But then he'll cheat and put it into mag so he can tank BIDS e'ry day D:
5characters. answers in blue. edit: answers in failed code.
Or be like 90% of the sins on my server and only get sparks l0l.
Let's not forget the nuke damage between a mystic and a demon veno. Spamming venomous scarab and natures vengeance. Mega wood deboof :Q___
tt80 at 100/101 is teh l0lz. if the OP has 200k rep, i'm positive clean r8 will be better. feel free to calc me into humility - but it's not like +5 is hard to get.
Mystics seem to be very wanted for caster vana lately.
Is your culti caught up? That could also be an issue.
BH and CS of course. Do NOT FORGET the tideborn quest chain, it should push you to 60 in about a days work. It'll also give you tons of mirages and coins :D You can start it by going to the elder in raging tides.
Pack sales will be all this week, which will shove a TON of tokens into the server probably pushing their price closer to 9k at the end of the week. Regardless of how low gold goes, I'm certain it won't dip below 1mil.
5 gold for just the magic - which like i said, 5 x 1,400,000. And gold is nearing 1.5mil on my server.
1 str 9 magic is best for a psychic. Optimal build for max damage since you shouldn't be tanking much. Genie color doesn't matter, however the yellow/orange one (Zeal) has a starting skill that allows you to lure.
Although she has a point, kind of - I'd say don't go with any vit. There's a great website, for once you know a little better about the game and what kind of gear you would like to have later on called It'll help you see where you'll want to cap things like STR, (and vit if you really do decide to get any). For…
If you have r8 (200k reputation) you can usually use those daggers until you can farm enough money for the -int nirvy dags.
5 APS with deicides is kind of like rounding up the length of your disco stick from 5->10. It's lying, and makes people angry when they let you in (their squads).
Let me be honest, you may like the character you have now - and it may have taken you a while, but the amount of money it would cost for you to restat would be so much better spent to make a new character. You can get from 1-30 in under an hour simply grinding with hyper EXP stones. Let's say it would cost you 10 gold to…
.___. oh. yeah. I restatted. lol.
Herc. /endthread.
Although this would be kickass. One note is that crit% glitches out and stops working past 90%. (or 80, one of the two).
Kind of skipping all the replies just to say this. Sorry if someone already did. I think everybody should do what works for them. But as always, don't get crazy. (example: **** people) If you feel happy in an online relationship then go for it. If you don't, then don't do it. It's not like you HAVE to do it. Me personally,…
I'm asian o__o!
I'm just considering the option. It seems like something I'd be really good for and it'd be working with something I love haha.