Lost City Official Hit List

ItzPaine - Lost City
ItzPaine - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Arigora Colosseum
All right I just hit 30 and got PKed so everytime some really high level PKs me I'll say his name and if someone kills him for me I'll pay you 20K for it the first dude is Xko thanks in advance.
XBOX Live Gamertag:VincentV4Gaara
MySpace URL:myspace.com/thomashoyt
MySpace Account Name:T Rated
Post edited by ItzPaine - Lost City on


  • U_got_sniped - Lost City
    U_got_sniped - Lost City Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i know xko
    i know him very wellb:angryb:angryb:angry
  • Azazel - Dreamweaver
    Azazel - Dreamweaver Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    20k for pk? pfft you must do better than that
    how about 1 GA + 100k?
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    All right I just hit 30 and got PKed so everytime some really high level PKs me I'll say his name and if someone kills him for me I'll pay you 20K for it the first dude is Xko thanks in advance.

    get used to it, i got pked at least 50 times from 30-40
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I don't get how you get PKed so often. On my new lowbie I've gotten attacked twice only and he's 35. Once by some RedHawk BM, who failed to kill me and eventually walked away and whispered "bich". Once by some fail wizard named Revolution, whom I killed twice after switching to this character. Didn't see him at hidden orchid again that day.

    The amount of PKers isn't big at all, and most are stupid as hell.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Azazel - Dreamweaver
    Azazel - Dreamweaver Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    wat Kristoph mean:
    "There are 2 kinds of PKers: Coward and Stupido"

    jk >;}

    If you don't like to be pked, join PvE server and stop QQ =.=!
  • Sleekit - Heavens Tear
    Sleekit - Heavens Tear Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    20k isn't enough to wipe your **** with.
    IOnce by some RedHawk BM, who failed to kill me and eventually walked away and whispered "bich".
    If you don't like to be pked, join PvE server and stop QQ =.=!
  • Thelegion - Lost City
    Thelegion - Lost City Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    All right I just hit 30 and got PKed so everytime some really high level PKs me I'll say his name and if someone kills him for me I'll pay you 20K for it the first dude is Xko thanks in advance.

    go tho lvl u and make u stronger that u can do.b:victory
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I don't get how you get PKed so often. QUOTE]

    my guildies didn't either b:chuckle they saw it happen tho on some occasions, everytime I logged in I was a running joke.

    *logs in* "ey bob, u dead yet?"

    fun fun
  • ItzPaine - Lost City
    ItzPaine - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I have no problem with PK but it's rediculous how a Level 80 can attack a level 30 they really need to fix it to where you have to be withing 10 levels of each other because I didn't even do anything I was just questing and walking by and next thing I know I died and lost items that I worked hard to get that's just stupid and unfair.
    XBOX Live Gamertag:VincentV4Gaara
    MySpace URL:myspace.com/thomashoyt
    MySpace Account Name:T Rated
  • Jonno - Dreamweaver
    Jonno - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You play a PK server expect the worse
  • Zephyrx - Lost City
    Zephyrx - Lost City Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Hey, lets all list our PvP Hit List!

    Name: Liger
    Class: Barbarian
    Faction: RageQuit
    Level: Over some random number...
    Bounty: 1337 coins

    Name: Devil
    Class: Squishy as hell Archer
    Faction: Conquerors
    Level: Under 100
    Bounty: 1 coin

    Remember kids, screenshot the kill. Then I'll pay the bounty b:cool

    P.S. Yea, I can't pay higher than that... I'm really poorb:chuckle
    Position: Professional Forum Troll
    Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.

    ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Hey, lets all list our PvP Hit List!

    Name: Liger
    Faction: RageQuit
    Level: Over some random number...
    Bounty: 1337 coins

    Name: Devil
    Faction: Conquerors
    Level: Under 100
    Bounty: 1 coin

    Remember guys, SS the kill and say ZephyrX owns (insert name). Then I'll pay the bounty b:cool

    Rofl at the Bounties! +1 b:victory

    And who needs Bounties anyways.....just kill if you see. Or at least try, I give more respect to those who keep trying rather then those who threaten and QQ to safety because they were hit once.

    More so, putting up a good fight in some cases is worth dying for b:cute

    The problem's are the pk'ers who only think they can hit someone but no one can hit them or you KOS. I love those people!! But I will not waste my time hunting them down. If I so happen to see them though, I might just give it a go! Besides...levels? Eh....

    But a word of advice
    --> PvE servers are said to be fun, if you don't like = re-roll
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Flamex - Harshlands
    Flamex - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    pvp server for people wh love pking or people kill people that trash talk if ur to of a wusss to get back up and go on with ur life instead of staying down on the ground and cryingb:cry then go to a pve server and stop whineing
    Im bringing SEXY backb:laugh
  • Flamex - Harshlands
    Flamex - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    kill my sister and i give u 1 millb:victory good luck she runs alot lvl 84 light veno and annoyingb:victory name is hailme and make sure u get a snap shotb:victory i wish u a marry pk
    Im bringing SEXY backb:laugh
  • Azazel - Dreamweaver
    Azazel - Dreamweaver Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    PvE server is booooring at late level -.-!
  • Flamex - Harshlands
    Flamex - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    b:victoryPvp server is fun i love the pk wars and the clerics wiz venos barbs and other bms that are not a sword bm they are easy to kill

    i was a lvl 39 and killed a 51 both had charms i had sword ledgendary he had blue axes achers i cant kill achers 3+ higher thann me and cant kill light venos

    Im bringing SEXY backb:laugh
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    b:victoryPvp server is fun i love the pk wars and the clerics wiz venos barbs and other bms that are not a sword bm they are easy to kill

    i was a lvl 39 and killed a 51 both had charms i had sword ledgendary he had blue axes achers i cant kill achers 3+ higher thann me and cant kill light venos


    why is sword the best then?
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    PvE server is booooring at late level -.-!

    its not gonna get any better. reroll pvp before you do the 8x grind and you won't regret it.
  • Feiric - Harshlands
    Feiric - Harshlands Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    All right I just hit 30 and got PKed so everytime some really high level PKs me I'll say his name and if someone kills him for me I'll pay you 20K for it the first dude is Xko thanks in advance.

    I don't see where the crying is in this post, so why are half the people in this thread pointing their finger and saying, "it pvp srver get ovr it lol." He's just saying he'll pay people to pk the names he gives you. Holy moly ...
  • RazerXD - Lost City
    RazerXD - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Its a PvP Server. When u hit 30 read the slogan "Welcome to Hell".

    Xko is a random pker , all he does is sneak up on low levels while they r grinding.
  • Phsyco - Lost City
    Phsyco - Lost City Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    PVP server FTW!! How can you not have fun seeing all the people QQ and trashtalk from safezones lmao??
  • ItzPaine - Lost City
    ItzPaine - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    All right nevermind about the hit I found out that I don't lose EXP or items if I get PKed and don't fight back so it's no problem and he offered to let me PK him but some high level PKed him so whatever if you high levels think you're bad **** because you PK low level noobs then be my guess after all to each his own.
    XBOX Live Gamertag:VincentV4Gaara
    MySpace URL:myspace.com/thomashoyt
    MySpace Account Name:T Rated
  • Feiric - Harshlands
    Feiric - Harshlands Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    All right nevermind about the hit I found out that I don't lose EXP or items if I get PKed and don't fight back so it's no problem and he offered to let me PK him but some high level PKed him so whatever if you high levels think you're bad **** because you PK low level noobs then be my guess after all to each his own.

    Just stop ... Sounds more like you were crying afterall. *Sigh* Tempted to take back the defending I was doing before in my last post. Oh well.
  • NinJaXXX - Harshlands
    NinJaXXX - Harshlands Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    lol no wories iff there is one sad thing about Rpkers is that once they reach their own god lv 60s with TT weapon they stop lving a LOT to Rpk wish mean ull have time to catch up iff u are smart ooh a poor Rpker have also bad gears ull wana lv fast also and ull pk tem back anyways these Rpkers Trully belive they are making pvp server a favor pking even iff pking a player 30 lv lower soooo do as crimson or conqueror did and lv just LV why u think these guild own servers pker guild LV to slow and ppl DO catch up and get lots off HATE and KOS and they hate it but they GET what they looked for now how long untill QQme dies who CAN tell b:chuckle oooh and Crimson will die iff they take on Rpkers i have heard they have those 2 now
  • Rakthor - Lost City
    Rakthor - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    another QQ post.. oh well, it provides entertainment for us non-QQers, who know it's a PvP server.
  • XEPICxBISHx - Lost City
    XEPICxBISHx - Lost City Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Look, you choose to join a PVP server - get used to PVP.. If you don't like it, you're still low enough level to decide to switch to a PVE server, if this being RPK'd bothers you so much to way to pay ppl to pk them, you should delete your character and start a new one on a PVP server and stay blue named forever.
  • ItzPaine - Lost City
    ItzPaine - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well this thread can be closed because like I said now that I don't lose anything if I don't fight back I could care less so enough with the spam and saying I'm a crybaby unless you really think you're a tough guy by saying those things.
    XBOX Live Gamertag:VincentV4Gaara
    MySpace URL:myspace.com/thomashoyt
    MySpace Account Name:T Rated
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    All right nevermind about the hit I found out that I don't lose EXP or items if I get PKed and don't fight back so it's no problem and he offered to let me PK him but some high level PKed him so whatever if you high levels think you're bad **** because you PK low level noobs then be my guess after all to each his own.

    FYI -- There is a chance for you to drop items if you are pk'd. Be it the odds are small, but you CAN! You just do not lose EXP.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Treza - Lost City
    Treza - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    All right nevermind about the hit I found out that I don't lose EXP or items if I get PKed and don't fight back so it's no problem and he offered to let me PK him but some high level PKed him so whatever if you high levels think you're bad **** because you PK low level noobs then be my guess after all to each his own.

    well neither of these situations have happened to me before, but if i were you i would watch out for them. because while i was getting ressed yesterday i was thinking.. hmm..

    scenario 1.
    you get killed and then the guy offers to let you pk him, he has no plan to let you kill him. most pkers have charms so thats almost not even in the equation, he just wants you to go light purple because there is a slight chance to drop items, like 30% to drop 1 item (stack up to 20)

    scenario 2.
    a cleric kills you, and says oh sorry. (insert random reason for the kill) and he resurrects you, DONT ACCEPT! he is probably just going to kill you again, and if you only carry 1 doll at a time (like me) then the second kill will result in you having no angel and dropping items. when you get pked, always go to town! dont even risk losing another angel if you have it!
    Communist Leader
  • XEPICxBISHx - Lost City
    XEPICxBISHx - Lost City Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Apparently your fly mount is considered "inventory" and not equipped. My friend got pkd from behind and dropped his fly mount while white named, he was realllly upset because it wasn't a cheap one.. I do suggest if you have a nice flymount to carry dolls..