bhu Arc User


  • maybe ill join and bring the pineappleb:laugh
  • can i join? plzb:sad
  • who is this??? WHO IS THIS???????? somebody's bout to get ***** lol hi archers
  • i want my cookies tausha! b:angry
  • lol im not gonna get involved in this but i will say these irrelevant things: LinZeta- RedHawk started near the begining of the game, but were recognized later when we started pking and ppl QQ YourMom- lol Bowlinbob- still love ur sig Kristoph: moo tausha- i demand cookies b:angry
  • Do i get cookies with this event? cuz i want cookies b:sad
    in Surprize Comment by bhu October 2009
  • DONT DO IT! IT'S A TRAP!b:shocked
  • sorry for not multi-quoting from the beginning but: Maiya b:shutup Starang- no silly rabbit, trix are for kids b:angry
  • Bell! UR ALIVE! dear god. uv outlvled me yet again ob:cry
  • We've never been allies with RQ and have been fighting with them for a very long time. And another thing, just cuz u have land doesn't mean ur the best. Like i said before, if we can cont. 2 put up a good fight with others without $, it shows we have some skill. so plz mr. deluded, get ur facts straight. Now how many of…
    in Best pvp Clan Comment by bhu July 2009
  • I said u PROBABLY, did i say i was totally sure that u got pkd? no. Maybe look at ur own reading comprehension. And i never said what we think of ourselves, so ur also drawing comclusions early. But im not gonna cont. this cuz honestly, it's ur opinion, u think wat u want and i don't want u 2 turn into another Kristoph.…
    in Red July eh? Comment by bhu June 2009
  • My response to each one of your paragraphs: 1. Yes, you only get a red name by pking some1 that didn't fight back, but that doesn't mean that some1 u pkd is a 3x noob. There are plenty of of higher lvls taht don't pk so they might not fight back. Also, if u pk some1 enough times with them fighting back and losing, they can…
    in Red July eh? Comment by bhu June 2009
  • in Red July eh? Comment by bhu June 2009
  • lol now that i think abuot it i remember that episode, and it was good b:laugh
    in Best pvp Clan Comment by bhu June 2009
  • Are u talkin bout the land u had when Pandora was here or ur newly acquired land? cuz wat im sayin is this: once RQ lost that chuck of land in the NorthEast, u guys lowered ur lvl requirement 2 join, and since lower lvl ppl joined, it would lower the AVERAGE (not majority) lvls in the guild. I dont rly hav anyhtin against…
    in Best pvp Clan Comment by bhu June 2009
  • Please Isowen, like RQ has made ssoo much progress, You lost all of your land (besides the newly gained one, (which makes me happy 2 c GZ land go but) u guys couldn't have won it in a tw alone with GZ) Your original leader has left, along with some members. U say our average lvl went from 5x to 6x, yeah watever think wat u…
    in Best pvp Clan Comment by bhu June 2009
  • Nakhimov, it might not get us land or money, but if we can still pk the people with land and money, it shows we don't depend on money. It'd mean we might not have as good as gear, but can still pk them cuz we have good builds. (Another thing is if we got land and lost it, we wouldn't start QQing and disband, we have loyal…