febrerox Arc User


  • you're right, i defo didnt regret getting it and was worth all that time i spent farming the mats ^-^ very pleased with it ah i see how it works now.. in my head i thought the heals would be something like(im just tossing in numbers here): 200, 530, 370, 692, 128, etc. so glad to know that it doesnt affect my heals in a…
  • yea the sage/demon skills... =/ they cost 1m coin and sp and thats excluding the cost of the books themselves >.< anyway, ty for the advice guys, much appreciated :)
  • aww the screenies are so cute ^^ i'm a fan of graviora and her husband now xD well i have no screenies to share unfortunately ^^ but i do know this couple in game (who are together RL as well) who colour coordinate their outfits :D so its like the wife has a blue steampunk top, black leather pants and black yukata heels;…
  • whee so I think it's relatively acceptable to keep my SoR at 1 for now ^___^ i know the feeling >.< but -points @ 10k coins in inv- i however have 5.2m sp Oo sometimes i think i'm doing something wrong really =/
  • wait, so GL can't be used on party members? Oo so it's just like plume shell plus it makes you faster and doesn't eat your mana? well i have yet to do any form of rebirth (scared to do it actually ^^") and i've maxed IH, wellspring and revive. Have all single buffs maxed plus all the sq buffs. My plume shot and cyclone is…
  • thats great thanks so much ^^
  • aha.. so it goes like this? wait till 79, do culti (kill brig and dig pillar) and then do the fb like 51? where you kill fushma and rankar, tele out and hand in and get last tab for wyvern? in this case it'll be kill hooli and styg, tele out and get linus tab?
  • 217 im pushing my luck and am downloading the 217 - 233 patch atm. Estimated time left : 19hr 52min QQ
  • dunno bout the cost but.. -10% channeling wtf? Oo EDIT: ah i see it's the beamhoof slicer.. well someone in HT has one already that i know of. cost wise.. still clueless ^^
  • well yes the barb was wrong imo. a cleric is a cleric no matter if she/he dd's or heals more. in mat split sqs (from experience), the more bb-ing/healing cleric gets first pick and the more dd'ing than healing cleric gets 2nd. now im almost always doing coin split sqs tho, its fair to everyone =]
  • so true omg x.x but! what shoes go with it? =/ not a fan of the vamp heels >.> and cant find ones that match nicely :<
  • new fash out!!! what more combos can you guys make? :D
  • I didnt get the most romantic one, but it's cute i guess I quite like the scenery one (glad it wasn't a shot in sanctuary =.=") I lol'd at the most humorous one ^^ original too by using text (: gz to the winners!
  • i'll just ignore the couple of off track posts up there >.> kay so so far its for xp :3 i wantz more opinionz nao Oo! PS. mad love for your siggy ophida :D damn cute ^^
  • is the manual patch 150mb? Oo
  • hmm.. does it help to say that im more attack based than support? so what would be a good weapon type for me then? if it makes any difference :3 and does anyone have the gold pataka? or seen someone with it? :O
  • Well if we're alsoing looks I'm definitely using glaives then xP mad love for fate denal: godspeed b:dirtyb:dirty And I just checked, are the pataka's any good? i dont see a lot of them around.. in fact i dont think i've ever seen one... O.o stats arent too bad imo, and attk range is good (to me)
  • cheap is good, i like cheap :D plus it's quite hard for me to find TT squads to help me farm mats =/ thanks for the opinion guys ^^
  • Scream Aim Fire 'nuff said b:cool
  • well yes there's no denying RB has it's uses, but from how i see it, it's good in sq's (doh!) and since i solo most of the time, i'd rather get an attack skill instead :3
  • i think the female BM, female archer, cat veno, fox veno and antler veno has the best 105 avvies.. damn i sound sexist x3
  • thanks for the response guys ^^ so looks like i'll just skip RB for now and focus on tempest instead b:victory
  • spoons is a cleric!!!! :D and yea, like Aadi, not a fan of the female cleric avvy =/
  • a part of me just about died when i read this, i'll be on holiday in malaysia for the next few weeks starting this weekend b:cry curse you IP block!!!! b:angry but thanks for the event!! i hope there's gonna be more over the next few weekends perhaps? -hint hint- b:cute
  • @ pet system Nope. in PWI only venomancer's can use pets that help you in battle. The other classes can have pets as well, but it's only to sit there and look pretty while you kill b:cute @ mounts well, for land mounts, the pretty ones with all the special effects (sparkley, glowey ones) are from the cash shop, but you can…
  • from what i can tell, the star's determine the weapons attack value. for example; a lv 5 sword: 1 star - Phys. Attack 20-25 2 star - Phys. Attack 30-45 3 star - Phys. Attack 40-75
  • server's are up yaw b:cute
  • I'm on HT and am a PvE oriented player, sorry i neglected to mention that earlier b:surrender TY for the replies :) However from how I see it, the seals seem to be good for PvP mostly, plus, I don't have purify yet (ish still a cleric nooblet =3). I can imagine myself using Elemental Seal w/o having purify on a p.attack…