anyways.

    Either they give us the codes or bump up the Lucky Coin blessings to what was already in the game. 30 att lvl version, 15/15 Version and maybe even a 30 Def Lvl version or 15 def lvl with some more defensive stats. That's not gonna happen, I know, hence why Jones/O'mally it is :D

    Then farm Haspon for runes. Hell, farm for runes and get some attack levels for free.

    Gear up.
  • Posts: 109 Arc User
    LOL. I already made more than 2b from TT4, still having all my Shards and 10 Gold mats left and all Ring mats. I doubt there is anyone in the game having had as many TT4 mats as me.

    That is not the point tho, the point is that those blessings are a blessing and make things way comfortable and ppl are used to this for years. YEARS. PWI is not in a state that it could afford further off ppl for no legit reason whatsoever. If it is a strategy to make them charge more for inferior blessings then I highly suggest they activate their brains and see if that small margin is worth further annoying an already saturated playerbase. It makes absolutely 0 logical sense.
  • Posts: 51 Arc User
    Accidentally landed here. I quit this game long ago. Players still complaining lol. You guys just enjoy the game. shouldnt it suppose to be that? Peace!
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    I hope they don't give these codes for a few months. Because you should learn to appreciate them
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    lol i cs semi occasionally . i r9 my toons from dq from way before.. i can't even sell my gold mats at a price i want to be. u cs hard so u sell mats whatever price u want. currently if you sell them below 10m u losing if u run it at 10 people sq... might be better to just buy a script then run this with my r9 alts.. i see u open packs occasionally u can't even call that farming....
    @jadasia free atk level my as.. u are the one entitling urself coz u cs 2k usd per day... and sell mats cheap and and end of the day call that "farming and catshop earning money." you are the reason we can't sell tt4 mats high. u sell it cheap as ****. u ruining my farming.
  • Posts: 631 Arc User
    Maybe a bit off-topic but I think this discussion can be closed and a new one can be started if we get codes in the future.
  • Posts: 520 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    @jadasia free atk level my as.. u are the one entitling urself coz u cs 2k usd per day... and sell mats cheap and and end of the day call that "farming and catshop earning money." you are the reason we can't sell tt4 mats high. u sell it cheap as ****. u ruining my farming.

    I'd like to see you prove that because I never spent 2K in one day on anything except a freeze dryer machine.

    Besides, My catsop works hard for its coin. It made 90 mil today...which is lousy performance.

    Oh, and TT4 mats aren't sold in the cash shop (Except the helm stone thingy) so why don't you explain how anyone can possibly spend 2K a day and keep you from selling TT4 mats high and ruin your farming? Why do you insist on humiliating yourself with these wild assertions that aren't even possible?

  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    sjampie wrote: »
    Maybe a bit off-topic but I think this discussion can be closed and a new one can be started if we get codes in the future.

    I agree. This thread has earned deceased status, considering people are now in here complaining about the game in general, not even about codes anymore. And there ARE NO CODES.

  • Posts: 187 Arc User
    *sweats profusely I do hope they release jones and omalley soon i have like 4 days left on jones ...
    Vae Victis.
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    @jadasia coz gambling in the game is the only profitable "farming" lol
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    Jones' Blessing - nuJzBi0A
    O'Malley's Blessing - ZpwEFQEJ
  • Posts: 187 Arc User
    Dear god do i have ......this power? Suddenly Blessings show up? (Wishes for 1 coin added in the mail)
    Vae Victis.
  • Posts: 129 Arc User
    28 days late is not suddenly
  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    Thank you PWI staff, I think is what you all are trying to say.
  • Posts: 109 Arc User
    Thank you very much indeed! Finally back to normal. Not having blessings on so many chars for so long kinda made me appreciate it more. I am happy again <3
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    Jones' Blessing - nuJzBi0A
    O'Malley's Blessing - ZpwEFQEJ

    thx for posting them :smile:
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    Um, CM or PWI staff, can we get some codes? It’s been far too long. The game is struggling with population dropping, price spikes, etc. Codes are a morale booster, and on Tideswell at least, we’ve been having lag spikes and mass disconnects often the last few days. If the game’s various issues/glitches can’t be fixed, and we don’t get patch notices anymore, and no feedback at all except for constant cash shop sales and spend promos on PWI’s Facebook page, is it any wonder why people are leaving? A r9 sin came back yesterday on Tideswell after 3 years, just to give away the coins and tradeable items he had. The same kinda thing happened a week ago, except that time the person actually destroyed their r9 daggers so they would never come back. You see where I’m going? PWI needs to take better care of us who have stuck around all these years. Treat us like people, not cash cows. Communication is a MUST. We are left in the dark about everything and yet expected to spend our money to keep PWE’s pockets lined. PLEASE GIVE US CODES EVERY MONTH AND STEP UP COMMUNICATION. Also, right the wrongs like where people were unable to get rewards for annual sign in, codes promised but never given, contest contents, events, and all the rest on this endless list of mismanagement. More will come if you treat the player base with respect. I know we’ve earned it.
  • Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    Finally some more QQ. Maybe now it's time to close this thread and start a new one with codes only. :|

    QQ? All I see is legit complaints. Everything they said is true.
    If there are legit complaints they should be written in a ticket to Customer Support. By complaining in a thread that was made to publish codes is more like abusing this thread. Same goes for facebook. People complaining in almost every post but unlike this forum PWE sometimes follow their own posts (but not giving answers or any info to people).
    China pw still alive and well but our server is kinda low. China even made mobile perfect world
    This is a good comment. As we can see there is no code in it. So there's also a good reason to close this thread and start a new one for codes only. B)
    Post edited by sjampie on
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    sjampie wrote: »
    Finally some more QQ. Maybe now it's time to close this thread and start a new one with codes only. :|

    Yer I have a few things to sort out. However this is on my list.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    QQ? All I see is legit complaints. Everything they said is true. :o Not only is THIS thread dead, so is the rest of the forums. Kinda reflects how dead this game is becoming when the company clearly has better things to do than, oh I dunno, managing/maintaining this game? Seems China just needs to pull the plug, bruh. It's dead, jim.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    China pw still alive and well but our server is kinda low. China even made mobile perfect world
  • Posts: 182 Arc User
    This is all Donald Trump's fault. :p
  • Posts: 69 Arc User
    This is all Donald Trump's fault. :p
    -Probably- unrelated, but until it can be confirmed it is unrelated, I second this notion.

  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    PWI will be releasing a whole new Game Console - PC remake of Perfect World this year. So this old game will not be needed as there is no money in it. There is leaked video of the new release on Youtube. I don't think old accounts from here will carry over tho
  • Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    PWI will be releasing a whole new Game Console - PC remake of Perfect World this year. So this old game will not be needed as there is no money in it. There is leaked video of the new release on Youtube. I don't think old accounts from here will carry over tho

    Because the console version, which was in closed beta, is different from the version we are using.
    Makes me wonder: why the f... didn't you make a new thread? O hell, one day this 'Arc Codes - PWI only' will be replaced so it's easier to find/read/use redeem codes.

    @jsxshadow Think he referred to YouTube. Just search for "Perfect World new releases".

    edit (for below): yes, that's why the uploader wrote Mobile.
    Post edited by sjampie on
  • Posts: 109 Arc User
    That's the mobile game. No console or PC release.
  • Posts: 72 Arc User
    Different game also. Only the name should refer to the original.
This discussion has been closed.