ergfg56h556h56h Arc User


  • HH 80 gold boots are very good
  • Hello I got all the demon skills and 2 pieces of tt99 set ( arms and boots). After reading your posts Ill definitely go with 2 phy def ornaments and maybe a swindlers necklace for a quick better mag def during TW.. Once more thanks for your replies.
  • thank you guys for your answers.. Im going to farm mats for psyh ornaments right now b:laugh
  • So you guys suggest gettingt 2 sets of ornaments phys and mag .. Damni ts gonna be hell of TT runsb:cry
  • Dont forget all the demon skills , we farmed in fb 89b:laugh
  • How innocent and mesmerizing it is without THIS ******N NIX!!1!
  • Since its been a while, a new ranking is needed. In my humble opinion: Best veno -Ulmos Best wizzard -Spanker some strangge magic seems to surround him ;) Best assasin Proski Best barbarian Katanyia Best archer ArchKaoKao Best cleric me Best psychic Proklivity cause Im having a psychic trauma everytime after I pvp with him
  • C'mon people ;) Thats the advantage of being a directorr:laugh
  • Im really happy u guys like it, I mean Im not a pro player/filmmaker or something, but i hope more people will post theit movies too.. And next time Ill try to get a hp charm, caust that was just pathetic...
  • How come Proskuuu?
  • Yea, like its was our plan to take down Fatalis' MVPs first
  • Do i see Pro crying?? God damn i want those tears... I bet they can cure cancer, just like Chuck Norris' tears
  • Yea I can imagine leaz having Katanyia gear... WC would look like : omg check my g 11 everywhere!!1!1 im so pro, and you not1!!1 my cape is +10 !!!1! it takes narla and impulse to keal me!!11... etc...etc... Sad sad British person....
  • Yes you are 100% right, im not a "pro" player, never played rpg games, or whatever they are called. Im aware that almost every guy I killed in the video is way better pvper than me. Games atre suposed to be fun and entertaining.. I had fun..I dont care if im lame... To get a better picture, imagine a 50 year old guy first…
  • I really have to say thanks to Proski for organizing (or atleast trying) this event. Even though not everything turned out as planned, I, and believe all the participants had great time "playerkilling" the s..t out of eachother. In my opinion this event has great potential and should be permanently present on our carebear…
  • The best pvp weapon for archers-> Heaven Shatterer. No contest. If you are non CSer or moderate CSer sooner or later you will get it. Im not mentioning Rank 8 , simply cause its reserved for few. I think that HS draws the line between pre 95 "I cant kill anyone archers" and "pwn all if you are skilled post 95 HS equipped…
  • Thank You Ursa for your understanding. I know that refining chances with chienkungs are small, but since it was supposed to be 100% safe it was worth a try... Now i know it was not..
  • listen up people I had a +6 weapon i put in the refine window then i put chiekung stones..carefully i hit start and i got success but instead of +7 i got +1 Maybe the phrase "Refining levels wont decrease if the refining fails" has some secret hiden meaning i cant comprehend Im not used to ss, fraps everything i do since i…
  • Im 100% positive about it.. Ive double- tripple checked if chienkun was in the right place.. Like i said I wasted 10 of them at arch elder..and my weapon didnt loose any refines, but when i successed for the first time with chienkuns, it turned +6 to +1
  • Chienkuns are supposed to prevent decrease if refining fails...whatthey did was reset all my refinements to+1...
  • Has anyone encountered similar problem with chienkuns?
  • yes i did I wasted 10 of them in archosaur, then i went to misfortune. First hit was succesful, but instead of+7 i got +1 weapon
  • Do i look like Federico Fellini?
  • Yes I have to admit, battle was short but fierce nontheless.
  • Hello robes >>> >>> >>> demon quickshot here we go
  • Who the hell is Asmerah? as for archers I would say Soochi/Obskurna, Obskurna/Soochi
  • Yes You are right, Ravenz is polish oriented guild. As a matter of fact we managed to capture the land having only 19 members online during TW. Only 1 full party consisted of players 60+.the rest was 35-50. As we all know that skills, communication and good planning during TW are indispensable. I dont want to boast, but…
  • Yea Let them cashshoppers spend all their hard earned money on the game,, I beg you guys let them spend, like there is no that I can play for free... FOR FREE!!!!!!!!! I dont mind having ppl with pro cs gear, as long as they dont cluster into something like Infamy thingy and decide to take over all... Besides…
  • i hope this one comes true.
  • Thank You guys for makeing this much clearer to me. So now, depending on how lucky I am, my next choice will be lunar bow or Constellation fall.