Red July eh?

Kyna - Lost City
Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Arigora Colosseum
RedHawk and their so called "Red July" look for it xD it's laughable. I say the Lost City server should make their "Red July" red for a completely different reason than what these noobs intended b:chuckle

And yes, a RedHawk member informed me of this, so I'm not making it up. I was gonna post it in the thread they supposedly made for it but I can't find it O.o I guess it wasn't important enough to really grab my attention if I missed it somewhere...
Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
Fanfiction found on the forums or at
LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
... and a few losers....
Post edited by Kyna - Lost City on


  • Snipah - Lost City
    Snipah - Lost City Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    maybe explain wtf u mean lol
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well, red usually means PKing. Could also mean blood. Something involving death! Oh yeah, I'm smart. Maaaaaaybe...
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Yay! Maiya's a genius! xD she read my mind b:shocked

    Well I'm sure they meant that they would turn their names red by PKing everyone because they think that they're actually a force to be reckoned with. :P But I'm sure they can do their unwilling part to turn other people's names red as well xD

    :P there, happy?
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Snipah - Lost City
    Snipah - Lost City Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Yay! Maiya's a genius! xD she read my mind b:shocked

    Well I'm sure they meant that they would turn their names red by PKing everyone because they think that they're actually a force to be reckoned with. :P But I'm sure they can do their unwilling part to turn other people's names red as well xD

    :P there, happy?

    very, i is noob sowwy b:surrender
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Nah, they're not very impressive. They're one of those guilds that just think they're tough. xD. I mean, I player kill but my name never turns red for it because most often it's someone attacking me or someone attacking someone else. :P Gives me a good excuse to do it without much danger of ever losing anything. xD sometimes I'll pick a random noob to follow and player kill any random player killer that goes after them while they're questing. It's rather fun and I don't have to wait out pink or red for hours and I don't have to spend a fortune to bind my equipment. And the player killers QQ the worst b:chuckle

    But for some reason when they run to their guild for back up they always forget to mention that they were trying to kill some poor squishy noob when I finished them off b:scorn
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • bhu
    bhu Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    They're one of those guilds that just think they're tough. xD.

    uummm i don't think we ever said we're tough (and if I'm wrong plz put some proof on this). We think watever we want of ourselves and will have our fun. And i don't understand y this is such a big deal for u that u hav 2 go 2 the lengths 2 get on the forums 2 start talkin **** about us (like others). Doing things like that just shows that u c us as a big enough of a threat or problem. And for those of u who don't c us like that, how bout u stfu then? Any1 on the server can pk, so y not let them pk without makin a big deal about it? b:bye
  • Zephyrx - Lost City
    Zephyrx - Lost City Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    RedHawk and their so called "Red July" look for it xD it's laughable. I say the Lost City server should make their "Red July" red for a completely different reason than what these noobs intended b:chuckle

    And yes, a RedHawk member informed me of this, so I'm not making it up. I was gonna post it in the thread they supposedly made for it but I can't find it O.o I guess it wasn't important enough to really grab my attention if I missed it somewhere...

    Well, I guess it can't be too harmful, it's only RedHawks...

    Though painting the town red (literally, not the figuratively saying) isn't too bad. Perfect World could use some nice fresh paint of red.
    Position: Professional Forum Troll
    Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.

    ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    To the OP:

    What it is laughable because you are not going to be a part of it?

    Will you think its not laughable if it is a PK Fest and you become a part of it?

    This thread makes no sense.....why? Because WHO CARES!!!

    Its not like RH does not PK already. Maybe they are just making it a guild event.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I think you're missing the point :P

    #1 I don't don't pride myself in a red name. Why? Because xD what does PKing a noob prove? o.o I'm so tough, I PK'd someone that didn't fight back. :/ so much fun... You guys do realize that your name only turns red from pking someone that didn't fight back right?

    #2 RH pissed me off at one point or another so drawing attention to the fact that they think that they're so awesomely tough to have an event to prepare for other than a normal territory war might prompt other people to target them. (which would amuse me :P) Especially since one of their members told me that they announced the event somewhere on the forums and actually expected that I would take notice of it simply because it was them. I honestly had no clue until one of them said something.

    #3 I only PK red or pink and only when they're in the process of attacking someone much lower than them ^^ equal playing fields are much more fun. Especially when I could use some money o.o So if I'm part of a PK fest it's not unleashing my fury on a bunch of level 30's xD and I don't need a red name to prove anything.

    That's what makes RH's "Red July" laughable.

    Any clearer?
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • bhu
    bhu Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I think you're missing the point :P

    #1 I don't don't pride myself in a red name. Why? Because xD what does PKing a noob prove? o.o I'm so tough, I PK'd someone that didn't fight back. :/ so much fun... You guys do realize that your name only turns red from pking someone that didn't fight back right?

    #2 RH pissed me off at one point or another so drawing attention to the fact that they think that they're so awesomely tough to have an event to prepare for other than a normal territory war might prompt other people to target them. (which would amuse me :P) Especially since one of their members told me that they announced the event somewhere on the forums and actually expected that I would take notice of it simply because it was them. I honestly had no clue until one of them said something.

    #3 I only PK red or pink and only when they're in the process of attacking someone much lower than them ^^ equal playing fields are much more fun. Especially when I could use some money o.o So if I'm part of a PK fest it's not unleashing my fury on a bunch of level 30's xD and I don't need a red name to prove anything.

    That's what makes RH's "Red July" laughable.

    Any clearer?

    My response to each one of your paragraphs:
    1. Yes, you only get a red name by pking some1 that didn't fight back, but that doesn't mean that some1 u pkd is a 3x noob. There are plenty of of higher lvls taht don't pk so they might not fight back. Also, if u pk some1 enough times with them fighting back and losing, they can lose thier hopes and stop fighting back eventually. You would never know if thier going to fight back so you go all out and they'll die before yuo'd realize their not gonna fight.
    2. We pissed u off at one point, yeah prolly u got pkd, big deal QQ more. Every1 gets pkd or get pissed at something (even us), but we don't go around makin new topics about it 2 tell the world. And u say we think we're all tough, we did not say that we're tough on the forums so plz tell me y u think this. Yes totally, we're trying 2 promt ppl 2 target us. LOL wtf. ur the 1 that's bringing attension 2 us by making al these posts. If u don't want us 2 have that attension, how about u quit talking **** about us.
    3. u might only pk other red or pink names occationally, but that's ur opinion and ur choice. We can pk red or white names if we want 2, taht includes ALL lvls 30's AND UP! I mean, all real pkers would pk any1 that they can. U sound like a more pve than pvp, well u know waht, it's a pk server, any1 can pk any1, deal with it or go 2 the pve servers.
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'm sorry, I guess you guys really don't think you're tough if you can't show your faces.

    Also, your reading comprehension sucks.

    I said that I was the one trying to draw attention to you and prompt people to target you. :P Not you trying to draw attention to yourselves. And maybe I like having the right to player kill KSers or anyone else that happened to **** me off? That's why I play PvP and not PvE.

    And who ever said this was a QQ? And who ever said that you guys player killed me? Eh? Drawing conclusions early are we? Maybe you losers were stealing my kills one day and I got angry? And MAYBE said kill stealer ran for a safe zone whenever I went after them for pissing me off. >.<(No names will be said since you guys want to remain anonymous.)

    And take it up with Archer_Soul and Falcioni about your "Red July" I suppose they were lying then. Oops, I mentioned names, I'm sorry, did they wish to remain anonymously part of RedHawk too? I happened to overhear them talking big somewhere around City of the Lost
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • angellicdeity
    angellicdeity Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Also, your reading comprehension sucks.

    What did you honestly expect?

    Johnnie brought their IQ's down some 50 to 100 points.
  • bhu
    bhu Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'm sorry, I guess you guys really don't think you're tough if you can't show your faces.And who ever said this was a QQ? And who ever said that you guys player killed me? Eh? Drawing conclusions early are we?
    I said u PROBABLY, did i say i was totally sure that u got pkd? no. Maybe look at ur own reading comprehension. And i never said what we think of ourselves, so ur also drawing comclusions early. But im not gonna cont. this cuz honestly, it's ur opinion, u think wat u want and i don't want u 2 turn into another Kristoph. b:thanks (And if u don't rly care about us or c us as some threat or problem, then stop goin on the forums and start talkin about us. b:chuckle)
  • Dominatiger - Sanctuary
    Dominatiger - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    Happy Sauce face

    Manufactured by Konariraiden
  • Archers_Soul - Lost City
    Archers_Soul - Lost City Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    hey you never know what red july is... maybe it is a guild event in which players from RH take a break on the normal routine and just focus on constant pking for a whole month? but what do i know... i'm only in RH myself...
    I don't care how old or young you are, how small your **** is, how much of a nerd irl you are or how depressed you are that you never will get laid. There is no reason to act like an A-hole to everyone on an mmorpg. Its a shame that I have to take time out of my day to tell people "stop being an A-hole". So I end with this, if your acting like an A-hole, and some one tells you your being an A-hole chances are your being an A-hole.
  • Archers_Soul - Lost City
    Archers_Soul - Lost City Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    and btw this thread makes no sence. all i see is a person QQing about a guild event next month. maybe your scared? maybe your mad you cant be apart of it? maybe you know you will get pked 4x as much on july? i think your forums rights should be taken from you for putting up a fail post liek this.
    I don't care how old or young you are, how small your **** is, how much of a nerd irl you are or how depressed you are that you never will get laid. There is no reason to act like an A-hole to everyone on an mmorpg. Its a shame that I have to take time out of my day to tell people "stop being an A-hole". So I end with this, if your acting like an A-hole, and some one tells you your being an A-hole chances are your being an A-hole.
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ohh, one finally shows themselves, I'm shocked, but then again I suppose I already knew you were in the guild. You and your "bot hunting" excuses.

    Also, I think you were the one QQing about QQing xD what an idiot. And your reading comprehension sucks too. :P I just thought I'd give a few people a head's up on your dumb little "guild event." because I like crashing parites. Also if I were afraid I think I'd be doing like everyone else in your guild and hiding my identity.

    And you there, who posted from sanctuary. Of course you don't care, you don't even play on a PvP server O.o what are you even doing on this thread?
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Zephyrx - Lost City
    Zephyrx - Lost City Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    If Red July = All RedHawks go Red and never lvl up for one month...

    It means what? Yea....I think I could probably out level most members of RedHawks.

    Well, good luck on your Red July folks. Just try not to hang around Secret Passage or Silver Pool too much
    Position: Professional Forum Troll
    Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.

    ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    In response to Red July, I'm instituting RH Drop Wednesdays. Every Wednesday in July, camp some RH and PK them until they run out of dolls.
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • Archers_Soul - Lost City
    Archers_Soul - Lost City Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ohh, one finally shows themselves, I'm shocked, but then again I suppose I already knew you were in the guild. You and your "bot hunting" excuses.

    Also, I think you were the one QQing about QQing xD what an idiot. And your reading comprehension sucks too. :P I just thought I'd give a few people a head's up on your dumb little "guild event." because I like crashing parites. Also if I were afraid I think I'd be doing like everyone else in your guild and hiding my identity.

    And you there, who posted from sanctuary. Of course you don't care, you don't even play on a PvP server O.o what are you even doing on this thread?

    ahhh... i remember you your the noob who's whole guild i owned at city of the lost and you started QQing mad hard about it. and the bot hunting thing... yea there was a bot over there from hate guild and incase you havent noticed yet, there is a veno bot over there MOST of the time. i suppose you didnt see that dead body laying down on the ground for a long time after i killed it? and QQing about QQing.... hmm. are you stupid? you must not know the difference between QQing and speaking out and giving advice on how not to look like an ****, much like yourself. and what did you accomplish when you made this post? QQ and tell our little secret that everyone knows about? and my reading comprehenson sucks? wow i strongly disagree with that. yes yes i'm sure that i'm the only reason that you made this post. its ok... its ok thast your mad that i killed you and eveyone in your guild you called to kill me... its ok dont be sad *pats head*. and you think this post would be "crashing our party"? well i have no clue how this post will "crash our party"? and who was hiding our identity? i'm not. only 2 ppl from RH posted on here was me and Bhu. yes, Archers_Soul and Bhu. so yea fail more on this stupid thread and i look foward to seeing you again. btw next time you call your guild on me bring 5+ ppl and dont make em all 1 shots like the ones you brougth last time. b:bye
    I don't care how old or young you are, how small your **** is, how much of a nerd irl you are or how depressed you are that you never will get laid. There is no reason to act like an A-hole to everyone on an mmorpg. Its a shame that I have to take time out of my day to tell people "stop being an A-hole". So I end with this, if your acting like an A-hole, and some one tells you your being an A-hole chances are your being an A-hole.
  • FedTehNoob - Lost City
    FedTehNoob - Lost City Posts: 557 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ahhh... i remember you your the noob who's whole guild i owned at city of the lost and you started QQing mad hard about it. and the bot hunting thing... yea there was a bot over there from hate guild and incase you havent noticed yet, there is a veno bot over there MOST of the time. i suppose you didnt see that dead body laying down on the ground for a long time after i killed it? and QQing about QQing.... hmm. are you stupid? you must not know the difference between QQing and speaking out and giving advice on how not to look like an ****, much like yourself. and what did you accomplish when you made this post? QQ and tell our little secret that everyone knows about? and my reading comprehenson sucks? wow i strongly disagree with that. yes yes i'm sure that i'm the only reason that you made this post. its ok... its ok thast your mad that i killed you and eveyone in your guild you called to kill me... its ok dont be sad *pats head*. and you think this post would be "crashing our party"? well i have no clue how this post will "crash our party"? and who was hiding our identity? i'm not. only 2 ppl from RH posted on here was me and Bhu. yes, Archers_Soul and Bhu. so yea fail more on this stupid thread and i look foward to seeing you again. btw next time you call your guild on me bring 5+ ppl and dont make em all 1 shots like the ones you brougth last time. b:bye


    +10 b:chuckle
  • Nerithos - Sanctuary
    Nerithos - Sanctuary Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Lolwut. This makes me sad I'm not on a PvP server.

    Also, is every single bloody person on LC and the like that bad at spelling and grammar? Can you guys type and **** without killing the eyes of people who read?

    That being said, I'm gonna have a nice little tea party now on my carebear sever. Thank you very much and lrn2English.

  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Also, is every single bloody person on LC and the like that bad at spelling and grammar? Can you guys type and **** without killing the eyes of people who read?

    See, PvP servers only need the ability to type to flame people who PK them, and the lowbies they PK, so basically most of that ability has been lost in favour of the far easier to type br.
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ahhh... i remember you your the noob who's whole guild i owned at city of the lost and you started QQing mad hard about it. and the bot hunting thing... yea there was a bot over there from hate guild and incase you havent noticed yet, there is a veno bot over there MOST of the time. i suppose you didnt see that dead body laying down on the ground for a long time after i killed it? and QQing about QQing.... hmm. are you stupid? you must not know the difference between QQing and speaking out and giving advice on how not to look like an ****, much like yourself. and what did you accomplish when you made this post? QQ and tell our little secret that everyone knows about? and my reading comprehenson sucks? wow i strongly disagree with that. yes yes i'm sure that i'm the only reason that you made this post. its ok... its ok thast your mad that i killed you and eveyone in your guild you called to kill me... its ok dont be sad *pats head*. and you think this post would be "crashing our party"? well i have no clue how this post will "crash our party"? and who was hiding our identity? i'm not. only 2 ppl from RH posted on here was me and Bhu. yes, Archers_Soul and Bhu. so yea fail more on this stupid thread and i look foward to seeing you again. btw next time you call your guild on me bring 5+ ppl and dont make em all 1 shots like the ones you brougth last time. b:bye
    Wow people die to your 600 damage shots?
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    See, PvP servers only need the ability to type to flame people who PK them, and the lowbies they PK, so basically most of that ability has been lost in favour of the far easier to type br.

    Wow people die to your 600 damage shots?

    And because Kristoph and I get along so well, especially when he starts to talk:

    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Yeah, when they don't care to get their main xD and Mr. 600 shot has an hp charm. Come on, a level 64 cleric? Arcane armor without an hp charm? And he's proud of this accomplishment? Wow, then what does he normally take out? Level 30-40 players?

    But it's okay :P some of the lower levels in our guild took out his HP charm, God forbid he actually ran across one of the higher levels. He left out where he got murdered over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER again because he was dumb enough to keep coming back. Sure :P maybe he didn't die to me, but you know, it doesn't erase the fact that it happened. Makes me wonder how often that happens to him. Didn't seem like that was a one time event.

    But I suppose that would look bad on RedHawk if he mentioned that.

    Oh, and uh, Archer_Soul... posting anonymously like your buddies do is hiding their identity. I sure they don't want to make it known who they are, it's embarrassing to be in Red Hawk for them I suppose, or else they would have proudly displayed their Lost City avatar. And if they had any balls at all they would take this as a challenge to redeem themselves and post to say something without the anonymity.
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    And because Kristoph and I get along so well, especially when he starts to talk:

    Congrats, you can crit 3.7k on an unbuffed light armor user. I'm so impressed.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Congrats, you can crit 3.7k on an unbuffed light armor user. I'm so impressed.

    LOL!! I have plenty of screenies where I have hit that and more (one log I have only has one crit on it). I can show you my 75-80 log if you like, before all of my skills were maxed. (FYI --- I do not claim to be the best and know I cannot match the damage of a of people...just in case thats the only thing you can say back.)

    Get off the low box you like to stand on and come up with some better responses. You always seem to disappoint me.

    However....unbuffed or not, we have been through this: You are not the best wizard out there yet you feel the need to flame other people with there damage.

    Hmmmm....btw....still obsessed with RH much?

    b:bye Rose out
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Boojangles - Lost City
    Boojangles - Lost City Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Yeah, when they don't care to get their main xD and Mr. 600 shot has an hp charm. Come on, a level 64 cleric? Arcane armor without an hp charm? And he's proud of this accomplishment? Wow, then what does he normally take out? Level 30-40 players?

    But it's okay :P some of the lower levels in our guild took out his HP charm, God forbid he actually ran across one of the higher levels. He left out where he got murdered over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER again because he was dumb enough to keep coming back. Sure :P maybe he didn't die to me, but you know, it doesn't erase the fact that it happened. Makes me wonder how often that happens to him. Didn't seem like that was a one time event.

    But I suppose that would look bad on RedHawk if he mentioned that.

    Oh, and uh, Archer_Soul... posting anonymously like your buddies do is hiding their identity. I sure they don't want to make it known who they are, it's embarrassing to be in Red Hawk for them I suppose, or else they would have proudly displayed their Lost City avatar. And if they had any balls at all they would take this as a challenge to redeem themselves and post to say something without the anonymity.

    You talk too much
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Your archer buddy does too :P

    Nice to see the leader has some balls. Nice change from the rest of your members
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....