Roland_ - Archosaur Arc User


  • hey gm guy.... do what im saying lool it would be awesome.
  • Poison bomb lvl 1 - learnt at lvl 60 a large scale AoE bomb that lowers accuracy and sets poison effect. opponent suffers 30k poison damage and accuracy is lowered by 50% chance of success 30% sage - poison damage raised to 35k demon - accuracy lowered by 60%
  • really? because tt tends to only give me like 10%. then again ive never done a full run so i guess im not sure. people tend to run away at the end
  • so what if they put them back in after the sale at a higher price so that people can still sell for like 25k after sales? after all i get my chips with in game cash selling zen pits plvl and i know others who do it by selling fc. when thre on sale they would be the normal sale price but after sale they would be like...…
  • lol thats why i said 1 toon, just limited to send 1 toon over using your account to another server 1 time ever
  • r9 is powerful BUT psy will = no damage and soul burn along with hits is just the end, r9 wont save you there a veno uses bramble hood and once again your r9 wont save you (i hear this has been taken out of pk but i dont have proof of it so...yh.=) a barb uses the that crazy buff that lowers peoples damage by like 70% and…
  • ... no matter what server im on tw is at like 2am... its just tw... no need for it to be so damn late
  • wing shell for def, stun, element attacks - dead sin... pk for sins and archers is all about the drop just live with it
  • right but if we void step your stund for 10 secs, then we just normal hit you, and btw were both ha and LA (dex req from blade lets us wear it even if we dont build for it) but you can still us own in in a duel no prob if your good... so nether class is "op" its just how good you are at using them
  • BS!!!!! a psy even with the la build gets 2 shots from him, and with 98 unspent points he has close to nothing, also a sekker can solo that dude with a hp charm (look to me), trust me we can do some crazy stuff (solos greedy bloodclaw at lvl 67 with 200k on plat charm) but at the same time so can a psy, that time will = no…
  • yh was not happy with that.... frikin pole blade
  • you see i was looking at the mold you can get for mysterious chips, so no class was listed. u think im going to just get one anyway and see XD after all its just some dq points
  • ... try being a barb and catapult pulling with a mystic... nuff said
  • seeker vs any bm type + 1 edged blur+ dead bm seeker vs any bm type + heart seeker then gemini slash= dead bm ... a seeker is best with a sword and in pvp/duels bm's should just avoid us... even if you can stun at lvl 79 it means nothing due to the buff we get that gets rid of it and gives back 40% hp only real problem for…
  • WE OWN! and yes we can 1 shot a bm since we use magic skills too, and we can move with that AoE that pulls sins out of invis so even if it ports away we can just run to it, however all this POWAHHH comes at a cost... when your a seeker a stun is a stun, you can prevent them with the speed skill at lvl 10 and saged (or dem…