I know what you mean and i fell the same way as about half the time i alt-tab the game will crashe on me, but it's pretty much written right here - -The Alt+Tab anomalies are a known issue -There are way too many possible configurations of PCs out there to try and…
I'v had that problem as well but it seems this is a knowed issue and will not be adressed as alt-tabbing is not supported. Or so it says in the FAQs section of the main site. The only solutions is to either stop alt-tabbing all together or play in windowed mode.
The quest you automaticly gain at level 9 is not the cultivation quest. And you need a certain culti level to activate Call to duty quest so it's indirectly broken until the culti quests are fixed.
I beat the 2 quests involving the darkbreed wolfs by myself when i was level 20 there not that hard whit a veno as long as you make sure not to aggro more then one of them.In the event that you do just run for the water and then try again. Just get a magmite pet for there hight def and have it tank it while you alter…
There should be no problem once it's fixed you'll just have to go to the npc and start it, your level shouldn't change anything.
The patch probably won't be applied until next week, in the best case scenario this will only be fixed on monday.
I'v seen that error before it sometimes happends to me when i'm full screen then i try to alt-tab to use another program, when i try to tab back into the game it sometime crashes and gives me that error. This only happends if i try to alt-tab and the game itself as always run smoothly for me whitout any errors.
Even using 50-60 testers for a week you won't come anywhere near close to testing as many features as 10k players will in a single day. As much as i'm annoyed by this bug you can't retest every single thing in the game everytime you make a new patch that would take months. The fact that a bug like this could appear is…
I'v had this problem as well if i alt-tab when playing this game it will crash most of the time.O also when i mean crash i don't mean BSOD it simply pops me a error window when i try to go back to the game.
The problem seems to be whit a broken trigger that makes the npc not allow you to get the quest even if you meet the prereqs clearing out your quest log wouldn't help any.
What really annoys me above everything else whit this is that well if there was somesort of notice on the main site or on the laucher about this bug i would have seen it 2 days ago when i started playing and i wouldn't have jumped head first into this bug. So please at the very less if you don't know when this will be…