Treza - Lost City Arc User


  • that is what i like to call an inferior being :P
  • ... _______________________________ and redsrose, alright. but if it hasent worked after all this time what makes you think it would now?
  • let it be known that of those who've insulted me, none have brought any opposing points to the table ps. i dont even like conqueror, my guild of choice is ragequit! but anyone who denies conquerors power over the server is just an idiot
  • by that time the conqueror attacks would be done and a new faction would own a mass amount of land, conqueror would just be left alone until they have tons of land again
  • pretty sure i dont meet the requirements and who the hell are you/keep dreaming you might swing for men, i dont
  • umm..??? biggy is lv 97 im pretty sure he knows how to play/pvp/pve/pk/killyou
  • and when people are given whats the truth this is how they react
  • oh is that so? thank god you told me that or i would have kept thinking conqueror would attack 10 lands at once, thank you! conqueror is the strongest and they are BY FAR the strongest! they can resist 3 attacks from the other guilds easily and even if they cant? who cares? so they lose some land, and when everything…
  • hhhh when will you people realize that conqueror isnt going anywhere??? conqueror has over half of the top 100 players on the server! even if the rest of the best banded together and formed an army to attack conqueror the best they could send still wont be equal to an AVERAGE group of conquerors.. sheesh!! spectral +…
  • I think you've got this situation twisted. not everyone is as naive and dumb as you. conqueror is on top, and people who lack the power to change things complain about it and spread lies. example: player a(weak) does and fb with conqueror Conqueror(strong) gets a good drop by random loot selection and doesn't give it to…
  • my first post i clearly stated there were 3 people and if you read my second post youll see me say two 6x and one 8x, 2+1=3 on top of that it never started out as one barbarian, in my first post i never even named a class. stfu
  • i have 1.1k hp. the barbarian who got 3 hits in was in tiger form. and was weilding tt60 barb weaponry, so it wasnt 8x. it went like this: hit 1 = charm tick hit 2 = me with like 200 hp hit 3 = right after i used distance shrink, a potion, and a hsaiko thing.(500 hp instant heal) i got into safe zone and my charm ticked…
  • 1. if this indeed happens, why not just place 2 fake bids and make it 1v1? 2. i've seen people under the name of rangers in game 3. you've never heard of me, yet i have a guild. if i post a successful bid that means i'm fake? 4. who cares. you're obviously too weak to stand up for your so called cause, because you're…
  • why did you mail it back? i have yet to get loot from anyone but when i do it will be going straight to the auctionhouse/npc's
  • there are many factions i respect. for example: conqueror ragequit well actually i guess there arent many i respect but anyway! just 2 great factions that really bring it to their opponents people who i dont respect. sg1owns their leader, one of their marshals, and an executor all tried to pk me about 2 nights ago in the…
  • attacking any player will result in a 1 minute countdown where your name is light purple, during this time you CAN drop items. you have either a 10% or 30% chance of dropping (1) stack of items up to 20 in that stack killing a player with a colored name will NOT make your countdown last any longer than 1 minute if you…
  • my charm has never ticked from 1 hit for anyone below lv 45, so far im not having any trouble defending hits from people.
  • well neither of these situations have happened to me before, but if i were you i would watch out for them. because while i was getting ressed yesterday i was thinking.. hmm.. scenario 1. you get killed and then the guy offers to let you pk him, he has no plan to let you kill him. most pkers have charms so thats almost not…
  • i got a pretty decent story about a guy who failed :P i had just finished killing some veno and a bm who i killed previously decided to come and get some retribution. he saw me in combat and came over, unfortunately for him i just turned my sights to him and slowed/distance shrunk. he tried to fly away and initially did…
  • ill keep my eye open for you :)
  • last time i checked, "gtfo" is not a suitable response to any question, except the question "how would i abreviate.. get the **** off" now ignoring the pathetic alt afraid to post in forums on his real account. really, how do you justify spending cash on them? isnt there things you would consider to be of much greater use?…
  • wizards simply dont suck, just because you cant win a duel doesnt mean you cant be a killer
  • how can you guys even justify spending ur cash on that useless stuff?
  • just went blood red for the first time at lv 35. 15 straight white named kills before a 45 bm got me :P was pretty satisfying
  • hmm.. after some thought im going to say clerics. between the plume shell countdown they can use guardians light and then another plume shell. basically 1v1 if they want to spam heal for 50 seconds and live, they pretty much can at will. they also have relatively high damage, and good control skills. but on the other hand…
  • though i often play girl characters because well.. i hate men, i am a guy :) and this is my first male character in pwi
  • speed pots work in the air noobies these days...
  • are you completely ****? mages have sutra!!! a good mage can spark, pop a spark pot, sutra, and then divine pyro - sandstorm - gush - divine pyro in less than 10 seconds, let me see... from a level 60 mage that should be atleast 30k damage against a random mob! and thats without extreme poison/any genie debuffs. a clerics…
  • yeah, i guess you are right on this one. guess i was a bit of a hypocrite towards sidearm. just another one of those cases where people can give it but cant take it.. :( ill try to change. sidearm i retract my hate towards you and yeah, i want to annihilate everyone :) but im not a fan of dying, though it doesnt happen…