Spectralis - Sanctuary Arc User


  • After the maint. announcement which usually happens every Tuesday, i tried to get in the game waiting for the UPGRADE, today 3/11/15. The game usually upgrades itself (at least to me), NOTHING HAPPENED, seems like the server is kinda dead, i also tried, logging in on different hrs. today, and the results are the same. I am…
  • What is so good of having maintenance anyway? Servers will work on the same way, they were before: A) Frequent Dc's / B) Frozen Game / C) Non-responsive Characters and Commands. In Sanctuary at least, it is impossible to finish a quest or dungeon, without dying in the middle of the quest or, WCing the squad that started…
  • I logged in today (1/6/14) at 10am, and sanctuary server was working fine, after some absence from the game, i returned at 6:00pm and the first thing i noticed was that my toon wasn't able to attack, later, i couldn't whisper to my guild. Finally, my toon, wasn't able to move as commanded, i thought on re-boostin my comp.…
  • Now , that we are gettin maintenance twice a week, pwi could definitely do something about Bootin, mainly in Morai. I agree with many about doin the line quest there and it is practically imposible to get a quest done without mentionin; those with time limit from the Orders. Some ppl dont response, due to the fact; they…
  • Just be glad pwi is still running and you play it, the fact is no matter how much ppl complain , there will be maint. as much as needed it to keep the game. If u dont agree on this, there is always an option to play another game. and then, complain to the team of that game for their maint. as well LOL
  • pwi decides what is best for the game, you don't even know about the working schedule of the team, without counting, we are in Xmas and they also deserve some relaxing time.
  • You aren't gonna die for not playing TW, or whatever u do for just 1 day, but you will complain the whole year, if New Horizons continues to have glitches
  • I laugh about ppl who only live pending of TW, without seeing that we recently had an upgrade and, the pwi team has to be sure it works correctly. If the upgrade doesn't work correctly, the same ppl will be complaining about it later on, after their beloved TW is over. That perphaps could be a part of the answer of the…
  • The DQ's are really a great help, at least to me they are. Have helped my dyein, and in toons' make-ups among other things. There are several hidden matters besides the botting in pwi, to make the company eliminatin the dq system: Why not thinkin on pwi's own interests? for example. It is very obvious that by using rewards…
  • Althought i commented about this in another post, it won't hurt to repetat here again. Many ppl are still surprised, about the Crimson Imperium Upgrade and the problems is has caused and still, is causing to the game. Well !. i am surprised about those ppl as well. Anyone familar with pwi , knows that everytime we get an…
  • "The new upgrade made things worse", well, what is new???, anyone familar with pwi knows that every new upgrade to the game, brings disaster. We have been experiencing this for yrs. I never expected The Crimson Imperium to be any different, what really amushes me is how badly the game has became, not just with the upgrade…
  • Althought ur idea is logical and this game really needs to go back to its root, at this time, it would be practically impossible to do so: 1) Gamers are already used to fcc's and hyper stones 2) Hyper stones mean earnings to the company. 3) Gamers who are in the process of IvIing up via fcc's would complain about not…
  • If u aren't ********, why do u talk about time recordin in pwi???. This isn't a car's raising, it is a mmorpg.
  • I understand the so-called "Human Error", i also understand that things aren't expected to work as planned. But what i don't understand is: WHY DO PPL DON'T PLAN THINGS CORRECTLY TO AVOID HUMAN ERROR? It is always like a Math Ecuation: Everytime there is new content in PWI, the game either don't work like before the…
  • I totally agree with a lot of comments to this post, the matching system simply fails by given the gamer an option to find a lover, really ridiculous. The system should have some kind of disabling buttom, to allow the gamer to use those options they want to use, like the pk buttom does. Considering the mentality of the…
  • I agree with those who are against the "find a lover" option in this matching system. A lot of inmature ppl, ( and i am not refering to kids mainly ), will use this option for the heck of having their own fun at the cost of perturbing others who are really interested in the game itself. PWI must also realize that a vast…
  • Responding: 1) Venos legendary pets aren't gotten just to impress others, they are needed. A veno without these pets are less effective that the one with it. 2) Squads are meant to get difficult tasks done, such bh's, noone will ever get kicked out from them without a reason. However, if the squad cant get a tank, it…
  • That is the most ilogical idea , i have read in this forums so far. Try gettin Herc or/and Nix or the new pets for 9999 items and u will see how cheap venos are. No other class has to pay real or in-game money for this, not even mystics. In addition to this, venos also have to spend money in their gears also. That is how…
  • Assuming is equal than guessing or wondering about something without having a physical evidence. Since u arent really sure how i got my acct. , ur best option is to stay quite. The day u can prove this, don't talk to me in forums, just go directly to pwi support team and accuss me.
  • i play pwi windowed all the time, as much as i have tried, the pet's icon and info. menu is stationary. What i do is moving the squad's menu down a little to watch my pet's info.
  • Avatars in forums can be deceptive. U see them in forums and the real toon can give suprises in the game. So, who is the one who should be careful?
  • I posted a threat with the same problem "Unable to lo in pwi anymore", however re-installed the game and was able to log back in. The new problem i am having now its that my characters' menu doesn't show up after login in so my next step was sending a ticket to the support team. Try re-installing the game again, it may…
  • 100% agree with u on this point, ppl have different points of view regardin things, however, when a business is at the market, it establishes the rules to follow before, it is gonna be done, to whoever wants to do it. In PWI's case, we were told: 1) Sanctuary's Server is a PvE one, many of us selected it to play the game…
  • They should pay attention to the gamers's needs with the same enthusiasm PWI Boutique sells items every month or announnce their famous "Chances packs"+ other type of garabage for sell too. If we are payin to play this so-called "F2P game", we also have the right to voice out our discontent when we feel the game isn't…
  • Your question should be: HOW OFTEN WILL I GO INTO SP AGAIN?? Many ppl believe; they will never have to return to SP cause their toons have already done what it was suppouse to be done there, but the fact is that they always return without knowin it. Helping guildies, a forgotten undone quest, or the simple fact of creating…
  • U have stated this point here already, but; the reality is that not just China plays this game, the whole word does, and just because China likes to play it this way, it doesnt mean the rest of the word does too. When Descent was introduce , we also got the same situation and it was fixed, that is why we have our own staff…
  • This is the worsest decision i have seen in this game for a long time. U are just puttin this very simple according to ur thinking: 1) Free PvP area, 2) Summit a ticket to punish the offenders, 3) Do the same thing again. Instead of this, why don't u assign a GM to constantly watch the SP's pkers?, that would save u and us…
  • Drama and Attitude are associated to pc games and sooner or later, any game will experience them. Probably the main reason for this is : seeking for attention, specially among inmature ppl infiltrated to the game , who never took anything seriously, are bored or simply, want to give a dosis of their stupid attitude to…
  • MMORPG's as i understand them are basically an exploration game played by a community of gamers who share the same interest. The PvP feature was introduce to modify the game a little, but not to set the game apart from its intented design. Many MMORPG's i played in the past, ended up in failure cause they had PvE and PvP…