yah i dont play on pvp servers i only play on pve servers i had bad experience on a pvp server so i dont play on them any more oh well ill just play on the pvp server until the pve servers r up
not all server r up just the pvp ones
looks like it opens at 2 am 4 me
in wow u don't get flying mounts until lvl 70 and ground mounts at lvl 30 used 2 be lvl 40 4 the grounds mounts so be great full u get them at lvl 30 and mounts don't make the game its how much fun u have with it
what really sucks is when new items gets release or new stuff 2 make the prices r insane even the mats prices 2 make the item goes up but it does go down in like couple of weeks usually and that is what i don't like well that happens on every mmo that i play so it would probably happen here 2 don't know never play this…
i know y there r 2 type or servers in soem games there r at least 2 more role playing server and role playing pvp servers also i know right now there is 4 servers 2 the game right now 2 on east side and 2 on west side but im central us so it doesnt matter 2 me
ill be on heavens tear and u cant get me 2 come 2 a pvp server because i dont like them
well looks my archer is going 2 be a smith and the archer will probably be my third chr that im going 2 create
looks like im going 2 create a hybrid priest i love class do damage and heal them self i really love those jack of all trades class like what the druid was in wow
can u make arrows if so which 1 makes them
I'm 24 I'm just bad at typing and my typing is mostly readable and i was always bad at grammar as well and i have never done any drugs hell i don't even drink alcohol btw my typing was allot worse then this like couple of years ago so anther words i am improving and if anyone wants 2 correct me go ahead it doesn't bother me
if you don't like the way that i type tough
yah lockhart is right u have 2 have a beta key and the games doesnt start up until aug 19 there is a timer at this website homepage displaying home much time is left be4 u can play
true i get bored easily though if i have only 1 chr so ill have a main and anther chr 2 play with when i get bored with my main chr
unless some1 else wants that name as well my advice get on fast has possible and get that name
well looks like im going 2 have a female chr oh well
i prefer play on pve servers and i play allot of mmos because im so sick of loser that hang around low lvl areas and just kill player that will still happen here i mean once u hit lvl 30 so loser will hang aroudn that area and kill u but once i get close 2 the max lvl i turn pvp on and u still can have allot of fun pvping…
i wonder about those aswell
im going 2 create a vm then blademaster then an archer well what im reading is archer is great 4 pvp but i dont really 2 play on a pvp server also what it a good craftign class 2 go with each of those