camrin Arc User


  • PWI runs with very little issues on later versions of Wine. You have to do a few tricks to get it to run, though. Here's the app page for Perfect World: I will say that it's not a complete plug & play solution, and you'll receive no support from the PWI…
  • Of course, you failed to read what was said. CASHshop, not CATshop. Otherwise known as the boutique. More precisely: Anniversary packs->tokens of luck->gift exchange (where you can get most of the oracles). You can get 4 of the lower level oracles from 1 anniversary pack (15 tokens of luck) and still have a few tokens left…
  • Your genie gets 10% experience, modified by your level difference. With your level, the formula is: EXP gained * .1 * (18/66) So, if you get 1000 EXP, your genie will get 27. 1000 * .1 * .273 The modifier is the same as if you were to inject EXP into your genie directly (which should be 27.3% or so).
  • I would also like to note that I have begun experiencing this *extremely* often since patch 166. I'll get dumped into the water during the Snake Isle dungeon race at least three times trying to get to the island on checkpoint 3(I think it's 3). Drops you off your mount, too, which really aggravates me. I see it happening…
  • I've actually found since the 166 patch that my memory leak issues disappeared in West Archo. On 4 different computers, even (Core i7 920, C2Q Q6600, C2D T9550, P4 2.8). I can now keep my shop up near the blacksmith in West Archo and keep the screen in focus for half a day without so much as increasing 100MB of memory (it…
  • Inflation is a fact of economics. It's a natural series of events due to the human nature of greed. People want more money, so they get more money, which raises costs, so people need more money. Repeat ad-infinitum. If you want prices to go down, currency has to be *completely removed* from the system. Trading hands…
  • Mainly that's true. Of course, I have more problems in things like Rebirth, where I'm getting attacked by 6+ mobs at once, and I have no clue which is doing which, so it's hard for me to adjust (the different mage shields, for instance).
  • Yeah, my maths are more gooder. That's what I get for posting right when I wake up. I'm pretty sure I meant to say 72 hours.
  • Yeah, now if only the developers actually visited this forum. Quite frankly, I doubt they do, even though they post system messages telling us to put suggestions up.
  • Some thoughts on this matter: 1) If you have a decent computer, the lag really isn't that bad. I'm on Sanctuary, but we still have 300+ catshops sitting at the West Archosaur junction (and thereabouts). I run at 1920x1200 with all the settings turned up and it's not very bad. I'd imagine a system barely scraping by on the…
  • It seems like hundreds if not thousands of users are complaining about it, though. How many people of those millions do you think have never even seen the safety lock dialog? How many more begrudgingly accept the way it is and don't raise their voices? If it's designed that way for a reason, then the UI designer needs to…
  • Judging by what your system specifications are, you don't have a video driver installed. The game will not run without a proper 3D driver (NVIDIA, ATI, etc.) installed. Also, your memory does not meet the minimum system requirements (512MB).
  • I understand what you have to do to enable it. I'm not referring to that. What I'm saying is that there should be a notification on the dialog that it is in the process of changing if someone did so (during the 3 day wait period). For example: 29 hours remaining until setting changes to 1 minute That information is stored…
  • Then you must have tried doing it again, which resets the timer. It does work when you follow the directions and then leave it alone. There's a sticky thread in the technical support forum about the safety lock. I agree that it's a bother to a lot of people, but the likelihood of them changing it is practically nil. I also…
  • Are you in any particular place where it crashes?
  • It is possible. Malware can try to attach itself into the original process and cause it to leak by creating stack problems (when it starts overwriting memory locations). However, newer versions of Windows have more protections in place to prevent that kind of behavior. Not to say it can't still happen, but it's not very…
  • One thing that would probably really help is if there was a notification on that window that your timer was in the process of changing. That way, people would be less likely to keep trying to change it and thereby reset their timer. It would be even better if it would tell you how much time was left until the new setting…
  • I have sent logs with tickets. I get no response. So here, here's more information. dxdiag.txt hijackthis log Process Explorer process list I don't have any extra programs running. There is no malware on this machine. There are no viruses. The OS install itself is barely a month old. All of my drivers are WHQL releases…
  • If you're setting up a shop in West Archo or another highly-populated issue, there's another thread about that very issue: I've gotten it to crash in Windows 7 x64, Windows XP 32-bit, and Wine on linux in the exact same manner. You might also want to try making…
  • I'm still more worried about being able to actually *use* other people's catshops. The video I uploaded shows that it makes no difference what your graphics settings are. Even at their lowest the game still leaks. How is PWI supposed to grow if by growing it causes more and more people's games to crash? I already start to…
  • You need to set your genie to no-trade status.
    in Genie Bug? Comment by camrin June 2009
  • I've never had any (new) problems playing on the Windows 7 release candidate (Build 7100). PWI_win7_64bit_NVIDIA The graphics are smooth even at 1920x1200 with all graphics settings on maximum. The only bug I have is the dreaded catshop issue that's plaguing West Archosaur, which I've documented in another thread. However,…
  • Here's something else interesting. Now, even with the catshops back up to their usual 30/, my memory usage isn't going berserk. It appears that the server reset fixed something. I haven't restarted my computer since I posted that video, and yet, things are working. Granted, it still takes 1.5GB of memory in West…
  • That wouldn't really fix the problem because you'd just end up with multiple instances that would lag your computer to no end. It would also make it really inconvenient to look through all the shops because you'd have to browse through X channels just to find the best prices (which is the point of an open market). If…
  • I noticed something interesting today. Since everyone got booted for maintenance, when I got back on, there were no memory issues in Archosaur. This definitely narrows it down to people (or cat shops), and not some environment model glitch. Also, even now, after a few hours and quite a few more catshops out, the memory…
  • Okay, here is the best thing I can give the developers. It's a 7:43 demo showing the problem. (29.5MB). It's viewable in VLC, Media Player Classic, and just about anything else that can play xvid-encoded videos. If the developers cannot reproduce the issue by following the video, I don't…
  • I really don't think it would be for limiting your vending session, because I don't even have to be vending for it to crash. Even if I just browse other people's shops in Archosaur's West District for more than about 10 minutes it will kill the game. It has to do with a high-population of catshops in the same area. Of…
  • I just got it to crash, too, and I was watching the process in Visual Studio. Here's the error: Unhandled exception at 0x0073642f in elementclient.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000004. That's bad. I don't think much of anything exists that low in the memory address space. Right before the game…
  • After quite a bit more testing, I've found out a bit more about the situation: 1) Turning all settings down to the bare minimum, and then levitating all the way to the top of the map above Archosaur still results in the engine trying to call a specific NPC .ski file inside the Models pck file. 2) Walking down the path in…
  • The game eventually runs out of memory because it's a 32 bit executable, and can only access 2GB of memory. After that, it will crash. From all the testing and research I've done, it's almost definitely a problem with loading invalid textures/models, and it's almost certainly something to do with the genies. I can play the…