iamugly Arc User


  • I did it old school, back in the day, I am tired now, I want a few dream chaser packs as well, I have gotten old, fat and lazy in this heavy armor.
  • I lost me carrot and now I can not find it b:cry
  • That is just rumors, I still play. I am on my LA veno a lot, she is 82 now, name of DangUGLY, or on my AA veno she is 61 right now, her name GothUGLY. I will be leveling my psychic pretty soon, she is only 20 as of right now, her name is FishUGLY. I play on my cleric mostly to help others, she is 82, name of BillyUSA, yep,…
  • I am a blademaster, and I am complaining about it. But I am also old enough to know it will never get fixed. The GM/Mod that try to stop it will be looking for a new job. It is all about money, and no company will keep employees that cost them money. If they ever ban an archer for zhening, they will end up fired. You see,…
  • After the TW, Crash said right there in open chat that he did not know about ALT click, so if he did not know about it, how did he try it in TW? You saying Crash was lieing about not knowing it at the time, or are you lieing about him knowing it? We where laughing at him, getting to 70+ and not knowing the keyboard…
  • It does not say I am allowed to fly on my sword either, does that mean it is a bug and I am not allowed to do it?
  • I have been on 2 P2P games and 3 F2P games, includeing the one often called "Bot Heaven" and on all them, if a GM showed up, everyone would run over to see them. It was unique, something you almost never saw. Seen one get mob'ed and messaged so bad in Donwhang it lagged the GM so much they had to leave the game. Now that…
  • Veno's flying and killing stuff, that is bad bad bad, but I see archers do it too and it is ok. Why is it ok for a archer to fly all day killing lots and lots and lots of monsters and never getting hurt, yet a veno is not allowed to kill one boss that way. Oh well, since I am blademaster, I just stick me green glowy axes…