Zero_cool - Sanctuary Arc User


  • You are doing the joke here, you are most of the time attacking with Red Raiders or Enelysion and the only reason that its not 100% always like that is because other ppl understand it too and try to get the time slot with Regicide and Legendary.. dont try to take ppl for more stupid than they are ;)
  • Since when Nefarious payed other factions to attack their rivals and win because of that???? The only faction Nefarious ever help in TW is Eminence since its it sister/smurf faction but its not just pay for attacking .. they were helping Eminence to developpe and also in pve ( fb/bosses etc) Nefarious never asked other…
  • Its like in real life, there is not always someone to see what happen, there is not always a police officer to give a fine if you sell achool to under-age, and even then, you are not in the faction to see them receive their blame.
  • Whats the point of pure trash talk?
  • So Regicide never trash talk anyone on the faction chat? They only do it on the world chat? And i'm sure Regicide would never brag about any achievement either, they only brag when they win one land against Nefarious. And i'm sure that if Regicide win over Nefarious, they will not conquer all the map, because they are nice…
  • Can you explain to me something: why if you want a multicolored map, you send last week all your forces to defend against outlaw and recluse ( when you can give other guild the chance to own a part of the map) and sent only 40 ppls around on the nefarious war ( giving them by that way a territory for sure).. that for me is…
  • oh and yes, im not a nefarious member either.. actually i dont play this game since 8 months now b:chuckle
  • that conversation started over a legendary member making a coment on devalis taking money over his members.. that was the purpose.. so i clarified the situation that devalis isnt recieving any more money than any nefarious member unlike legendary does and that nefarious members arent getting less pay, that was the all…
  • That was before when they start the war against nef.. still you get lot more pay than 1.3 mil if you do each TW in nef ;) thats just logic math.. nefarious got more territories, and give 90% to their members when legendary give 65%..
  • Sorry but its not rumors "removed for asterelle Ps: it isnt nefarious that as started the **** spy thingy ;) cause yes.. its **** to play spy tactics for a game you are suppose to play for fun....... " the all thread is realy long so i wont post it all ;) So before ppl start to critisize nefarious on way they pay or how…
  • All the TW money is listed in nefarious forum in part reserve to officier and i can tell you that devalis neither any officiers use the money for their private use.. And unlike legendary ( that pay their leader 4 milions ,director 2 milions, marshal 1 mil and officiers 500 k) nefarious doesnt give extra bonus for their…
  • i helped you with quest, bosses and talking ( when you were realy depressed about nefarious) and yes i told you some stuff i would not tell to dudes you say im a drama queen, but thats like the first time i realy talk like that.. YOU had to appologize on nefarious forum for making dramas.. seriously, you were the one…
  • sorry ami, but friends dont lie to each others..i stoped to see you as friend when i knew you lied to me... cause it wasnt just the fact you just fake being a girl... it was all those conversations we had about being girls in game, about sharing girls feelings and about all those private stuff you talk with only girls..…
  • nishtara, all the peoples that know you and read this know that we are true.. so now friends might come defending you.. but you see, we were friends before(at least i saw you as friend), and im not defending you..
  • i saw you in seppuku, comon, dont lie, i even said to you on local chat " lol you left amplified" .. and yes im still doing daily quest lol... seriously stop saying i got no clue.. cause i still log each day on the game, im just not playing it.. this is funny how i speak about nistara true will and say the truth about…
  • i dont think you are in seppuku, i know you are in seppuku cause i saw you 2 days ago ;) i dont troll the forum, i actually barely write on it, this is the 2nd thread im taking part of.. and if you think that taking a part of a discussion is trolling, then you wrong.. and about playing the game, i have done it already a…
  • thats strange, you complening about nefarious that are in pk mode.. and when i wasnt (as im never in pk mode), you call me a ***** cause i was in blue lol.. thats for sure a realy mature attitude from you.. i think that ask you to move a bit form the spot when there is 2 ppl on exp scroll is not a big deal lol especialy…
  • yes it was personnal and i didnt get your guild involve in that. i just explained when i left the guild, that i didnt understand him, neither the position you have toward it.. i said in world chat "ami is a dude and not a girl, dont believe if he say so" that is the truth.. i dont see where saying the truth is a drama? i…
  • deadbone, i know sasaki been talking to you many times to solve problems as a gentleman conversation between 2 guild leaders... so why do you criticise the lead now? and dont worry, i know enought my old guild ;) also that from someone i saw pk 4 vs 1 and then trash talk to me when i make the remarke ( no matter who you…
  • you dont understand i think.. the problem here is not nefarious multiple attack.. that is realy fine, nefarious can hold it even if they loose some lands... but at least that will be good pvp the problem is about the way you talk about it... YOU show yourself as the white justicer that will defence little factions to the…
  • i didnt cause any drama and you know it , and you can ask to any seppuku of this epoque. we were then just forming and lietuvis was a friend of most ppl in seppuku and we wanted him in, but he wouldnt join if you dont apologize to him(for pking him on the GM event many times,and then sell the priced item he droped), so i…
  • oh sorry that i write quick so my english is not enough perfect for you about the comprehension i think i have talk enough with you and sinanju and also with nefarious members to be in the exact position of middle.. and like i said i was neutral before that and friend with most ppl in seppuku ( except ami) i have also read…
  • first of all as i have been an ex officier of nefarious;we never ever told ppl to blacklist each other, we tried ( and sometime for A LONG TIME ) to solve issues and make them " make piece" and if it didnt work, as we didnt want to kick anyone, we tell them to either ignore ordo what they want.. its their issue; not an…
  • nefarious start attacking amplified cause they knew long ago that you wanted to crush them ( writings always stay and you write too much maybe) they just go ahead of it its not nefarious fault if no other faction are that big, legendary and shockwave were on good way but then, they had then some troubles point is that you…
  • i dont realy agree when ppl say to not judge everyone the same in a guild... its not like real life, in real life you cant choose in whitch country you gonna born in.. and choose the one with the best political opinions or life level etc... in a game, if you join a guild, that mean you agree to be associated with the ppl…