Warning Re: Safety Lock Function



  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    What can we do to better to explain this?

    If you have accidentally set the Safety Lock for too long, here are the steps to change it.
    1. Go to the Safety Lock window
    2. Set the Safety Lock time to 1 minute
    3. Confirm the time change
    4. Wait three days

    You do not have to remain logged in during the three day period, nor will logging in/out affect this wait time. However, if you try to change your Safety Lock settings again during this time, the seventy-two hour waiting period WILL restart, so please be patient.

    Currently, the default setting for the Safety Lock is one minute. In other words, after logging in, you will have to wait for one minute before you are able to perform any of the actions mentioned below. The issue that many users are experiencing occurs when they change the Safety Lock duration. For instance, if you change the duration to two hours, then every time you log in, on any character, you will need to wait two hours before performing the aforementioned actions. The Safety Lock CAN NOT be deactivated before the set time has elapsed, nor are GMs able to turn it off for you.

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  • charles200
    charles200 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I did the same thing, i set to 24hours and i turned it to 1 min i waited 4 days to be safe and it did not change at all. Some one help please?
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You sure you confirmed it don't close the box just log out and back in and don't touch the lock.I had problem with it but I did as said and it reset itself.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Selina_Heart - Lost City
    Selina_Heart - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yeah, now I get this but still, why have this feature. It just makes people angry. And of course someone would play with it since no one know what it is and just wants to try what it does.

    A lot of people use cat shops...when they do, many of them leave their computers turned on. During this time someone else in their household could access their account and 'rob' them blind. (Family, 'Friends' they or someone else in the family has over) This feature, while it can be a real pain at times, can also prevent a lot of grief. If you don't want to use it, then simply don't. But the GMs are not responsible if you lose stuff because someone accessed your account without your permission.
  • ngatsefidel
    ngatsefidel Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    WHY DONT YOU MAKE A NEW PATCH AND DELETE THE DAMN SAFETY LOCK FROM THE GAME they're a lot of people who wqant to play this game b:angryb:angryb:angry
  • AxeMaster_ - Harshlands
    AxeMaster_ - Harshlands Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    This is a feature that is used to help protect your account, because if people access your account, they could mess up your items, sell them, maybe buy stuff with your in-game money, or charge your account for ZEN, and a whole bunch of other havoc that can be caused if you left the game up, and you have room mates or family members that might take the opportunity to manipulate your account.

    This also helps to keep people out of your account if your account did get into someone else's control, you could guarantee yourself a set time frame to keep your account safe until later.

    Don't click on it, don't enter a time. :D
    Isn't that why you have password?b:chuckle
    And about the Cat shop reason maybe you should be able to set a pass word on your cat shop so only you can edit it and in case you forget you should put a timer on the shop when it expires and it should automatically expires after you sell everything but thats already in effect
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    We can understand the frustration over realizing that once you have gone through all of the steps and enabled it anyways, that you can't enjoy your account the way that you once did.

    We encourage everyone to read the confirmations and the information that is presented (in all things in life), so that you are able to make informed decisions relating to critical things in-game and relating to your account.

    Follow our directions, be patient, and you'll be back in game in no time!


    b:pleased b:victory
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  • rafiie
    rafiie Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    As I do change it, it says Time Limit:1 minute
    Time Remaining:7 hours 3 minutes...
    is that supposed to happen?

    Safety Lock is Kind of Annoying. Hopefully it'll still work fine b:bye
  • pain12
    pain12 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    so let me get this straight i can be logged off for 3days then come back on with the 1st day time setting on 1min then the 3days i dont get on it will be back to normal? cause each time i logg on i see 24hours time setting keep changing my minutes on itsb:cry self should i just leave it like that???b:cry or?..
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    What can we do to better to explain this?

    If you have accidentally set the Safety Lock for too long, here are the steps to change it.
    1. Go to the Safety Lock window
    2. Set the Safety Lock time to 1 minute
    3. Confirm the time change
    4. Wait three days

    You do not have to remain logged in during the three day period, nor will logging in/out affect this wait time. However, if you try to change your Safety Lock settings again during this time, the seventy-two hour waiting period WILL restart, so please be patient.

    Currently, the default setting for the Safety Lock is one minute. In other words, after logging in, you will have to wait for one minute before you are able to perform any of the actions mentioned below. The issue that many users are experiencing occurs when they change the Safety Lock duration. For instance, if you change the duration to two hours, then every time you log in, on any character, you will need to wait two hours before performing the aforementioned actions. The Safety Lock CAN NOT be deactivated before the set time has elapsed, nor are GMs able to turn it off for you.

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  • kitty31
    kitty31 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    As you can see in the post above, only you can change it.
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  • camrin
    camrin Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    One thing that would probably really help is if there was a notification on that window that your timer was in the process of changing. That way, people would be less likely to keep trying to change it and thereby reset their timer. It would be even better if it would tell you how much time was left until the new setting took effect. That data has to be stored somewhere, so it shouldn't be too hard to pull it from the database to display it.
    (Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I didn't want to read the entire 35 page thread of people complaining about the setting. I understand it and think it's a nice feature, even if it's a little irritating sometimes.)
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You have to do 4 things to enable it. Plus there is a warning confirmation.
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  • joshuajesso
    joshuajesso Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'm really tired of this safety lock thing.Who came up with it?I can't sell or toss anything so my inventory is packed,my bank is packed.I-I'm really starting to hate this game!And I used to love it.Please get rid of this safety lock,and before anyone asks,yes,I've changed the settings to one minute.But that was a week ago!It says it takes three,3,tres,troix,THREE days to take effect.I cant leave the game running for 23 hours,it disconnects me!Is there any way to disable it,PERMANENTLY!?If not,can you people just get rid of it?It's taking the fun out of PW and I'm sure there are others who want it gone too.Please get rid of it or find a way for players to quickly and easily disable it.PLEASE!!!!
  • Prediction - Lost City
    Prediction - Lost City Posts: 343 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    as long as you don't set it on it won't turn on by itself

    also it's on for 1 minute since you log in

    don't worry just don't turn it on again
    FPW > PWI b:victory
  • joshuajesso
    joshuajesso Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    as long as you don't set it on it won't turn on by itself

    also it's on for 1 minute since you log in

    don't worry just don't turn it on again

    turn it on????i don't know how to turn it on.i just logged in and it was on,then i clicked the lock icon and it said"time left:22 hours 58 mins,current setting:23 hours"and it's been on ever since.........HOW DO I TURN IT OFF~~~~~?????!!!!
  • Prediction - Lost City
    Prediction - Lost City Posts: 343 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    every time you log on, it turns on for 1 minute

    i don't know how it got to 22 hours
    FPW > PWI b:victory
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You change it at the bottom... you know, where it says "Change Setting" :P
    Just put in 1 minute. It'll take three days to change, I believe, but after that you'll be fine.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • joshuajesso
    joshuajesso Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You change it at the bottom... you know, where it says "Change Setting" :P
    Just put in 1 minute. It'll take three days to change, I believe, but after that you'll be fine.

    T-Ti did that 4 days ago.....
  • camrin
    camrin Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Then you must have tried doing it again, which resets the timer. It does work when you follow the directions and then leave it alone. There's a sticky thread in the technical support forum about the safety lock.

    I agree that it's a bother to a lot of people, but the likelihood of them changing it is practically nil. I also think that if they implemented more feedback on it (like how much time is remaining until it switches), that would be good, too. They probably won't do that, either.

    So, just open it, set the time to 1 minute, click done, click confirm on the little box that pops up, and then wait 3 days for it to take effect. You do not have to be logged in during this time. It's 72 hours of real time. After that, the timer will change to 1 minute, and you'll be able to go about your merry way. There is no other way to change it. The GMs can't do it, and the programmers aren't getting rid of it.
  • camrin
    camrin Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I understand what you have to do to enable it. I'm not referring to that. What I'm saying is that there should be a notification on the dialog that it is in the process of changing if someone did so (during the 3 day wait period). For example:

    29 hours remaining until setting changes to 1 minute

    That information is stored somewhere, so why can't the user be made aware of how much time they have to wait until their *new* setting takes effect? It should take about 1 hour of development to implement that, and then at least people will know that their changes are being implemented in X hours. Does that make sense?
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    While we can understand your opinions on how the system should work, it is designed the way it is for a reason, and millions of players worldwide use it without issue to protect their accounts.

    Please follow the directions, and all will be well! b:victory
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  • camrin
    camrin Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    It seems like hundreds if not thousands of users are complaining about it, though. How many people of those millions do you think have never even seen the safety lock dialog? How many more begrudgingly accept the way it is and don't raise their voices?

    If it's designed that way for a reason, then the UI designer needs to go back to school. I'm sorry, but it's unintuitive, uninformative, and clumsy. If I wrote something that bad for my clients, I'd expect to get fired over it.

    Why do I get the intention that no one at PWE cares what the users think, as long as they get their money?
  • joshuajesso
    joshuajesso Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    camrin wrote: »
    Then you must have tried doing it again, which resets the timer. It does work when you follow the directions and then leave it alone. There's a sticky thread in the technical support forum about the safety lock.

    I agree that it's a bother to a lot of people, but the likelihood of them changing it is practically nil. I also think that if they implemented more feedback on it (like how much time is remaining until it switches), that would be good, too. They probably won't do that, either.

    So, just open it, set the time to 1 minute, click done, click confirm on the little box that pops up, and then wait 3 days for it to take effect. You do not have to be logged in during this time. It's 36 hours of real time. After that, the timer will change to 1 minute, and you'll be able to go about your merry way. There is no other way to change it. The GMs can't do it, and the programmers aren't getting rid of it.

  • MyNameIsPooh - Harshlands
    MyNameIsPooh - Harshlands Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    camrin wrote: »
    little box that pops up, and then wait 3 days for it to take effect. You do not have to be logged in during this time. It's 36 hours of real time.

    yay i get to be a jerk.

    3 days = 36 hours? o.O learn something new everyday :D
    I R NO ALT >:O
  • joshuajesso
    joshuajesso Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    What can we do to better to explain this?

    If you have accidentally set the Safety Lock for too long, here are the steps to change it.
    1. Go to the Safety Lock window
    2. Set the Safety Lock time to 1 minute
    3. Confirm the time change
    4. Wait three days

    You do not have to remain logged in during the three day period, nor will logging in/out affect this wait time. However, if you try to change your Safety Lock settings again during this time, the seventy-two hour waiting period WILL restart, so please be patient.

    Currently, the default setting for the Safety Lock is one minute. In other words, after logging in, you will have to wait for one minute before you are able to perform any of the actions mentioned below. The issue that many users are experiencing occurs when they change the Safety Lock duration. For instance, if you change the duration to two hours, then every time you log in, on any character, you will need to wait two hours before performing the aforementioned actions. The Safety Lock CAN NOT be deactivated before the set time has elapsed, nor are GMs able to turn it off for you.


    .......uummmmmmmmmmm......i put it to one minute about three days ago.....it's still on......
  • joshuajesso
    joshuajesso Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    yay i get to be a jerk.

    3 days = 36 hours? o.O learn something new everyday :D

    .........DO YOUR MATH CAMRIN!!!!!!!1 day=24 hours.how can 24x3=36!?!?!!?!?
    and does it have to be the exact time that i changed the settings 3 days ago for them to kick in?
  • camrin
    camrin Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Yeah, my maths are more gooder. That's what I get for posting right when I wake up. I'm pretty sure I meant to say 72 hours.
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    If your reset it on a Thursday, don't touch it again for 4 days to be on the safe side. That would mean to worry about it later on Monday.
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