godric Arc User


  • face palm b:bye
  • I coulda been the best bm there ever was if I was not a massively fail overweight, acne- riddled, dislexic with almost no manual dexterity and very little eyesight. that was the only thing holding me back to be honest.b:sad oh that and the fact that I had to have a labotamy when I was 12 years old, but that is another…
    in I Coulda Comment by godric July 2012
  • MEH!!!! x3 b:dirty
    in Meh!!!! Comment by godric August 2010
  • WF? I know our forum is boring but to necro a post this old?b:puzzled
  • Meh!!!! Meh!!!!
    in Meh!!!! Comment by godric August 2010
  • Would have to say if veno can stun with first hit and get a lucky crit then same lvl veno can kill a BM without nix or herc. But if BM gets first hit and keeps veno stun-locked it is game over for the veno. With alot more fist BM's around with fast dps and high refine on weapon even HA venos are gonna find it tough to…
  • Actually Susa you should start an in-game dating service... match people up for 1 mil and if they end up getting married in- game you get an additional 1 mil.b:chuckle
  • OK so ev1 here is saying how much they miss the RPK... yet not many seem willing to do too much about it... Susa how come you still have Essence tag, I can't belive it is for the 7 minute TW's you guys are having lately, Come on, time to **** or get off the pot, drop tag alreay and form a new RPK guild. I am sure you will…
  • lmao this tread =
  • lol wtf squab? you are a complete idiot
  • +1 agree totally that it should never be something personal and insulting
  • OMG lol back to the mudslinging....hahaha everyone at one time or another may say something that they regret... I wish I had SS of all the idiotic things that get said in WC all the time so I could quote them whenever I feel the urge to put someone down. But seriously, both sides of the arguement have made some strong and…
  • Actually Maia I was just reffering to post in general... but since you brought up the date your latest post on this subject was july 20 of this year so not that long ago actually and the same points were hinted at.... the CS was again mentioned etc. People need to stop QQ'ing about the CS it is a large part of the game now…
  • hahah i guess i got lucky with this one... usually I am about as thick as a 4x4 b:surrender
  • ok so you all wanna keep pointing the CS finger... the fact of the matter is this and I may get the boot from guild for even hinting at it but so what I am gonna say it anyway. Essence is currently the far superior guild in TW for a few reasons. 1st Spectral has lost alot of key core members in the last few weeks 2nd…
  • Please Susa take me for free!!!!!b:dirty
  • lmao just noticed too... some of you spend ALOT of time posting on these forumsb:chuckle OMG almost forgot....CHEERS!
  • hahah because I can... and I seem to be one of the few that actually will......
  • HAHA gotta say this is a great thread! There is alot of mud-slinging going on here between 2 rival guilds and that is to be expected but lets not lose sight of the fact that what alot of people here are trying to say is that there needs to be more balance when it comes to LC and the TW map! TW is an awesome experience for…
  • Platform 9 3/4? there must be a better way to get to hogwarts!!!b:laugh