I am also a claw barb with 200 dex. I have never tried a minimal dex build in pvp so i cant say i know how it compares. I do know that i dont really feel hitting is that much of an issue unless sins use their evasion skill. It also depends on your gear. Much of the stats at end game come from gear. When you have to give up…
Havent played in 6 months. :) I figured it should be easier now. Didnt figure anyone would solo mobless though as mentioned in this thread, but i assume solo means dual client there. Dont really imagine it happening without HF unless its luck based where the sin simply hopes his evade skill will keep him alive long enough.…
Spirit points are only an issue in the very very very beginning. Soon you will have all your skills maxed, then you will get them all demon or sage. You dont need to make a choise between skills. Your spirit point remark tells me that you are rather new to the game. Many players you are playing with have played a bunch of…
The weapon molds are usually advertised in WC for 6m. the armor molds are not advertised, but surely peiple will sell them to you if you offer enough to make it worthwhile for them to wait for you comming to pick it up. For some squads 3m will be fine. 6m will help make them look for your molds a little better probably.…
nab server.
Only well geared sins take 3 shots to die. Even mediocre full R9s sins will die to 2 shots. So an R8+5 being a 3-shot is an illusion really. And when many casters hit me for 10-20k standard and LA toons have about the same magic defence as HA toons, you surely will be a one shot to all those casters too, certainly when…
Barb you mean. That seems to be the only one thats meant to be APS since R9 is around actually b:chuckle
I dont know how much damage the new toons do since i have been out of the games for... gosh its almost 6 months now. All the old toons damage output when skillspamming arent so very far appart. If my barb is index 100, maybe they range between 80 and 110 at most. 4APS R9sins would be index 200 on that same scale. (a bit…
I envision you with a squad full of assasin todlers running around. Maybe just start BB and move it every 30s and tell them to stay near mama. Or dont heal the first one but start stacking IH on the second one to teach the first a lesson. :p
If you are the only cleric in squad, i expect 1 of 2 things: A: You are a nab cleric so you do what a cleris is made for which is heal. B: You are a pro cleric and you know PWI well enough to look at the tanks gear, at the stuff you are fighting, estimate how much healing he will need and DD if appropriate, heal if needed.…
About the aggro mechanics: Aggro reset does not exist. Ream, roar and alpha male all do the same thing: Set your aggro equal to that of the one on top of the aggro list and add an x amount on top of that. The x amount is made of 2 components. The damage you do with the skill and the extra aggro effect. I have tested it in…
Even when using skills, half the aggro comes from the damage you do. To increase your aggro: Get better gear (R9, weapon refines, other things that enhance damage) Get strength instead of vit Get stomp of the king Get your aggro skills level 11 Still, you wont hold agro permanently against better equiped DDs. You can…
For PvE content needed classes arent much of an issue anymore since half the server can solo or duo most everything. Barbs and clerics still are the only classes people still care about for FSP though. For PvP, what factions need is primarily extremely well equiped characters. If you dont think you will be, it doesnt…
To answer some of the things that have been said before in this thread: APS still will produce about double the DPS output that Skillspam does. And thats for a demon barb who crits nearly every hit in skillspam, a sage barb does significantly less damage even at equal strength. A sage with vit build (300 str), the damage…
I dont really agree you get similar survivability in R8r. However, there surely is a point to doing that anyway. If you can afford R9 its probably +10 also. In that case, the damage you can put out is only a little less than APSing and the defences you have are pretty much endlessly better than aps because APS sins are 1…
You delete the character and make a new one.
Just kick the alts from squad when its time to random. For pages i never worrried much. I always just announce how many pages there are total and then run around dropping them 1 by 1 so everyone can get their share if they want to (most dont even care to pick em up so the last few who stay in the instance because they do…
I would suggest OBS because it is light (demands little of your pc), easy to use, free, no stupid limitations (can record for many hours no problem), and has a good quality/filesize ratio. The downside of free and easy to use of course are that you have few fancy options or features. But i dont really see what you need…
a bug helped the top factions get their slots filled with S cards ? b:chuckle
If after 6 years you are not yet able to easilly farm TT and you also dont like merching, you will never get R9.3 probably. I think you need to make the choise between enjoying the game in poverty (making another toon maybe and questing all the way etc, enjoying the scenery) or move to a game that is not about building…
This, I havent played any games before where it is as easy to become filthy rich.
How are you at starcraft Xaner ? Nice music with the vids :)
Hard to believe since i APS with +10 for double the DPS that i can skill spam with +12. And Demon strength barbs also happen to be DPS gods. I am very willing to believe that some classes outDD the demonstr barb a little, but not 2x, that would be retardedly unbalanced and i would have noticed every mystic taking agro from…
Sorry, really only possibly by attacking too early. The damage difference between APS classes on those bosses and any non-APS class is so huge that it is not even interesting to know your and their refines. No non APS class can out DD the high end APSers on the old bosses. Not even if you`re +12 vs their +7.
I personally dont think mystics are among the most OP pvp toons. (When i think OP, i think sin & barb for 1v1, veno, psy for masspvp, archer for TW support role). But the differences arent that big that you should refrain to R9 your favority class whatever that class is. In TW or NW, any well equiped caster will 2 shot me…
No there arent physical immune mobs. There is only the tombstones in normal lunar map 1. But you dont want to kill any tombstone in TM lunar (they cause a second boss to appear if you do). Usually in normal lunar we carried a dual client cleric around for the tombstone, but even without it, any toon can kill that 1 mob…
Also, it does a few different attacks. 2 of them matter: Purge and some dot. Together they are lethal. The 3-2 and 3-3 versions still purge but dont cast the dot i think. But his normal attack hits harder. I dont know about 3-2, but 3-3 seems significantly harder to me. To be more detailed, a script for everyone: All…
With single drops i dont really see a problem. With double drops i agree. Espescially when it was the first day of double drops when people dont yet know, it seemed very popular to make free lunar bh runs if it so happened to be BH on the first day of 2x b:sad That 500k profit for the squad maker when it is not 2x i think…
Invigorate does 20% extra damage, that makes the difference for a small range of barbs i guess. It will not be enough for a G16 barb and it will not be needed for an R9 vit barb. Mobs have 1.1m HP When me and my BM buddy were G16, it was as follows: I Sunder (with hammer not axe) for about 100k, He HFs with an inferior…
hey, dont forget the barbs AOE skills ! b:laugh