Rewas - Harshlands Arc User


  • Capacity - Is reason fueled by PWI's "lets squeeze MOAR MONEY" policy. (with MOAR i meant MOOOOOOOOĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀR!!!!!!!!) I think they pretty much understand that they f-ed game long ago. It just that people still believe that... I dunno... They wont ruin it totaly. Cuz for free to play it's a WAY MORE EXPENSIVE than p2p…
  • 100% Flaming. Cuz there was nothing new at all! Only same BS as before about capacity. Really, get a grip, find a psychologist attention hoe.
  • Saitada, STFU u lame trolling no-life fat ****. Everyone I think pretty much understands your **** point. -_- Guy asks question, and you flame in the first post already. >.> and idea about new server is quite reasonable. If you look around, it's quite simple to find why, cuz people named really good reasons. and only ones…
  • I agree on that, cuz it's really pain in the but when ya need to wake that late to get on TW or something... And we got 5 servers - all USA time.. That's like c'mon. >.> PWI do somethin about it!
  • Cmon... They just fcked it up, admit it. That was lamest event ever. Whoever invented it should just shot his brains.. -.-
  • Atleast I think that money used for socketing (if we talk about flawless shards and higher) could be more usefull used on refining.
  • Epic +1 Cuz yea, that sure makes sence - carying around dolls when you can be pk'ed every 2 minutes or so. Note for dumb people - it's sarcasm.
  • I didn't meant that people should start to sell their gold 100k one day, with fixed in game selling i meant - posability to buy gold it from npc same as you buy a pixaxe or someting at the same time keeping AH gold trading system. Cuz if that would happen, c-shopers wouldn't have anything left than selling theyr gold…
  • Allright, you really r an idiot. I gues noone told that you are barbar, tank class in this game, and it's pretty normal that you can TANK (im pretty sure you cant kill anyone higher lvl on your own) higher players, that's not the thing you should be proud about, but ashamed that you mentioned it. btw, i got quesiton, are…
  • See, you r an idiot. I'll explain you why. The fact that you can kill people 10+ lvl smaller than you (cmon, where is your pride telling me to fight with you?) doesn't prove your pro pk'er, and the fact that you ARE sugesting that as a prove (that you can do that) to your statement shows that you are rtard. Hope your…
  • Cmon, that wasn't about Crimson doing something or not, that was about KD beeing so overconfident when they realy haven't experienced any real KoS on this server till now and now beeing happy about 3 lvl 80 vs 1 lvl 50. Gratz, great going. Thou i must admit i have no idea how this all will turn out so.. Yea, I see kinda no…
  • I would say somethin like : That would sound more true. btw, I think that 4 people armed with nix killing one crimson isn't... Lets say - not big enough reason to be so sure about yourself. Jeeezz... Chill your ego KD...