YabbaDabba - Harshlands Arc User


  • ^ Remember that? You admitted yourself, be against the TOS and said that you would get ban if you get reported. Who doesn't do that...? Longknife drops marshal in Dark so he can run CRJ but has he really fooled anyone? That rule is bullsht. Officer in any guild is just a mask, you can do all the stuff you usually do if you…
  • By powers granted to me I here by announce Born Free is permitted to use any pictures from Mayhem guild chat on public forums. b:laughb:pleased
  • I have stopped doing TM's because supply has simply exceeded demand by far. I have seen many things in "fight" for customers. One time a sin that shall remain unnamed here, actually tried to continuously PK me at hallucinatory trench, and since he failed so many times he even brought back up. All because I was finishing…
  • Animations are cool, frigthen is really funny lol
  • I am not QQing I am expressing my opinion. I said I am disappointed and that I expected more. If that qualify as QQing, than I apologize. Show me where I complained about 5 million? I think you need to re read what I said.
  • Yes because, its obvious: 1.You will use invoke when there is no one else around you to decrease the damage you are not taking. 2. In TW you will politely ask Mr. Towers and Dark / Infamous members to let you be, while you invoke - and than like a r3tard shapeshift form 20 times to get chi back, after which game will…
  • I was little disappointed with new form. I thought it would open another way of playing barbarian class, however it does absolutely nothing at the moment. Yeh I mean you get 20 chi, but cmon. What I was hoping for is something different, something that could give you edge in PvP, this is really lacking for barbs at the…
  • 2nd highest kill amongst Psys across ALL servers!!! Says the big Longknife. Narcissist much but we already knew that right. So reason why I would like 1vs1 is not because my guild sucks or whatever you may think are my reasons, but because I think he can't be that good but I have no problem trying it out just for LOL's if…
  • Just to explain... I don't think Phys def neck sucks on a barb. Specially not because when you get outside SZ you have 70% chance to get hit by sin, and 30% to get hit by all other classes. If you take that sin deals 4 times more damage then any other class in game, and does it faster then any other class in game (except…
  • From my whole post you only had need to comment poking about how you died easily first time? Well that says enough about you. b:pleased Troll less, be more outside sz. Maybe you will make more videos who knows. Oh yeh, but don't go afk, I don't want stupid excuses next time.
  • Thank you for letting me know about video so I can give reply to this thread. *sarcasm* Video is really nice. What follows is few lines that are complete bs, pardon my language. "The barb is full R9, with +12 weapon and +12 R9 armors, as well as primeval shards, along with a cube m. def neck. " -This is not true First of…
  • My wife and me (Stormi_Daze) are doing it. Not so regulary now because so many people do TM69, its sometimes hard to get squad. But you can get in touch with me through PM's or mailbox (or my wife), and we can set up some runs. I think weekends are best time to do it. b:bye