Assorted questions of a total noob.

godofallbears Posts: 0 Arc User
edited September 2011 in Dungeons & Tactics
As the topic says, this is a few of my questions that I have as a noob that I need answering.

1. What class is best for someone who likes being either unkillable, having a pet, or always having a button to press?
2. What is a good estimate of what zones I should be in at which levels?
3. What server should somebody who likes to talk....a lot, about seemingly random things (I once talked about the feasibility of riding a microwave), feel at home at?
4. Is PvP in this game a joke?
5. What is a good idea of endgame content?
6. What perks do the various races get?

Post edited by godofallbears on


  • _Perses_ - Lost City
    _Perses_ - Lost City Posts: 1,917 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    1. I would suggest a BM/sin/Barb or Psychic for being unkillable at end-game (with the right gearing), having a pet...mystic or veno, or a button to press hard to say...probably a psychic on this.

    2. If you have cash you can use to level just run up to Snowy Village (top left hand corner of the map in The Harshlands) and buy big rooms or solo frost runs. just make sure to have hypers and use the x12 exp option.

    3. No real clue o.O....

    4. Oh god yes.....God yes.....

    5. rofl...what endgame content? Besides standing around talking or, if you are aps, solo'ing HH for profit.

    6. Just different HP/MP gain.
    Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~

  • sangodoc
    sangodoc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    As the topic says, this is a few of my questions that I have as a noob that I need answering.

    1. What class is best for someone who likes being either unkillable,
    Well, considering you called yourself GodOfAllBears, I'd think you'd like to be a panda barbarian. They get the most HP per vit of any class, which makes them pretty tough to kill.
    having a pet,
    Either venomancer or mystic, if you want an attack pet, though any class can have non-attack pets (called "all-class pets"). Venomancers have more variety of pets they can tame, but they are female only and have to grind to level up their pets. Mystics all get the same four pets from their skills (plus some plant summons), but those pets automatically level up to the caster's level when summoned.
    or always having a button to press?
    Sounds like cleric or mystic to me. Cleric you can heal, buff, remove debuffs, debuff, and attack, so you always have something to do. Mystic is a jack-of-all trades, so you can attack, trigger your pet's attacks, heal, buff people for healing if they get injured or resurrection if they die, send energy to your pet, summon a plant for attack/debuff/healing, and guzzle another MP potion, because you'll go through a ton of MP as a mystic.
    (For reference, prior classes I have played: Paladin(~snip~), Necromancer(~snip~), Sustained DPS(~snip~, ~snip~, ETC.))
    Mentioning other games isn't allowed in these forums. That prevents both advertising and "which game is better" arguments.
    2. What is a good estimate of what zones I should be in at which levels?
    The quests you get will send you to level-appropriate zones. There are very few spots that mix high-level monsters with low-level ones, and even then it's usually just one high-level.
    3. What server should somebody who likes to talk....a lot, about seemingly random things (I once talked about the feasibility of riding a microwave), feel at home at?
    You should base your choice of server on whichever ones have the lowest ping time (the smallest MS you see listed when you select the server when logging in) and whether it is PvE (Player versus Environment) or PvP (Player versus Player). If the ping times are fairly similar for you, then the time zone the servers are in may be a factor as well.

    The servers are:
    Lost City - This is a West Coast PvP server.
    Heaven's Tear - This is a West Coast PvE server.
    Sanctuary - This is a West Coast PvE server.
    Archosaur - This is a West Coast PvE server.
    Harshlands - This is an East Coast PvP server.
    Dreamweaver - This is an East Coast PvE server.
    Raging Tide - This is an East Coast PvE server.
    Lothranis - This is a European PvE server (French).
    Momaganon - This is a European PvE server (German).

    On PvP servers, once you reach level 30 then anyone can attack your character and you can attack anyone else. On PvE servers, players normally can only attack each other if they go into PK (Player Killing) mode, which lasts for 10 hours minimum. (There are still a few areas, such as some rooms in the Cube of Fate, in which PK is always enabled.)

    The East Coast servers are on Eastern time (EST or EDT, UTC -5 or -4, respectively), the West Coast servers are on Pacific time (PST or PDT, UTC -8 or -7), and the European servers are on Central European time (CET or CEST, UTC +1 or +2). A lot of events on PWI happen in the evening (8:50 PM - midnight), server time, so if the ping times are about the same you might want to choose based on which time zone works better for you.

    For more information on the servers, see the Servers entry in the PWI wiki.
    4. Is PvP in this game a joke?
    I don't PvP, so I can't answer that question.
    5. What is a good idea of endgame content?
    Most of the high-levels I know do Nirvana runs to tweak their gear and Territory Wars. Beyond that, I'm not sure, I've only hit the low 80's myself.
    6. What perks do the various races get?
    For that info, check out each class at the PWI wiki, and make sure you don't miss the Class Statistics page for a breakdown of how your levels and attributes affect each class's various stats.

    Hope that helps!
    Visit the PWI wiki for the useful information. Stay at the PWI wiki for the pie. ;-)
  • godofallbears
    godofallbears Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Thanks to both of you for the answers. I wound up rolling a venomancer. Considering making a panda barbarin for laughs.
  • TolanSky - Heavens Tear
    TolanSky - Heavens Tear Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    1. What class is best for someone who likes being either unkillable, having a pet, or always having a button to press?

    For Pets you want either Venomancer or Mystic. Unkillable... thats a tough one because almost any class can be killed under the right circumstances and in fact one of the games spiritual cultivations actually requires you to die in game which is tough if you have an HP charm active at the time. As far as having buttons to push, I personally like Seeker in that regard, but Cleric is another viable option as is Wizard and Psychic :D

    Macro's are a button pusher's best friend though.
    2. What is a good estimate of what zones I should be in at which levels?

    That's a tough question, and also depends on what race you start as. Though ultimately if you pay attention to the quest guidelines in your Rookie Guide, then you will have a rough approximation of which zones are ideal for your level.
    3. What server should somebody who likes to talk....a lot, about seemingly random things (I once talked about the feasibility of riding a microwave), feel at home at?

    Not sure here... Every server has their merits, but it depends on what you are looking for, PvP, PvE, or Role Playing will determine what server you end up on.
    4. Is PvP in this game a joke?

    That kind of depends on if you have 1.5k+ USD to drop in order to obtain the Rank 9 Gear that will enable you to participate in PvP with the same effectiveness as the other Rank 9 Geared individuals.
    5. What is a good idea of endgame content?

    Territory Wars, 1 on 1 PvP, FF, Heaven & Hell, BH100, Nirvana, and other High Level Instances make up the majority of the end game content.
    6. What perks do the various races get?

    Primarily access to unique classes and skills.

    Human = Blademaster & Wizard Class
    Untamed = Animal Form, Barbarian & Venomancer Class
    Earthguard = Seeker & Mystic Class
    Winged Elves = Start with Aerogear, Cleric and Archer Class
    Tideborn = Tideform, Psychic & Assassin Class

    Other than these there isn't much unique about the various races other than their different Aerogear and physical appearances.
    Acc 1: TolanSky ~ ● Seeker / Daearena ~ Mystic / ThornLily ~ Veno
    Acc 2: Veilana ~ Sin / QueenBlubrry ~ Cleric / Lemondrop ~ Psychic
  • Nahla - Harshlands
    Nahla - Harshlands Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    As the topic says, this is a few of my questions that I have as a noob that I need answering.

    1. What class is best for someone who likes being either unkillable, having a pet, or always having a button to press?

    Venomancer wearing heavy armor

    2. What is a good estimate of what zones I should be in at which levels?

    [COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]Just follow where your quests take you, PWI isn't very grind oriented when it comes to leveling. It's mostly quests to a certain level and then you start doing instances for levels (Such as Frostcovered City)[/COLOR]

    3. What server should somebody who likes to talk....a lot, about seemingly random things (I once talked about the feasibility of riding a microwave), feel at home at?
    [COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]I'm on harshlands, there are a few decent people here. But I don't think it's a very good server for new people.[/COLOR]

    4. Is PvP in this game a joke?

    [COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]It depends on what you call a joke. It's very unbalanced if that's what you mean.[/COLOR]

    5. What is a good idea of endgame content?

    [COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]By content do you mean armor? If so then +12 r9 with jades lol.[/COLOR]

    6. What perks do the various races get?

    [COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]Races don't give you anything special, mostly about classes individually.[/COLOR]


    [COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]Welcome ;D[/COLOR]

    answers in blue.
    edit: answers in failed code.