Huge generalizations and parinoid delusions can be a sign of mental issues.
I have read much of this thread and come to the conclusion that angelmunckin is either seriously mentally challenged, or an epic level troll, I think it is probably the later.
This guy is an idiot. He just assured alot of compotition in getting cheap FC items in the future. All just to stroke his epeen a little. What a silly dbag.
You don't get in the office till 11:00AM! Can I apply for a job? I probably have more programming exp than the whole dev staff combined.
Does anyone know the points for a MOG? and points per DQ?
So its true that it matters what you have spent already. Cause HeadTrauma over on HL is getting something every 30 secs right about now. But me on the other has got nothing in 100+ packs.
Couple questions if anyone knows. Will the items and tokens remain tradeable after the end of the event? If I still have tokens at the end of the event, will they still be tradeable? Thanks.
Since switching to widescreen my map is all funky. Top is cut off, and when you auto map to somewhere the dot at the end doesn't line up. I am running at 1680*1050.