Soltarr - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Never b:laugh IMO anyway ... crafting just isn't worth it. You'll get way more for the mats then you would for the items you can make. So sell the mats and put the coin towards some decent equipment. Really, the only reason to craft is if it's something you enjoy doing. Typically better than what you can buy from the NPC…
  • 5 Honey Juice
  • For future reference, you may want to check this link out:
  • If you're using a wide-screen resolution, the top and bottom of the map are cut-off. For normal travel, you can just zoom in near the edge than drag the map. But of course you can't do that with teleport - only solution is to use a normal resolution instead.
  • Basically cast it the same way you would on yourself, just select them first. Note though that most players looking for buffs are talking Cleric buffs - while the other classes have their buffs, most are either self or squad buffs. For squad buffs, you don't need to select them - it's automatically cast on you and any…
  • Default way is hold down right-mouse and drag Or if you prefer you can go under game settings, and there's an option to make the A,D keys turn
  • Yellow is warning - in this case it just means you don't have very many arrows. So it basically suggesting you might want to buy more. But I wouldn't worry about it - you'll get I think 500 arrows from your first quest, and they'll last you quite awhile (later levels, you can burn through 500 arrows completing a single…
  • Note that those are crafting skills ... to improve you first need to craft enough using those skills to get the required experience, then visit any elder. For class specific skills, you need a class-specific trainer - it won't say 'trainer' but the class will show up in their name (something like 'Wizard Wu' or 'Tung the…
  • Um ... 'siren' or not, their speed is comparable to any other class - Assasin actually ties with Archer for the fastest base speed - and has a speed boost skill besides. Psychic is slow yes, but it has the same base speed as a Wizard or Cleric. That said, a water tunnel might be kind of cool ... but so many other things…
  • You can already increase how much XP your pet gets by increasing it's loyalty, but AFAIK it maxes out 150% XP for loyalty > 50%. One solution might be to just add another tier or two - like 250% XP for loyalty > 75%, 400% XP for loyalty > 90%. Then you'd just need to feed your pet a lot in the beginning - which wouldn't be…
  • lol ... you can't compare yourself to a veno, they're way easier to solo than any other class. That said, I've played most classes, and I'd agree Sin's are tough (though I don't have bloodpaint yet either). My advice is use Life Powder (made with Apoth skill) - just need to harvest some herbs for it. Gives you +50HP/s for…
  • Level 19, First sprite IS from killing a mob - Ebony Hellduke. Second sprite doesn't have an autopath, but just read the description - I found it pretty clear, and had no problem finding the bush.
  • If you read the description for your skills (assuming you're a magic type class), they'll generally do some percentage of this in damage. It'll also specify in which element it deals the damage. Both would deal the same damage on average, so it really just boils down to personal preference.
  • How about this: As soon as you start channeling an attack on an untouched mob, it becomes unselectable to anyone outside your squad. As soon as that attack is either cast or cancelled, the mob becomes selectable again. So if two players both target a mob and try to attack it, first to start channeling (or start a normal…
  • Personally, I think it would be nice if they just made it more targetted ... So Wraith attacks would be shouted, but only within the surrounding area. By 'surrounding' I mean not just one area (like in normal chat) but a few - like within the town, and any areas adjacent to the town. People getting married or receiving…
  • Already does that - try Alt-Click ...
  • I agree. I just finished (with my archer) some quests around the mines west of Arch, which normally could be a bit ticky with all the aggressive mobs around. But now those same mobs ignore you when you run right through them ... takes all the challenge out of it.
  • Within 2 levels - for the details look here
  • It varies - over time and between servers. Just go to the Auctioneer and look at the Gold Market, see what the bid/ask is. 100 Silver = 1 Gold You need to buy a Groom Pack, and she needs to buy a Bride Pack (30 gold each). Beyond that I don't know ;)
  • You can do it once with DQ20 items (5 each) and once with DQ31 items (10 each).
  • Personally, I'd prefer if it just cycled between aggro mobs (aggro on you or a squad mate, including pets). That would make it useless for botting, but still quite useful in situations where you're fighting multiple mobs. And really, outside of combat I prefer to pick my target anyway, so I can try to avoid drawing…
  • Didn't you pick up your Supply Stash from the starter town? You should've got a nice weapon from it at level 20 - or if you've done your FB19, you would've received a nice weapon from there too. Either would be WAY better than those 2* silver hammers.
  • I play solo most of the time as well, and actually play a variety of classes. Veno's (the 'foxy ones' ;)) are hands down the easiest to play solo - but personally they don't appeal to me either (I do have one, but just as an alt for making some coin). Not really a big difference between the other classes (as far as solo…
  • Go here and read the stickies at the top
  • Great idea - but just thinking it wouldn't be hard to take it a step further - leader marks mobs as 1/2/3 - then anyone (in the squad) can hit shift-1/shift-2/shift-3 to target those mobs. (Allow rebinding those keys to something else of course) Also, may want to give leader an option to allow others to mark mobs - I'm…
  • Yes, you're probably right ... if I was to spam skills. But typically (normal mobs) I only hit it once and let my pet do the rest - so damage-wise, pet actually does a bit more than me. On the other hand, while my pet is doing that I'm picking up the loot from the last mob, moving to the current mob (ready to pickup), and…
  • Same way you've been getting Chi ... 1 Spark = 100 Chi
  • Actually the wolves outside are the same as the wolves inside (at least the first ones you meet). Something to remember when you get that quest - inside you can attack when you're ready, no worries about KS'ing ... plus you get a nifty charm to boost your attack skill b:laugh Anyway, you might want to check out this guide…