i keep rubberbanding

dundidernleft Posts: 2 Arc User
edited October 2010 in Support Desk
i have had this problem for a few days now and its finaly worked its way to all my charactersb:angry....i cant move from where i am and if i do move more than a few feet it shoots me back..
can some1 plz tell me what i need to do to fix this cuz i honestly bout to quit cuz thisb:sad
Post edited by dundidernleft on


  • taeeril1
    taeeril1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    try using town portal when you first log in to get you out of the spot that may help
  • dundidernleft
    dundidernleft Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    that didnt help...cuz it wont let me it gets 3/4 of tele done then says interupted
  • Kaste - Sanctuary
    Kaste - Sanctuary Posts: 1,353 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    If you are stuck and your town portal skill is in cooldown, you can try relogging. If you're still stuck scream for a GM =). Well I mean use the GM button.
    Feel free to PM me for help.
    Mistress Myra forced me to use her sigpic ↑
    With PWI since Dec 21st '08
  • ZeroMagus - Dreamweaver
    ZeroMagus - Dreamweaver Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Other solutions to this rubberbanding issue.

    if you can fly. fly, move a bit & then land in spot, you will be fixed.

    alternatively, stand still and don't move, dbl click any NPC around you & you should freely auto walk to it.

    If you rubberband running down a hill, run back up the hill "using S key" until rubberbanding stops.
  • PimpDale - Heavens Tear
    PimpDale - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Other solutions to this rubberbanding issue.

    if you can fly. fly, move a bit & then land in spot, you will be fixed.

    alternatively, stand still and don't move, dbl click any NPC around you & you should freely auto walk to it.

    If you rubberband running down a hill, run back up the hill "using S key" until rubberbanding stops.
    this works all you need to do is fly then take off flying works for me all the time without fail
  • gjinja
    gjinja Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I had this same problem... it started about 4 updates ago with simple rubberbanding not just when landing, but when running, flying, most anything I did, but happened off & on. Eventually, with each new update, it appeared to get progressively worse, happening all the time no matter what I did & worked it's way to every char on the Sanct server. I couldn't play the game at all, couldn't get anywhere, period & even the little fishes on the client log-in page swam erratically so I knew even before logging in I'd have the problem & to me all the evidence pointed to a client><server issue.

    I contacted tech support via the ticketing system & after telling them how this all came to be & that I thought it had to be a client><server issue they had me do everything from check my equipment (modem, etc) & have my ISP refresh my connection, to run & submit trace routes. Nothing helped at all... UNTIL I DL'd this last update. Now it appears to be working fine (imagine that). So all I can say is if you're still having this problem go ahead & submit a ticket on it, then do all those things they need you to do if only to make sure they aren't the problem & then just keep updating as they come out. Hopefully my acct will remain playable & yours will soon follow suit.
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Tech rubber banding thing is still and issue for some, please see the stickie in this section of the forums.

    Some of the issues we were going over with you on your networking issues were maybe connection problems combined with the known rubber banding issue, which wasn't helping you.
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  • gjinja
    gjinja Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Yup, that's understood darth & I totally understand the need to go through the motions to eliminate the most obvious & simple variables before moving on to more complex solutions in cases like this. I also have to take this opportunity to thank tech support for their timely responses to my tickets. In all honesty, I've played many MMORPG's & the vast majority of the time it takes forever to hear back from many support teams if at all. So thanks for that! b:thanks

    I'm giving it some time to see if my acct stays 'playable' before I close the ticket on it. I'll let you guys know.
  • Gjinja - Raging Tide
    Gjinja - Raging Tide Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Well, the problem's back & worse than ever...

    My lag & rubberbanding has been so bad I can't play at all for about 2-3 weeks or more. It got better right after 2 updates ago, but 3 days ago it was too bad to play again & now after this last update it's even worse. Been round & round with tech support running traceroutes, having my connection refreshed, checking equipment all to no avail & now I'm being asked to send in videos of it. I've made 7 videos, none would upload (keep getting the 'file too large' message for as small as a 5sec vid) & that's if the site doesn't time out for inactivity while trying to upload it. this is getting old, I'd like to play the game I'm paying for.

    btw, why would someone make a site that times out for inactivity then ask ppl to uplaod large files?!?

    (video of what's happening, & for some reason it's not near as bad when Fraps is running so it really alot worse than this & no flying doesn't fix it, I get the same effect regardless of how I'm trying to move...)


    (the blurred effect isn't part of the problem, just the fast glitches & rubberbanding)