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  • [ Like I said, you really shouldn't need a barb for BH100s. Too many sins show up with 5/6k hp and evasion/unrefined ornaments and expect others to take all the damage for them. Here are a few tips to make your hunt easier: your reason is ****... 1st of all you dont need bm or sin for any said instance either. can be done…
  • i think i lost a lot of my brain cell of this nub archer Kiyoshi . r9 dont necesery mean the player know a thing about gameplay and worse becouse even worse cos a r8 player would have to need to play better then a r9 player becouse of gear difference. now to explain why a r9 player would have more merit to take lead…
  • i agree one barb like that is hard enough by itself but imagine the 10 best most op player in server cos they joined party all together. i mean u cant do much about a singel r9 op barb but what u think of a full 10 player just like that. if it was solo all of them would join random so they would end killing each other i…
  • the whole random solo join nw is to make sure the system is balanced out.. i bet not two singel party will even be close on soulforce but if solo player it could be. this is not tw where the best faction is against the rest and fail roll the rest cos of gear. this is nw where each side have a fair shoot at victory ty to…
  • all i hear from you is i want to one shoot ppl with tt90 lowlies and the like. sorry but that is what it sound like. and removing party is exactly for ur kinda attitude wish it should be random. this is not tw where all the best geared player get to one big faction to faceroll the rest. this is nw and random will make it…
  • he dies before reaming on boss lol what kinda sqeeshy barb is heb:surrender
  • TW dont need nothing cos lets face it. its the ppl who made tw what it is today. beast geared player all unite under same flag aka faction wish mean they have all the r9s3 josd wish mean bb for the oposition. nw you dont know where to will end at light dark flame ice so cos its not a choice we the player can make its a…
  • my two cent make so only one acc per ip is allowed no mroe damn alts who do nothing but stare and look dumb seriusly make so no afk ppl can just join for the fun its dumb. other one is to make no party but only singel player can join and let them join party in there order that way.... we dont need 10 of the best geared on…
  • sorry but i do keep agro i am not r9 he is semy r8 g16 wana. 75 attack lv 14000-18000 base damage in kitty sage form. + blood rush i get my damage to 18000-26000 + 3rd spark its something liek 31000-40000. i keept agro on r9 sin many times before. aps to or it get to be a ping pong. not to mention the stomp of king morai…
  • are you comparing 3rd cast nv dual hammer to puny g15 morai axes omg. u must be a pve player ever killed someone using axes wish hit for 7.5k or 16k. and u did die to abba when u could have waited with chi enough to spark just when abba boss does his aoe. yeah ur pro at dying for sure. when u do a 5 sin party with only u…
  • i bet you the biggest whinner the game ever pwi ever have. cant hold agro for sht with ur axes and relly on aps where a r9 sin will out agro u any day. i feel sorry u cant even survive abba with apser booosting it. u need heal plus bp and u dare complain. go back to ur lil hole ur just patetic barb trash i ever seen. need…
  • ur attack on barb using hammer or axe is lame get enough str and bp will heal u right back and better. in fact using claw is gona make ur axe do less damage so u will need use ur crith for what u could do waaay more crith if u only was str. claw barb is dead its so 2011 get into 2012 where attack lv and str barb is taking…
  • If only you had a tank of some sort in squad, who had skills to grab and keep aggro.. so it means ur a useless barb who cant keep agro well so sad. a 3rd spark with ream stmop of king new morai skill and a 2nd ream should keep garo for a decent time in kitty form with high enough str refine and weapon you should try it.…
  • UR the worst barb bm or whatever u play ever. sorry but non r9 barb with decent refine dont need neither invoke heal bb nothing and if u **** about it it mean u sir suck big time sorry to say but dont play barb ur a embaresing. i am pure str 3 base vit rith r8 and 1 singel 3rd cast nv and 3rd cast dual hammer and lol abba…
  • 500+ str to 700 str and u wont have issie with axes or even aps magic. vit dont do nothing but 500+ str does with a g16 r9 warsoul +10 dont forget ur abba skill wish add ur samage as u get hit and uwont feel bad with ur damage.
  • lol ello kalish. b:laugh
  • hej just a question for the server have the sin number decresed as in % or same since update. might be a blessing idk what do you guys think.
  • i have g16 resonace of pride +10 pure str build it rocks. my normal hit does same as a crith or serk of a barb who give a damn. when i crith some sin aa dies. muahaha b:laugh go for whatever suits u best that is what u pick.
  • then u sir own me 2 year of losing money from nv as i am not 5aps wish mean cant farm effectivly or a caster wish mean lie halv a year of incomst. tho i am g16 +10 str barb. and if why some miracles the devs see ur ways they should remove caster nv and lower hp of bosses so any class can make profit out of them easy…
  • is so happy the aps and caster nooblets give up the cannie and rapture market to everyone. hip hip for all hipp hipp for all no more reroll 5aps to make coin wow so happy. if i as str g16 +10 barb cant make coin why should a 5k puny sin or a 7k hp puny cheap bm make coin. ooh and caster sorry but barb did not get much at…
  • nice lovely build fellow barb and i am 512 str myself sage barb with 15k in human and 20k in kitty with 20k pdef in kitty and 12k in human with 5.4k mag def. 3rd cast +10 dual hammer 14000-20000 base damage who gve a damn about claw at this point. can hold agro pretty well unless they stupid and keep sparking then let them…
  • +1 r9 woot is not needed. the seriusness is mostly the mentality of ppl wish make it seem so. i mean yes boss hit hard but that is not why u will find almost only OP player doing full ws but becouse in our sin pw we have right now with barb scarce as is and ep to and just sin sin sin. if you want to find a ranbow sqad of…
  • cases like that just contact a gm and let them know ur specific notion to the change of ip otherwise dont complain when you get banned for it. simple logic should tell you ip is a way to protect ppl from illegal things. would it be logic to have more then one simple ID then one
    in IP software Comment by October 2012
  • ello my cola b:cute
  • and while we are at it make fleash ream always get agro from any boss making sure barb always tank no matter his damage b:shutup i want my role back
    in BP for archers Comment by May 2012
  • mine non r9 or claw dd build http://pwcalc.com/76c9e16646381730 enjoy
    in Barb R9 5.0 Comment by January 2012
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