Xaneria - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • those chars left in Caesar are those who have quit or logs in once in a blue moon. MisZ is my sort-of-alt. heh.
  • thanks to all who have been a part of Caesar. you guys have made it one of the most memorable moments of my PWI life. i miss the craziness of the old days when we made so much nonsense in guild chat i laughed till my cheeks hurt. but all good things have to come to an end sooner or later. may Caesar live on forever in our…
  • wat's the bug? him disappearing each time before BH resets? or him disappearing totally? if it's him disappearing totally how can he be back within 24 hours if the bug's only gonna be fixed next week?
  • an hour plus. can't remember.
  • heh i agree that the fight with rad was awesome. u guys are much better than the last time so gratz on that. i tried to kill dan a few times but man ur lil elf legs and wings are fast ><!
  • now that you do....LOWER UR BLOODY PRICES!!
  • will never buy from him...even when desperate
  • i had to glance up to my browser header to check topic title. i tot i stumbled into 'Definition of Trolling. Discuss in 500 words or less'.
  • aw heck. caesar loses in the first real 1 vs 1 and everyone's QQ-ing us. if memory serves me right, tao didn't manage to defend/attack enrage like how they're doing now when they first went up against enrage. it took them a few tries and learning from their loses to become what they are today. and that's what caesar will…
  • we called caesar n enrage vs tao ganking cuz it's impossible to put rad in the equation with them cut off from us *duh* and win or lose....so what? if we lost and ppl left, then so be it. we wouldn't want them in caesar. we want our friends with us. we're family and we'll stick with each other through thick or thin.
  • sad. everything we lil salads do, we get accused. enrage decides not to defend against us and we are called cowards n free-land-takers. oh well, guess we're poor lil salads then. *sniffles*
  • poor salad? if u tot we went 'omg **** we have to 1vs1 enrage this week. no more free land' u're sadly mistaken. i can safely say caesar is looking forward to a 1 vs 1 with enrage with enthusiasm regardless of the outcome.
  • 110% agree with semajoey. we really are not hot and bothered bout being ranked #2 or #3 or watever. we have great ppl in guild (who constantly flood fac chat with craziness), we try to help as much as we can and we have fun TWs regardless of win or lose. IMO, those are more important than fretting over not being #2 in the…
  • just for the record. none of us in Caesar suffer the disillusion that we're stronger than Triad. we knew we fought a weakened Triad. even though they were weakened, they did put up a good fight. and that's what most of us in Caesar enjoyed (after weeks of flat TWs against Rad). besides that, it gave us more experience in…
  • wow hisui, ur predictions are horrifyingly accurate for Caesar. we did win after 2hr and 30 min. b:shocked kudos to Triad for providing an awesome fight for us. u guys did great! =) truthfully, i didn't really expect to win (i'm sorry my fellow Caesar!). most of us were happy just to have a nice fun TW after all the rather…
  • at ur chat box on the bottom left hand...click on the 2nd last button (if i'm not mistaken) that says join a chatroom. then look for SGKopitiam (if it's open). or u can also join CaesarFB to jus chat wif Caesar ppl. we seldom open SGKopitiam already cuz most of us are in Caesar. unless we're planning some outing and don't…
  • hi ziltus~ wahaah another singapore lang. it's open for applications but there's a level requirement of 80. >< and we're running outta slots in guild. but this doesn't mean we can't be friends. u can still look us up for help. sometimes we open a chatroom to chat wif other sg frens who are not in caesar so jus pop by. the…
  • *blinks* seems i'm in a 4-way tug-of-war now? reen, zicorn, semajoey, doghunter. but...sry guys...heart all belongs to dear zixb:cute
  • =) agreed. all the best for ur weekend's tw.
  • the only merge offers came FROM Rofocal TO Caesar, Tao and Evo. the only fault Mia has is putting up wrong info that Caesar, Tao and Evo approached Rofocal to request that Belial merged with XXX guild and our apparent offers were rejected by Belia. no, it was not malicious but yes, it raised hell 'cause it WAS wrong info…
  • b:chuckle bottom line..... oh well. more pew pew fun for us.
  • couldn't agree more. i dun think other TW guilds kick members juz cuz they can't TW. we've had ppl signing up for TW and not turning up but heck, they're still in guild and TW-ing the next week.
  • nope. ALL ur comments, as a matter of fact. but oh, wat the heck, u'll be looking at them through colored lenses, so i guess it's just a waste of my time. toodles.
  • actually i was just refering to ur 'nice' amendment of the meaning of Caesar where u said we're exploiters of bugs. i don't see anyone else exploiting bugs in their comments. and my guildmates were merely trying to clarify the fact that it was not Caesar who approached Belial for a merge. although, i admit, some were not…
  • u do realise that ppl have lives outside of the game rite? she's currently having her major exams so yeah, i think she has the right to put on hold certain guild matters. even then, a merge would affect our whole guild and she would've had to discuss with majority of her officers as well as announcing it to the guild etc.…
  • ROTFL. popped forum cherry. <3 Westie
  • wuh.. no need to go all defensive on me. i'm not flaming or attacking u. and it was just a suggestion not an order. and if it isn't anyone else's business, keep the issue to ur own guild forum.
  • lolz. rofocal, i suggest u keep ur director updated on watever negotiations you are doing. based on what u said, u are still negotiating merges. based on what ur director said, negotiations are over and u guys declined merge invites. get your stories straight b4 announcing it in forums. assuming things only makes asses…
  • please provide proof that caesar requested u guys to merge with us. i don't know bout tao or evo, but caesar's recruitment policy is by referrals ONLY. there was no history of us wanting anyone to merge with us. frankly, we don't even need any merges at this point.