gjinja Arc User


  • Yup, that's understood darth & I totally understand the need to go through the motions to eliminate the most obvious & simple variables before moving on to more complex solutions in cases like this. I also have to take this opportunity to thank tech support for their timely responses to my tickets. In all honesty, I've…
  • I had this same problem... it started about 4 updates ago with simple rubberbanding not just when landing, but when running, flying, most anything I did, but happened off & on. Eventually, with each new update, it appeared to get progressively worse, happening all the time no matter what I did & worked it's way to every…
  • um... is this supposed to be helpful?!? lol I know this thread was from a year ago, but you read it & I supposed someone else (hopefully with something helpfull to say on the subject) would as well. Guess not... thanks anyway, lol
  • OK, I have all other crafting skills (not Apoth) over lvl4 so I'm not new at this, & I understand the process for lvl'ing Apoth to lvl4 isn't the same as the others. I'm confident I meet all the obvious requirements, ie, I've already been to Dreamport Outskirts, bought the book & carry it in my inventory. I have my Apoth…
  • is ther any exp or anything else to be gained by doing this quest? What about any risk involving losing your $$ in the exchange process?
  • Gawd PLEASE make it so we can remove atl least 1 of the chat panes... I know I can make the small/middle one smaller, but the top one won't let me make it smaller & no matter where I move it it's always in the way of clicking on something. Why have 3 of them anyway?!? Having all 3 on the screen should at least be…
  • thanks, never found anywhere that said that... appreciate it b:victory
  • this was sooooooo helpful! thanks!! b:pleased
  • Here's something, always having to click the chat box EVERY time (even after you just typed in it) in order to NOT pull up 4-5 character/item/stat/info windows would be a huge plus I'm thinking... it's annoying at best when you're trying to communicate & coordinate with your squad to have to click the box before you type…
  • Amen to that... Also I can't believe I didn't see "Fix the forum search function so it actually searches for what one types in..." in that list. I may be relatively new to PW but I'm not to forums & I've yet to get a result that wasn't at least 200+ threads & the first 25 I looked at had nothing to do with what I searched…
  • Indeed it is annoying at best... even with the gold acct guides (even the one that calls gold zen in game when there is no zen in game & the exchange rate is 100/1 so it's no where near similar, that threw me at first) but even that's easier to figure out than some things about the auction house... & I still see nothing…
  • Very clear, concise & helpful... I never thought to check the mail in the Post Box, I'll go do that now. Thanks gobs! b:pleased
  • If you mean my mail box here I just did & there isn't anything in it...
  • um... I guess when I looked "everywhere" I should've looked at the first thing in that screen b:embarrass sorry... thanks b:laugh
  • I can't even find any of the first 'Badges of Dexterity'... where are they? also, when I reg'd it wouldn't let me use any upper case letters but I see ppl here with caps in their names... how do you do that?
  • I can't seem to find anything on them either ('search' led me here) so let's hope someone replies here & helps us out... if not maybe you & I can keep each other posted on our developments & eventually perhaps post our own guide. :)
  • I'm new & yet I can see this is a great basic guide, much of it is just common sense to real gamers (wasting $$ on teleports, etc)... I suppose I'll eventually learn but I have no idea what "grinding" & "fb" isyet... but thanks for the guide! :)