Queelen - Lost City Arc User


  • I experienced leeching in at least 9 times out of 10 when squadding with random people. I always accepted invitations both on my Barb and Veno, which resulted in me, tearing mobs apart by scrolling through skills and drying up mana on the Barb or simultenous killing with the Veno and pet combination while the other party…
  • Gosh, it did. Thanks for pointing out though. As English is only a second language of mine and still in the process of learning it, sometimes I make the dumbest mistakes of all time. Worst of all, I think, was the phrase "last yesterday". I'll just go and erase this. (:
  • *snort* I so imagined that. Me and my friends meet up in the afternoon at Windswept Village to kill those pesky beasts around. While completing otherwise pointless quests, covered in blood of aoe slaughtering, we text each other about yesterday's raid and write LOL and ROFLMAO after every second sentence to express our…
  • Actually, it's nothing special. As a newcomer, you can join any other PvE server, 'cuz with the awesome oracle selling anniversary rich kids got to their 80's within a week everywhere. As I think about it, you should start looking for something other than PWI. It will be a big disappointment once you realize, that witout…
  • Exactly. Toss in some walking bull and a few monkey midget man, give them rhinos and robot birds to ride on and everybody is happy. But, as you did that already why not just copy whole map parts, monsters and quests from other games too? It would make everybody happy, to have the ultimate game with 20 playable character…
  • This is my point! With these gold-coin exchange ratios, a lot of ppl will never have a Herc, unless go on insane grinding frenzy at least 3-4 hours a day for more than six months. Yeah, right... True, that it will never be a Herc, even with the best skills, but there were bosses and instances before PW introduced the…
  • Yeah, this is why I gave away my bear. Cycling through skills, and even than losing aggro sometimes. My Golem even if using only a lvl1 Bash skill (didn't really bothered upgrading until now) always draws aggro from me to him, even if I crit twice on the same mob. Same on Eldergoth, just with the lvl5 Bash (came by taming)…
  • Psychotic_Fryed_Chicken? Psychic_Chicken_Pox? The_Psycho_Fowl? Mad_Bird_Flu? b:laugh
  • I think they leave it as it is. This have been made crystal clear. Now they are concentrating on the upcoming patch with the new contents, like the fish people and their underwater houses.
  • Thank you. (: I still be around here, playing with this Veno, but won't really break a neck just to level up at least twice a week. If they make avalaible a payment method for us it will be awesome. Until then, I wait a little. b:victory Maybe the new race will lure back people. Personally I adore everything that's new and…
  • And you think there are no haxorz on this server? None at all? I never donate to them either, simply because I can't. Country is out of even PayPal's range, no payment options avalaible for us. If I could I would "donate" to this server, to get one those good mounts and a Phoenix. But can't, and I have a life to live,…
  • Just replace Flesh Realm with Bash in my opinion. Bears aren't made for high damage output. Tame a scorpion for that. With Bash it has a decent attack and can keep aggro. But you should ask some other Venos in your guild too. I know someone from my previous guild who still uses her bear at around lvl 70, and she is happy…
  • Sorry, the attack speed is a mistake from me. But it's still the best damaging pet, well... except from Legendary. Magmites are THE pets worth investing in, if you can't save up for a Herc or Nix. Tough comes handy for me, when sending in the pet to a larger group of monsters, or fighting a strong elit/boss. I never had…
  • Why can't have both? I think, that they removed one of the bear's skill so it has only three now, right? But if you want only one, than go for Bash. Flesh Realm is a DDS skill and the bear has only average attack, so won't do much damage per second. Only purpose for it is an all-rounder tank, in which case maxing Bash is…
  • Just a thought: PWI can shut down too. The most popular private servers are online for years and only shut down if the players, especially donators go away which won't happen as they get a lot more for their money there. Besides, who playes a game for long years? It becomes really boring.
  • Nah, there are servers where you have quite normal XP rates, only difference from this version is that you can get CS items with average grinding, so who can pay and get thing with clicling one button will still have a little advantage, but only so much, that you can compete with. To be honest, all stuff after a day is…
  • Scorpion - Any DPS skill will do, 'caouse the strong point of a Scorpion is their incredible attack speed and damage, even without skills. Try Flesh Realm, Claw and Pounce for example. But any attack skill is good, they inflict 140% of the pet's base dmg even on lvl1. If you have space, maybe a Threaten or Tough to make…
  • I just laugh on PWI after this update. Do they really think, this is the way to keep a regular player base, including the paying ones? Well, no. They don't make charching Zen avalaible at some countries at all (like in mine), and where they do, it's only by a PayPal type which is useless for those who -though have money-…
  • On later levels you face more and more monsters with strong magic attack, and even if it's not necesarry (you can always use a Golem, Eldergoth, etc. and heal it more than once) it can be fun and useful to experiment with pets that make excellent performance in these areas. Also, when you fight bosses which require a…
  • I was very dissapointed in the cub when played with it, so few weeks later I gave it away to a friend of mine. It always lost aggro and killing was painfully slow with it. My favourite tanks are Arpeggio the Golem, and Hannibal the Eldergoth Sharpshooter. The living rock is the ultimate cookie-cutter with it's incredible…
  • As I love experimenting with pets, I have some free bag space and currently keep two magic tanks. A Frost Antelope and a Frog. They both do well, but the Antelope works better for me. Not so rounded and average in everything, but with it's incredibly high attack mobs die pretty fast, even if I don't do any damage just farm…
  • I just love people who come to these topics, saying "Oh, but you can just get a job, earn some money and get that legendary sh*t much faster, instead of grinding for it". Try thinking OUTSIDE of the almighty, blessed America if you can, because most other countries only have PayPal-like payment methods (lack of pre-paid…
  • Any of you honestly thought, that PWI will hand out free zen outside of their main market's range? Sad thing is, that this INTERNATIONAL game is actually an AMERICAN game, if you wan't to use CashShop. And you definietly wan't to use it, especially on PvP servers. But alas, who dosen't live in America, can grind for coins…
  • That must have been a painful experience. :D I usually use this term, when my predicment of a boss was wrong and the selected pet fails miserably or vica versa and the monster gets owned. Funny thing is, that there were times when my almighty golem got **** so hard, I didn't had the time to blink, while the fragile…
  • Opening a favourite GM thread. = Licking other's boots for favors. = Fail. That's all folks, enough said. Have a nice day, heh.
  • I don't like using internet terms to describe my feelings, but I LOL'ed when saw the topic. Guys, you are getting ridicolous, I think. These names and words offends you because...? Why, exactly? I have seen tons of characters and pets romaing in this game with names like shiny ****, b*tch or lick_my_p*ssy. True story. The…
  • I personally don't want to avoid it, but someone said in this topic, a few posts ago that PvP server is good for fresh 30's (who state elseway) and it's actually nice to get one-shot killed a lot, caouse it makes you sneaky, teaches you to hide, instead of driving away from the whole game. This why I said, it's quite…
  • How can you be sneaky about one-shooting? You hide behind a tree or a bunch of mobs and say: Yay, I was sneaky, they would never look after me here! :P Seriously. How can one avoid being PKed if some tards wait outside citys or questing spots for fresh victims all the time? How is constant hiding/avoiding can be called…
  • Yes, I definietly remember that one particular quest. I had no Herc/Nix (and with such coins rates I will never have) and had to fight with not just the other mobs around those Taurocs but the players as well, who did the same quest. It's a little anyoying that you can't team up on some quests, it would be so much better…
  • Yes, one CAN level through the 30's but why would do it, if it's a constant pain in the **** and brings no enjoyment at all? I love PvP, but I don't consider one-shot killing as any kind of fight, especially not fair fight. I don't do it, never did and never will and I wish there would be more people understanding this,…